Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thrift Score!

Thrift Score!

Went to a couple thrifts, but only picked up a few items & here they are!

My fav find is the vintage "sizzling nude" playing cards! The box is in terrible condition, but the cards are in great condition, which is pretty good. I think I'd be a little more concerned if the box was in great condition & the cards were in terrible condition - if you catch my drift. At the same thrift I picked up this James Dean clipboard/writer/whatever. So for a buck I picked myself up 25 pieces of original 1987 James Dean lined paper! The clipboard/writer/whatever is bent in a weird way, but I suppose a die hard James Dean fan would still love to ogle it. Also a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sheet from the 1980's. I couldn't remember if I had one of these & I still can't. Also some neat Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles birthday cards - 3 of them, found at a different sheet at the thrift & in the same bag with the Strawberry Shortcake (which will be for sale in my soon to be etsy shop - waiting on that damn credit card!)


All Value Village finds, BTW.
Windsor in about 2 weeks. Thrifting adventures.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hulk Hogan & Pyrex

The Hulk & some Pyrex!

My, my.. goes to show my diverse taste!

Picked up on two different days, Sunday for the Pyrex - a damn arm, leg & a $10 bill for the Pyrex! Nice 045 with lid, but damn, $10! Cheaper than an antique store, will probably never see this in a thrift with a lid again & they led me skip the penny - was actually $10.01! & a 1991 Titan Sports, Inc. WWF sheet complete with Hulk Hogan, Jack the Snake, The Bushwackers & more! $4.04 & quickly taken over by my beautiful pitbull, Charlie.

Joining in very late, but as everybody knows - better late then never, to THRIFT SHARE MONDAY.

Pee Wee Herman - Before He Was Famous

Pee Wee Herman - Before He Was Famous

I'm a huge Pee Wee fan, so I just had to share!

Pee Wee Herman Before He Was Famous
Pee Wee Herman Before Fame
Paul Reubens He Was Famous
Paul Reubens Before Fame

As we knew him in his hay day..

Monday, September 26, 2011

WTF? Tuesday! #4: Miss Piggy

Last week was a gigantic clown, this week it's a gigantic pig. That lamp shade in the lower left ain't no prize either.

Thanks for joining this week! Can't wait to see what you've spotted...

WTF? Tuesday!

I've decided to create a party, a weekly party. I really hope it catches on & others take part! I love to see the items in the aisles that make you shudder, the ones you have nightmares about, the ones you think, "who in the hell bought that in the first place & why do they think someone would by it again?" or better yet, "who in the hell bought this in the first place & why the hell am I buying it again?" Your horrors. Your messes. Thrift store shame. The things nightmares are made of.

So let's begin...

1. Please include a link back, hopefully including a button.
2. No adverts for your store please! Shall be deleted.
3. Do not include thirft store shoppers (EX: this is not a "People of Wal-Mart" party).
4. If it's not "work safe", please include the the abbreviation "NWS" in your title when adding to the party.
5. I am not responsible for nightmares.

1. Miss Piggy  3. stuck clown  5. Snow Globe of Pee  
2. Thrifts of Terror  4. Butt Ugly Sofa  6. Spare Time Hobby  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Quick post before bed tonight!

My boyfriend & I went up to the West 49 outlet we had heard about from a girl at my work near Warden & Eglinton & to my surprise right at the bus stop there was a Salvation Army. Now Salvation Army is my favourite thrift, but it has yielded a treasure or two in the past, but more often than not, I am leaving empty handing.

To my surprise they had this Federal bowl.. $3.99. I do already have this bowl, it's packed away in a box somewhere & I am glad to have another. A few chips around the rim, but the graphics are still so colourful it will look beautiful on display. Last weeks trip to Mississauga brought this very cute retro Lord Nelson Pottery elephant string holder in yellow - $1.51.

At the outlet my boyfriend was lucky to score a killer pair of DC boots for the wintertime. Last year they had them at Boathouse & the hipster working there had told my boyfriend, "YA, DC doesn't make these in size 13." Low & behold, a year later.. for $49.99 marked down from $159.99, we got the boots! A couple shirts too..


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Random Junk!

Random Junk!

Not much happening on my thrifting end this week - kind of a bummer, but I did find some random junk today.

The Simpsons - 1990 - Randim Marketing Inc. Happy Birthday paper plates - Sealed (49cents)
Beetlejuice - 1990 - The Geffen Film Company cards - Sealed, 2 packs ($1.00)
Norfin Treasure Troll giftwrap - 1992 - Artfaire - Sealed (25 cents)
Superman wrapping paper - Sealed (25 cents)
Super Mario Brothers 3 Nintendo toys - Sealed ($2)
Dakine covert leash - Sealed (99cents) - for the boyfriend

Also, a beautiful 401 yellow Pyrex bowl from Goodwill for $1.51. Decent.

That's all folks! Maybe next week will be better.

I do have a question. For the Nintendo toys - should I leave them in the packaging? Vintage McDonalds toys are worth as much as they are ever going to be worth & you can get them for rock bottom prices. I would love to have them on display, but I am wrestling with the idea of opening them... what do you think? Open them for display or keep them in a box...?


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vintage Butterprint Pyrex Advertisement

(click the image to enlarge)
$4.95 originally for the set..

Monday, September 19, 2011

WTF? Tuesday! #3

Thanks for joining in this week! Can't wait to see what you've found!

WTF? Tuesday!

I've decided to create a party, a weekly party. I really hope it catches on & others take part! I love to see the items in the aisles that make you shudder, the ones you have nightmares about, the ones you think, "who in the hell bought that in the first place & why do they think someone would by it again?" or better yet, "who in the hell bought this in the first place & why the hell am I buying it again?" Your horrors. Your messes. Thrift store shame. The things nightmares are made of.

So let's begin...

1. Please include a link back, hopefully including a button.
2. No adverts for your store please! Shall be deleted.
3. Do not include thirft store shoppers (EX: this is not a "People of Wal-Mart" party).
4. If it's not "work safe", please include the the abbreviation "NWS" in your title when adding to the party.
5. I am not responsible for nightmares.

1. HUGE CLOWN  4. Merry Mushrooms Gone Wrong  7. Candy Time  
2. Vonlipi's Favorites  5. Laura HGElementalMercury  
3. Creepy Giraffe/Horse Creature  6. soul sucking lady  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Thrift Share Monday!

Another load of fun finds!

Here's my favourite of the week being held up by my bestie,
a vintage tea towel - Irish Linen, "Owls by Ulster".
I love the colours & the graphics are amazing! I want to frame this & put it up on the wall, I find it much more fascinating & it looks much more pretty than the mass produced prints my boyfriend wants from Ikea! I could tell he wanted to burst out laughing when I told him my plans..(Value Village)

A very close second -

PINK GOOSEBERRY. - #475-B Casserole.
Have been so jealous of everybody's finds in pink Pyrex! I thought I would have been jumping for joy when I found pink at the thrifts, but I think with the price tag it didn't hit me like it should have. Value Village.

Also above, you'll see two beautiful Fire King mugs (up for sale in my future ETSY shop - you can see the update at the end of this post) & a groovy Fire King bowl! MUGS - Goodwill. BOWL - Value Village.

Another Irish Linen I couldn't leave behind since it read DAISY CHAIN. Future ETSY shop item.

& these:

& finally I bring you this KMFDM vinyl - Juke Joint Jezebel. Definitely one of my favourite KMFDM songs, one I had been listening to since I was quite young. I was excited to find this on the same stop as the pink Gooseberry. Had been to the store the day before too!

Here's the video, check it out!

OKAY, linking up too..

So, I had updated my address & set up my shop the next day at about 4PM. 4:37PM rolls around & I get a called from VISA LOSS PREVENTION - my credit card has been compromised. Have to pick up my VISA from the bank.. they wouldn't ship it to my house. Seems like ETSY doesn't want me..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1950's Quite Contrary Platter

A couple items I picked up today.

I have truly fallen hard for Midwinter Pottery this time. A quick stop at Goodwill on the way home launched this retro 1950's piece into my collection. It's from MIDWINTER MODERN & it's the QUITE CONTRARY designed by JESSIE TAIT. It's been brought to my attention that there is a Midwinter Pottery book: Midwinter Pottery: A Revolution in British Tableware. I totally want this book. Not at this price. But you know, I totally want this book. Keeping my eye out. You never know what will turn up at the thrifts. On another note: I don't hear much about other people collecting Midwinter. Possibly since it's British? It's beautiful stuff. My last piece was straight outta the '80s. This piece is straight outta the '50s.

I got a set of 4, mint condition bowling/bowlers drinking glasses. At 99cents a piece at Value Village, I loved adding them to my collection. I have a feeling that this aren't as old as I might like them too be.. they seem to pristine to be vintage. What do you think? I've done a few searches with no outcome. I haven't seen any similar graphics on newer items. I'd still like to think these are from the '50s or '60s.

thrifting traveling schedule:


Monday, September 12, 2011

WTF? Tuesday!

WTF? Tuesday!

Welcome to the second edition of WTF? Tuesday!

This week for me, no taxidermy, but just as horrifying, I've got this work of art below! Even more horrifying for me, is this is something my ex-stop mother would have created thinking it actually was a work of art. She had horrifying taste all around - the entry way to the house? Orange & black with a painted picture of a dead tree. On the porch? A dead tree painted white in a gift bag she got from the dollar store. I was so embarrassed of the house I used to get my friends to drop me off at the neighbours.

Can't wait to see what you've found!

WTF? Tuesday!

I've decided to create a party, a weekly party. I really hope it catches on & others take part! I love to see the items in the aisles that make you shudder, the ones you have nightmares about, the ones you think, "who in the hell bought that in the first place & why do they think someone would by it again?" or better yet, "who in the hell bought this in the first place & why the hell am I buying it again?" Your horrors. Your messes. Thrift store shame. Thrift store stupidity. Idiotic things for sale. The things nightmares are made of.

So let's begin...

1. Please include a link back, hopefully including a button.
2. No adverts for your store please! Shall be deleted.
3. Do not include thirft store shoppers (EX: this is not a "People of Wal-Mart" party).
4. If it's not "work safe", please include the the abbreviation "NWS" in your title when adding to the party.
5. I am not responsible for nightmares.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  3. Thrift of Terror maybe NSFW  5. Laura HGElementalMercury  
2. Vonlipi's Favorites  4. Scary Rabbit  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Thrift Share Monday!

Thrift Share Monday

Taking part in Thrift Share Monday today!

I picked up this lovely leopard print hat box for $3.99, hat boxes are a long lost favourite of mine & leopard print is always a must in my books. The only hat box I have left holds a bunch of the boyfriend's chords & I had found it in the trash many, many years ago. The vintage golf bag swizzle sticks, which I think are a complete set at an 8 count, were $4 during my trip to Windsor at the One of a Kind Antique Market. Owls also picked up at Talize on my trip to Windsor. Made in Mexico & another item to hit up the Etsy shop when it arrives.

What a lovely Pyrex dish. Yesterday I did a posting for a 'Who Wore It Better' after picking this up at Goodwill for $4.04, lidless, lid is borrowed for the photo op.. absolutely loving this. I have seen pics of this one online, but the colour is absolutely bold & striking in person.

What do you think of this radical bi-centennial plate? It's so thick, I love it! 99cents at Goodwill!

I couldn't say know to this $2.99 Dick Tracey flat sheet. Also picked up on that trip to Windsor at Value Village. I never would have thought my ass would be on Madonna's face. Who knew?

I've put off opening up my Etsy shop for one main reason - laziness. The only thing I had to do was make a phone call to Visa to update my address from the move. It has been 2 & a half months - lazy. I'm glad I waited. The guy I spoke to waived my interest for the next 2 months - that would have been almost $250! Feels too great!