Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sir Thrift-A-Lot in Rednesday

A lot of RED this week (at least for me). 

My first RED purchase (well, RED & BLUE) is this cute vintage tablecloth. I had to ask a woman for help in Goodwill to overlook for any repairs or holes. She was happy to help & besides some stains (that hopefully Oxy can clean up), it was good to come home. My thoughts: this will become a thrift regret. I could have gotten a shawarma instead. & this would look great on a table (which I don't have) with Butterprint! Once I got home, I felt, no regret, this tablecloth has a new home.

I bought these 2 vintage towels today. I have desperately been searching the shelves for a New Kids On The Block towel that I can sport at the beach, but it's been almost 2 years & nada. I came across these today. I think the poodle one is ridiculous, but they look like they're having so much fun. What year do you think they are from? 1950's? 

And I found one of these little guys today. I had been searching for them over the holiday season. I've only found 2 of them, together, in their original box... a very long time ago. This guy still has his Made In Japan still on his butt. 

So yeah, joining up with REDNESDAY with It's A Very Cherry World

Saturday, January 26, 2013



Kind of a 'crappy' week on my end. It all started on Monday as I was leaving work, just before clocking out for the day someone walks into the store, takes a crap in front of the customer washroom & then walks out. Uhhh, OK. We just implemented a washroom key, so was this like the ultimate protest? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday absolute freezing temps here. When I was checking out the weather, they were forecasting warmer temps in Nunavut & Alaska than in Toronto. So.. that said, I kept myself home those days. Thursday, my friend & I had a thrifting adventure planned, but her personal trainer kicked her butt & she was injured & had to stay home. I went out & about anyway (finds below), but left prematurely.. it was just too damn cold! Friday, I had a huge thrifting trip planned out, but some winter weather was headed out way, so I shortened the trip. As soon as we got out, the bad weather started & we came home again, prematurely. Cars were slipping & sliding everywhere. There was a 70 car pile up on the highway, a 30 minute drive on the highway took my boyfriend brother almost 4 hours. The roads were frightening, I'm glad we turned back. & today, we were going to go out.. but we just stayed in bed. All day. Now I'm here. 

I bought this Terra 475 casserole from Value Village. Terra isn't a pattern that (at least) I see around here, so I was surprised. I enjoy this pattern. I wasn't sure if Terra was a pattern that could be fixed for utensil marks or not, I tried briefly after taking this photo.. doesn't seem like it? Will still give it a go. Probably why it was still there, lol. I've seen some awesome cleanups online, so I thought this had a chance & I guess with Terra it's actually marked in the paint once there is a utensil mark? Any input? I held it up to the light in the thrift shop, it didn't go through the bowl... if it did. I wouldn't have bought it. 

Ok. I absolutely love this apron. This suits my attitude to a tee & I couldn't have found it on a better day - when I got home I had 4-5 hours of housework ahead of me! Surprise! It didn't get done.

I collect these Paula C.M. Co. writing tablets, although I only have about 10. I haven't seen one in a long time, so I was happy to find this one from 1991. Looks so Saved By The Bell influenced. It was in a grab bag with what I had thought was a pencilcase full of pencils, but when I got home it was a bunch of makeup brushes that were never opened & had the perfect eyebrow brushes that I have been searching for. The eyebrow brushes of my dreams. 

The weather ain't looking too pretty for this upcoming week either. We'll see how it goes. I'll be living vicariously through all you guys this week! Can't wait to see what you find

Linking up to:
<a href="">the nifty thrifty
with a living space.

Would anybody interested if I held a weekly party inspired by both A Very Cherry World's Rednesday & Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday? Or too many linkups? 

Link up below for Thriftasaurus!

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Saturday, January 19, 2013


This week I did a major cleanup (major for me) & donated enough stuff to fill up the donation bin at the front of the store. We had an exterminator come in on Friday & I had the daunting task of emptying the closets, cupboards, everything around the baseboards... basically everything I've ever bought. So... I got to go through everything, boyfriend told me to "act like we're moving" & I guess it worked! The one downfall: I accidentally donated something. A 1980s Transformers sleeping bag. It has been in a bag behind the couch near the wall since I bought it in the summer. Behind the couch is the main part of the infestation. Even though I never touched it after buying it, even though it could be infested with bugs (since it sat next to the major part of the infestation), I can't help but miss it & feel extremely guilty & upset about donating it. This is the definitely the hoarder in me. I feel like the woman on hoarders who was crying because she had to throw away a pissed on doily covered in rat feces calling it her best friend. Oh well. We're going out next week to try to replace what I've lost. I went to wash it when we got home from the thrift store & it was gone. It was near the the door, where all the thrift store stuff was in the exact same bags.. I guess I picked them all up & off to the store it went!
Even though I was on the fence about throwing it out, but wasn't sure if I could live with it if I did, it still bothers me. I am totally that woman.

I didn't have bed bugs, we had silverfish (which are a problem in my building).

Here are my finds for the week: 

 $3.03 for the Tupperware spice canisters (great shape!)

$3.03 for this Butterprint. I really think the GW had the 471, 472, too. I could smell them. This one was still on the shelf because it looks like it had a fresh chip on the handle. I now have the full set, this chipped 473 will have to do until I can find one that isn't chipped. 

Lastly, this fantastic retro fabric!  

Thanks everybody for joining up for Thriftasaurus last week, can't wait to see what you've found this week!

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

What I Didn't Buy At The Thrift Store

So weird how you can go into a store with 1,000's, some 10,000's items that have absolutely no sense or reason to each other & you can't even find one thing that interests you. Sometimes you can't even find one notable item. I ventured into 5 thrift stores today leaving with 4 very small purchases (3 from 1 store, 1 from another) & found a few items that caught my interest... 

Cute kitty cookie jar, chipped ear. Only premium, non chipped goods are coming home with me. We have run out of room!

You better do what you're told. 

Or you're next. 

This plastic musical box.. it was broken so I never got the chance to hear what beautiful tune it may have played. 

Have fun thrifting this weekend!
I have been up for 20 hours, been preparing for our exterminator... not fun. I really never knew we had so much stuff. Good news, though, about 2 garbage bags off to the dump & 3 to the thrift store - more room opened up! So that means some thrifting in while we're waiting to come back home. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Joining Rednesday

Since I haven't been thrifting this week (yet, if I'm going to go at all), I've been shopping on eBay in my downtime. I'm linking up with It's A Very Cherry World for Rednesday with some of my favourite red finds of the week. 

buy it for me here.

 A beautiful set of vintage valentines (being all DUNCE is my fav) that I probably won't be able to afford.

buy it for me here.

Classic Valentines Day sticker. 

buy it for me here.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thriftasaurus #17!

Thriftasarus #17!

It's unseasonably warm here in Toronto, about 55°F right now, maybe this unseasonably warm weather will trick people into spring cleaning early & donating! SLOOOOOWW week!

At many of the Value Village stores I have visited recently I have heard & noticed postings about a 50% off sale for Club Members only on Monday, January 14th... incase you didn't know. I'll be staying far away from VV this Monday.

I picked up this 1960 promotional decorator casserole by Pyrex - Meadow from my fav new Pyrex hunting ground this week. 

I finally picked up a Jellow mold for 99cents. Next thing to find - a recipe book! My friend had brought one to my Pride party, too fab!

These pink jars, fabulous Value Village pricing. I bought the small one with the intention of cleaning it up & putting pennies inside it as come February, pennies will no longer be in circulation in Canada. I'm going to keep a few for nostalgia value.   
69cents for the large one, 99cents for the small one. 

My weekly Friday trip won't be happening this upcoming Friday, we have an exterminator coming to our apartment & I have to spent 5 hours in our buildings meeting room with our 2 cats & dog. Quality time.

Thrift Share Monday - linkin' up!
Linking up with A Living Space for The Nifty Thrifty 

Link up this week to Thriftasaurus below!

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