Friday, January 31, 2014



Thanks to everybody who linked up last week - great finds!

This week in thrifting.. 

WOW. All I got to say. I went to so many stores. A pair of resellers I follow on Facebook did make a run on my stomping grounds the day before, so they may have picked up all the good stuff! I feel like the dealers weren't out (aside from these 2 the day before). I did see this one guy. We made eye contact. I can't for the life of me remember where I used to see/talk to him & it's driving me up the wall! MENTAL. I am thinking the old Goodwill.

OK... I must admit, I do have a haul. I bet you already know that from my photo. There is a store I usually skip out on. I haven't really found anything to scream home about aside from a set of vintage pink blender S&P's &, a couple of vintage cards & a 1980's Transformers sleeping bag. This is in 4 years or so of going to this store. About 100 times. Maybe bought 7 other things there. So, usually skip it. It's also the store I wrote into because the manager was selling stuff to a customer "out the back" & the customer was chuckling, "YOU CAN'T DO THIS AT GOODWILL! - HAHAHAHAHHA!" I managed to get a hold of the District Manager of that particular store, we spoke & there must have been some kind of investigation as I never seen that manager again until I saw him at another thrift store nearby. He doesn't seem to work there anymore either. Anyways, this is the last store I visited. I was going to skip it for another store that barely ever has anything, but decided on this one. I had a reason. I now have a theory. I'll try it out again. It's a thrifting secret though.

I have been looking for Simon for years! & story of my life - I find it when they reissue it. Ah well. I've got the great old one, with great vintage graphics & it was $2! 

An extremely desired item off my list!
freakin' tape! I understand why they do it, but c'mon!
just tape the sides, not the whole thing. I'm usually
pretty decent, but I had to leave tape in 2 places
because it would rip 2 small pieces off & look dumb.
green, red. green, red, red. green, red, red, yellow.
green, red, red, yellow, blue. green, red, red, yellow,
blue, red. green, red, red, yellow, red, blue, yellow.
I'm out.
I bought this bowl & scarf. These were a buck each. I bought the scarf because I thought I could resell it. When I searched it on eBay at the thrift, it said they sold really well. When I got home, eBay & Google barely heard of it. Have you? 

That's not a hair. It's a fringe from the end of the scarf.
Some stickers. WOW

I thought this was cute, 1950's? This is exactly how things go when I pour stuff. A little for you, a lot for me. If were single & dating, I'd have to be careful who I brought this out for. Imagine one night I took this out of the cupboard not knowing I had a "Short Short Man" with me? How intimidating! 

$5.99 for all! PYREX! 
It was all taped together & you know how I can't say no to a Butterprint.
& I actually don't have one single version of this Butterfly Gold. MINT.

Hope you vote - thank you if you do!
How was your week in thrifting? Any good finds?
Like anything of mine? Keeping warm? 


  1. Super awesome score ya got there! I couldn't agree more about how horrible the over usage of tape at thrift stores. Many boxes have been destroyed because of it! I understand why they do it on games or puzzles, but there has to be a better way, Maybe put them in a large clear plastic bag and then staple the bag? I also hate the sticker tags that are on glassware that you have to practically soak in Goo Gone and scrape of with a knife. I think they use super glue on those tags.
    Love the Simon Game! I received one for xmas when they first came out, pretty high tech back then!

  2. Bummer that you missed out on the brochure you wanted but looks like you made up for it. I love marking things off my list. Two things last weekend from one flea market! You must have a giant collection of Butterprint. I swear you find it more than anyone I have ever seen.


  3. There is a thrift store here that I found out had some shenanigans going on like that--explained why we could never find anything at the place. Only once did I get a mini haul on at store wide 50% off sale which looked liked they actually stocked for.

    The tape on the boxes kill me when it comes to the Christmas ornament boxes with great graphics that were minty before they hit the thrift store--just breaks my heart. I was doing the same surgical removal of tape from a vintage box on a find yesterday myself!

    That Butter Print is on my list! Great price on the bunch. Oh yeah, never had a Simon, always thought they were cool! The pitcher is great--my favorite piece this week!

    Thanks for hosting! Gotta go snaps pics so I can linky!

  4. Good haul. Glad you followed up on the guy selling out of the back of the thrift store. I found the two wooden chairs at a local thrift - thrilled to find them. Good hunting next week.

  5. Love the Simon My thrift store has been dismal lately along with my ebay sales. I did go yesterday and found some cool stuff Im off to blog about it

  6. I've purchased a lot of scarves but have never seen one of those, it's a pretty neat design!

  7. Now you are keeping secrets from us? Good! Simon and I spent many hours together during my childhood. I still have a handheld one somewhere. Must find it!

  8. Great finds! I could kick myself for getting rid of an original Simon. Fun find! The black and white dotty bowl is fab, and looks so good with the scarf you may need to keep them together. Wish I knew something about it.

    Thanks for hosting. :) Pam

    1. Forgot to say, employees at a GW I used to shop at did this inside the store. Their friends would knock on the "employees only" door, and the employee would come out and give them the item that had put aside for them. Pathetic!

  9. Thanks for hosting the party. I enjoy your finds and sense of humor every week.

  10. 3 Pyrex bowls for 5.99? That's a GREAT deal. They're all good, resell-able patterns too!

  11. Gosh what a great deal on those pyrex bowls. They are so lovely x

  12. Oh man, I LOVED Simon! Now you've got me thinking that I need to look out for it.
    I'm keeping an eye peeled for any Thirst Aid glasses I see. Haven't come across a single one, though :(

  13. Seriously, I second what you said about the tape. Why do they have tape everything and make it like Fort Knox to get into it??? Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I'm afraid I can't help with the scarf search but I'm not much of a fashionista! Thanks for hosting:)

  15. I agree with you about the tape! Also it pains me when they use permanent marker or really strong adhesive price tags on fragile or delicate items. Thanks for hosting and visiting L'Heure Bleue At Home!

  16. Aw its Simon!! I loved that game when I was a kid. I got my son the reissue and enjoyed it then too. Dang Simon and I have had a long time relationship I guess. I've sold vintage clothing for over 20 years now and I can say I've never seen the name Loviena. Looks high quality though and I dearly love the pattern.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thanks for hosting the party. I always look forward for your vintage pyrex find.

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