Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Friday, July 26, 2013



Another stressed week. This is the first time in almost 5 years that I have started to seriously actively seek employment. Not something I want to do & hopefully won`t be hard to match what I am currently making.. keep you updated. 

I didn`t thrift much, but did manage to scour up some decent finds. Oh yeah, posting early this week since I will be out of the house all day tomorrow (Import Fest & I`ve got a date.. with the BF). 
Vintage Literals. I don`t have many of these. I have a radio that says radio, but that`s all I can recall on the spot. I have been searching for a magazine rack for quite awhile but haven`t been able to find one perfect enough to bring home... this is it. Welcome home. Home sweet home.   

I bought all these swizzle sticks at Salvation Army for a quarter. Rarely buy anything at SA, but brought home 2 items this week. I am really found of these swizzles, especially the Royal York. This is where the Queen stays, I know right, when she comes to Toronto. From what I understand, gold dust is in the windows. or something. I was told during Doors Open Toronto one year that the room is never the same when she comes. Wouldn`t that be nice? The vintage Esso glass is in my ever growing collection. 

More Holly Hobbie stationary.

Sealed Herself The Elf party plates & some buttons/badges for my collection. 

I also found this fabric, which I listed on eBay..
I wouldn`t mind keeping it, but whatever.
I couldn`t leave it. It`s got 2 watchers. Drives me cray when watchers watch but don`t bid, lol.

Thanks for linking up last week.. can`t wait to see what you found if you link up this week. 

Thriftasaurus Thrift Haul Linkup #45!

  • Submit your blog link of your latest second hand finds! Whether it be from a thrift store, estate sale, yard sale, flea market, in the garbage, on the bus...
  • Please don't submit old posts or non-relevant material - thanks in advance.
  • Thanks a bunch for joining in & keeping Thriftasaurus alive, fun & successful. I love doing it everyweek.
  • Please link back to my blog - Sir Thrift-A-Lot so others can come see what we've all found & be inspired to shop! 
  • Please don't link up your Etsy or eBay shop. Muchly appreciated.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I love the swizzles, I never find any around here.

  2. Nice find on the magazine holder. Have a great weekend at the festival. Thanks for hosting.

  3. Ahhh, I need that "bitch, bitch, bitch" badge!!
    Dear Thriftalot, let me tell you what happened to me this week---a huge tree branch fell off of a tree I was parked under and wasted my windshield. I don't have comprehensive insurance, and its considered one of those pesky "acts of god", so---I'm on the hook for the 200.00 replacement!

    It has been a hard month.
    Nice swizzles. Maybe I should go have a drink :0

    1. come over to my house. I need one too. terribly bad.

      very sorry to hear about your car. hope you come across some cheap cheap cheap stuff in the thrifts that is killer.


  4. love the magazine rack I have 2 of them (not like yours though) I can't seem to leave them behind even though I should

  5. Hope your quest for a new job continues well and that you can get to that 'other side' of the stress that causes. Good thrift hunting wishes for next week. Thanks for hosting this week.

  6. Swizzle sticks are something that I never find! Probably a good thing though. Like I really have any business collecting anything else.


  7. I know what you mean - I want all watchers to bid!!!

  8. I'm sorry you have to go through the job search drama, that's always tough. Hopefully you find something soon!
    Love the swizzle sticks! I'm not sure why, but I really want to collect those. What a fancy hotel!
    The pic you left in my comments was glorious! That booth is really pretty. Maybe one day I'll make a ton in the booth so I can head up to Ikea and get a shelf like that.

  9. Posted again and linked up again. Hope your week is going well. Thanks for hosting.

  10. You've got some great finds there. I use to have those swizzle sticks! Flashback

  11. Good luck with the work/job search thing. I went through that last year, after 6 years with a company I was laid off, and spent 11 months (nails on chalk board) looking for a job. I think it's all worked out, working somewhere where I may be able to stay for the next 25 years and retire at, but at the price of taking a huge pay cut. I'm sending happy job searching/matching salary thoughts your way.

  12. The Esso glass is super cool!

  13. Especially love the Holly Hobbie stationery and the birthday plates. Great finds and thanks for hosting! Love seeing everyone's loot!
