Sir Thrift-A-Lot
Thrift Share Monday
In the snowiest day of the year so far, we thrift.
Driving through the city at 40 miles an hour, we thrift.
(not pictured - mint #441 Blue Horizon from Value Village)
Vintage 1966 Linus & Lucy figures. Generally not a fan of Charlie Brown, but I couldn't say no. They were in two different bags of random toys, one had 7 iDogs in it, for $2.99 each. These are going on my new toy shelf located in the bedroom.

An amazing orphan shaker - vintage pink deer. My how I want the set now, you can buy them for me on eBay RIGHT HERE for $39.00 even or a starting bid of $10.99 with a BIN for $25.00 RIGHT HERE. A pair recently sold for $3.24 & another for $29.99. I cannot wait to own them! I paid 99cents for this little guy.
Thrift Share Monday
In the snowiest day of the year so far, we thrift.
Driving through the city at 40 miles an hour, we thrift.
(not pictured - mint #441 Blue Horizon from Value Village)
Vintage 1966 Linus & Lucy figures. Generally not a fan of Charlie Brown, but I couldn't say no. They were in two different bags of random toys, one had 7 iDogs in it, for $2.99 each. These are going on my new toy shelf located in the bedroom.

An amazing orphan shaker - vintage pink deer. My how I want the set now, you can buy them for me on eBay RIGHT HERE for $39.00 even or a starting bid of $10.99 with a BIN for $25.00 RIGHT HERE. A pair recently sold for $3.24 & another for $29.99. I cannot wait to own them! I paid 99cents for this little guy.

Does anybody else go look up the price of things on eBay when they get home after buying them? I'm just always so curious!