Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Friday, February 28, 2014

Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy
Sometimes when the thrifts come up empty I hit up the retail shops for a little retail therapy. Not very often does this therapy help, but you never know... 
shoes: $150 (paid $25)
tees: $25 (paid $5)
bag: $50 (paid $12.50)
pants: $55 (paid $10)
shorts: $50 (paid $10)
 & the stuff retails for over $400 without tax!

I just had to share. This isn't all for me, though. Everything was 50% off the lowest ticketed price.. I just bought the backpack in December in a different colour, the boots aren't for me (didn't have my size), but I have wanted them for 2 years! Considered buying them an hour before at their non outlet store on clearance for $75! But I saw a table & set of chairs this week for $300ish that I am dying to have. I don't have that kind of money though & it's going to have to go directly into storage, but I don't reckon I will ever seen anything like these again in person. How does everybody keep their cats from destroying their vintage furniture? These are vinyl chairs, so I bet the claws would go right in as soon as they came into the house! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Terra Pyrex Booklet & Casserole

Terra Pyrex! 

Are you a fan of the Pyrex pattern Terra? I have heard many people aren't! I am. This  pattern isn't one of them glossy, attractive patterns, but I like the darkness, matte & whole design of it. I like the patterned lid, too.

Introduced in 1964, Terra was the first pattern to have opal lids.
I wanted to buy my father & his new wife a piece of Pyrex for their wedding. It needed to be NIB (new in box) & in a price range which would be affordable to me (in addition to shipping charges, which are a bitch). My father has Autumn Harvest mixing bowls, so mixing were nixed from the list. I had set my eyes on Snowflake, but NIB didn't turn up. The Brides casserole did, however, I just couldn't afford it. Wouldn't that have been perfect? Well, I bought them a set of 3, when they arrived only 2 were sealed, so I only gave them 2, which means one for me.

$3 in the 1960's. Today, quite affordable - 3, NIB, shipped - $30ish.
I have yet to have access to my scanner & the CamScan app just doesn't do it for me, so just the good 'ol Cannon Rebel. Hope you enjoy the Terra booklet!

Linking up with We Call It Junkin'

A living Space.

Sunday, February 23, 2014



Hey fellow thrifters! How are you all?

As you can see, I am a little late this week, with good reason: my father got married in Michigan! Better late than never. If you're curious, I did end up finding a suit. I went to a thrift store that I detest going to. It's full of pretentious hipsters who think they're hot shit for shopping at the thrift, a touch of crazy, more idiots than any other thrift I have ever been in, people who won't move their cart, people you want to box & the place is so picked clean you are usually picking through trash. That suit... it was the most I ever paid for anything at a thrift store - $54.99. I was embarrassed buying it, but I had no other option. I couldn't find a suit in any other store - including retail. What's a boy to do?

I was thrilled to thrift in my hometown, got to only 2 thrift stores & the antique market. Nothing at the thrifts & a few things at the antique market, but nothing I wanted to bring home (it was chipped or dirty). They had a beautiful teak dresser/buffet/display case thing for $150, a formica table for $40 (that would sell for $200ish in my city)... good deals to be had! A Jadeite tear drop bowl - $21, though it was chipped. & can you believe, I sat down on the train, looked up & saw a known reseller & fellow collector... she was on the same train, in the same car, going to the same destination. How bizarre, eh? Every good thrifter gets in a little bit of thrifting, so I blame my lack of finds on her - hah. 


So, that all aside, I picked up this elastica sticker last week, an online purchase for $2 from 1995. I remember wearing an elastica shirt in high school & having some raver kid laugh at me.. 

Here are some elastica videos... 

 I've got some other stuff to post that I picked up from my father while in Michigan, that will have to wait! I'm tired & a little hungover. Not sure if they say this at every wedding, but they said our party drank more booze than any other wedding there before. May be true - they did run out of both white wine & vodka. 

Hope it's not too late & you join in below! I read some blogs on the train on my way home, some pretty vintage finds out there!
Happy Hunting this week. I'll be out there full force. My grandfather gave me some money & wants me to buy something nice for myself, here's a quote from the wedding from him (he's 90): 

"If you're not having a good time, don't blame yourself, blame someone else."



Saturday, February 15, 2014


Hi fellow thrifters! Any vintage Valetine gifts to report? The news did a gender specific poll on what a woman wants most on Valentines Day & what did they vote? For a man to clean the house. As for me, I would probably prefer the same now that I think about it. I do work less & have less of a commute, so that means I have more time for thrifting &, ugh, cleaning so I'd probably never receive that gift. Valentines Day wasn't done this year, I woke up early, got ready, did a quick kiss kiss & was out the door - I had thrifting to do! For once, I had a specific item in mind - a gray suit. It's quite hard. I found a perfect one, $24.99 full Calvin Klein suit (that was freshly dry cleaned & had 7cents in the pocket) - Value Village. My god, Goodwill was charging $25 or something for Mexx pants. I never knew my body type was so bizarre. This is a wake up call - lose the gut. My fathers wedding is in less than a week & I have no suit. One more thrift store to visit (my most hated store in the city), one more retail store & it's off to a rental shop. Hopefully there is enough time! 

As for my thrifty finds..
(afterall, that's what you're here for, right?) 

I bought a Snowflake open baker & divided. I think I have to stop buying these. I think I may have a lot. I think I can't stop. I think I love them. It's been so long since I found anything aside from a bowl at a thrift store. 

I absolutely adore these cards. I don't think I found anything like them in Canada (at least in recent times). I got them from a thrift store that usually always has some kind of vintage cards in it, although that store is 2 hours away. Yes, I traveled 2 hours by transit to shop for a suit. The Easter ones are so adorable! Some are flocked & others have sparkles... & others have their original clipped prices. Married With Children greeting card? Definitely. Vintage Disney Valentines, original box price $1.50.

I don't know about these. A search said my girl Hazel. But, sometimes people like to label. I'm not even sure I wanted them. Empty hand syndrome? 

Vintage clown heads! 

I also bought an item to sell (I don't do this too often) & this will pay for the few items I bought off eBay & had shipped to my future step moms house. Weird to have a new step mom at my age. At least she likes Whitesnake! 

Looking forward to seeing what you've found this week.. 
To all my fellow thrifters in Canada - Happy Family Day.
In the United States - Happy Presidents Day. 



Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

fellow thrifters!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Vintage Advertisements



Back in October or November or something, I ordered some vintage Christmas Better Homes & Gardens magazines with gigantic hopes of AMAZING Christmas adverts inside of them, I was pretty disappointed. I will admit. I really enjoy the Shiny Brite one though. I thought Pyrex might have advertised. Who wouldn't have wanted Pyrex for Christmas? 

This is the ugliest bedspread I have ever seen. It looks like a rug. 

I'll take the side table, her dress & a I guess a can of Lysol while I was at it. 

What a great chillout room!

I'd love to find one of these at the thrifts! Although something tells me that they may have not sold as much as they might have anticipated...
I thought maybe someone would like this one.

This was me trying out the CamScan ap. My boyfriend told me about it. I still have some learning to do.. so it seems, LOL. There will be more to come! I ordered some more vintage magazines. 

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Saturday, February 8, 2014



I have been buying a few things off eBay lately. Nothing extravagant or anything, I did buy some unopened Pyrex for my father & his fiance. They are getting married at the end of the month. She lives in the USA & he will be moving there. I am bidding on a couple more things, I don't want to go crazy because I am sure they are busy with the wedding & don't want to be collecting envelopes for me. We just had some luck - selling something we got for free for $150. I am going to buy something special. I just don't know what that is. But I only get $50 of it. hah. 

So, my week wasn't that fulfilling thrifting wise. From switching my schedule around due to appointments my BF had, his mom had, him having the same day off as me this week, my dog deciding to eat our door.. I didn't get out much, except the day of the snowstorm we had. In true thrift addict fashion, I thought, "what a great day to thrift! Everyone else will be to scared to be on the road, so the thrifts will be empty & there will be so many treasures to be had!" I never saw the thrifts so empty (people wise), there were a few troopers there & very little treasure.

I found these 5 Santa mugs in a grab bag for $3 during the storm. I couldn't stop singing, "It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas" for the rest of the evening. 

Also, this glass I already have. But, like I always say, "you can never have too many of a good thing." 

What do you think of this London Transit tea towel? Aside from Googling the tea towel, I didn't do any research on the London Transit line, but ended Etsy listings say 1970s.

& some odds & ends, 
never see this size lid in the wild & obviously the days of being able to buy a divided or open baker just for the lid are over, rough around the edges, but totally fine. Some vintage Stardust Hotel postcards because I thought they were cool. 

Find anything good this week? Link up below with THRIFTASAURUS!
Thanks to everybody who joined in last week - great finds!

:: linking up ::
a living space 

Costal Charm


Welcome to Thriftasaurus @ Sir Thrift-A-Lot!

  • Submit your blog link of your latest second hand finds - thrift stores, yard sales, flea markets, dumpsters, curb finds, Craigslist...
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  • Don't submit old posts or irrelevant material - thanks in advance.
  • Thanks for joining in & keeping Thriftasaurus alive, fun & successful! I love doing it everyweek.

** Although I appreciate everyone taking the time to link up, this linkup isn't for craft projects... unless with thrifted items. There's a lot of craft linkups for you to link up too! Just like to keep this one what it's all about. Thanks for understanding! **

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

10 Hot Vintage Valentines Day Gifts

10 Hot Valentines Day Gifts
& Where to Find 'Em 

Valentines Day Kneehuggers
Finel Arabia enamel bowl
Vintage Rosen Valentines Candy Container
Napco Flower Picks
Napco Angel/Devil Planter

Valentines Day Deer Brooch
Kissing Devil Salt Pepper Shakers
Vintage Dog Valentine
Cocktails For Two! Set

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