Sunday, January 26, 2014



I found these Gooseberry bowls this week. They had been in the thrift store (according to the tag) for over 36 hours. One is disgustingly dirty with utensil marks & the other has a teeny chip on the edge. I love the black on white, so a little chip wouldn't bother me to add it to my daily use. But you know what? As I was standing in line, I got the evilest, dirtiest look from this woman who was ahead of me. She was buying an atomic Fire King loaf & some vintage metal kitchen canisters, which I had passed on. I assume she likes Pyrex or deals it. Or I imagined the look because it's the same look I'd probably give someone. Usually, the only Pyrex I come across in the thrift stores now are ones dealers or other collectors have left behind. It's hard to live in a city where dealers camp out & every other thrifter (so it seems) is a reseller, picking up vintage wears while their out.

Does this table cloth look familiar? If it does, that's because I found one just before Christmas! This one is a different material, heavier. I found it at a thrift store just a couple hundred feet from the thrift store I found the other one at. Weird, huh? Also, I picked up this vintage made in Japan elephant while I was there because it was there last time & I didn't have a vintage made in Japan elephant & it was 50% off. 

Nothing you haven't seen before. An Anchor Hocking cereal bowl - a buck. 

& for another edition of "DO YOU KNOW THE MAKER OF THIS BOWL?" I picked this bowl up last week, but it didn't make last weeks edition of Thriftasaurus because I was too tired. I'm still looking for the maker of this unmarked Delphite bowl. The bowl below is 6 and a bit inches.

Vintage Playboy swizzles. The set was $2.50 from the antique market I went to 2 weeks ago. Great price! I had been watching/seeking these out on eBay for quite some time. Glad these are off my list. 

This North Pole pennant is spectacular! This is one of those things I never knew I wanted, but now that I have it, I can't live without it. The night before I found this pennant, I had been looking at vintage pennants on eBay. What got me looking at vintage pennants on eBay was looking at Boblo merchandise on eBay. I'll tell you about Boblo another day, if you don't know what it is. 

My last thing for share this week is this pixie wall hanging. It was $2.50 at the antique market. I had passed on one in Medina, Ohio for $15 & kinda regretted it later. Such a good deal! 

That's it for me. Thanks for everybody who linked up last week! Looking forward to seeing everyones second hand treasures. Join in the fun below!


  1. I'm from Detroit, OF COURSE I know what Boblo is! We went there several times a year. The best part was the boat to Boblo Island, Party boat, I tell ya! Being from the D is so connected to Canada...except for the whole crime, abandonment, murders, homelessness, poverty, filth etc...aside from that, we are practically twins! Okay...not really! But I loved Boblo!

  2. I'll be joining in tomorrow morning with my monthly January Thrifting post, so I will say thank you for hosting (in advance). Nice gooseberry bowls.

  3. I can't believe I'm seeing that tablecloth, again! My daughter claimed my mother's!

  4. oooh I love that santa's workshop banner! it's way too cute!

  5. You did well, and too bad for the other picker if she did not get the Pyrex! I was just commenting to a friend how competitive the thrift stores have become. Sometimes I think that I should just stop blogging so that no one knows what I find!

  6. Dang it I used to to know the name of the designer who made your tablecloth. Its Norwegian (or Danish?) Good TB to have thats for sure! The name will come back at some random time just you wait. Oh and screw the other picker. I switch it all up and actually point out to people what good finds they have and how awesome it is that they found it. I'm crazy like that though.

  7. Oh yeah, I've given and received that same look, lol.

    Love both your bowls and wish I could help ID them. Love your sweet elf hanger, so cute, fab price and what an amazing find! Second time around it was meant for you.

    Linking up, thanks for hosting! Pam

    1. Forgot to say, have to run to an appointment, so will be back to visit the link ups later!

  8. Yah, you are doing WAY better than me in the thrifting department. It really sucks around here. I found a few things last week and I even bought a few Pyrex pieces that I have passed on a million times in the past out of sheer desperation to buy something. I did hit an out of town flea market yesterday and some antique malls though. I had such a major itch!


  9. Love that tablecloth! Our thrifts always have very few linens, and they're always terrible.

  10. You find the loveliest Pyrex. You must have quite a large collection. You should do a post showing how you display it. I would love to see it! :)

  11. You did really good!!! Love it all! I need some of those Gooseberry bowls. Love, love the tablecloth and the pixie, well I'm just plain jealous!!! Yep, slim pickin's on thrifts here, makes me feel guilty for burnin' up the gas. I whine, but I did find a few good things.

  12. Great finds! Wish I had some to share! Thrifts are bare. Auctions, estate sales, and garage sales just aren't happening this time of year!

  13. So many great finds.
    The Pyrex find is nice I never find any like it in my area.
    That tablecloth is lovely.
    Thanks for the party.

  14. I like the Santa sign:) Thank you for hosting:)

  15. Once I saw an amazing lime green suitcase in a thrift store and thought to go to the store and think if I really want it. When I saw a lady in line ready to buy that suitcase I made the same exact evil look that woman made to you haha these bowls are all so dreamy!

  16. S long as the elbows don't come out! Cheers for hosting :)

  17. I SO identify with the dirty look story! I get that pretty frequently myself. I even feel like I have to guard my cart while I thrif these days.... Love all your awesome finds!

  18. The mystey bowl is a FireKing, I have the same in orange. Doesn't it have a marking at the bottom?

    It is a cereal bowl

  19. I love MIJ figurines. I never pass them up. Love that table cloth too. Thank you for hosting. Hope you're having a good week.

  20. My favourite this week is the little elephant. Too sweet. xx

  21. Looks of goodies! I have had that look, too. She was just jealous of the goodies you found. Have a great week!

  22. Nice finds and killer deals! And the swizzle sticks, yay!!! I know you had been looking for a good deal on those.
    Also, you're killing me with your Gooseberry finds. : )

  23. Love the Pyrex bowls, the Pixie wall hanging (I never saw that one before) and the Santa's Workshop pennant is out of this world!!!
