Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wanted Wednesday & New T-Shirt!


So I'm start this new collection & there is this brochure on eBay that seems is pretty rare, shipping to USA only. Anybody want to let me have it shipped to their house & ship it to me? Hope so! New collection - enable me!

It's no big deal if ya can't,  some people are busy.

Here is my new vintage tee. Ain't it grand? Once I toss a few pounds, it'll be my new antiquing shirt. Just hope people don't get the wrong idea & think I do mean ASS. I can see how they would,  but yeah, I like it! 


  1. That is a great shirt! I'd wear it for sure.

    You can have your brochure shipped to me and I will pass it on to you. I have some other stuff I still need to mail you anyways!

    I'll email you my address this morning.


  2. AWESOME shirt! I buy so much glass! I was going to offer to ship the brochure but see its already been taken care of :)
