Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Church Rummage Sale & Thriftasaurus Linkup!

Thriftasaurus is here!

This week, I decided I'd sit down & figure a way to get to a couple of my favourite thrifts via transit. It was actually extremely easy. I can take a bus right from the subway. I have to pay additional fare, but it's worth it! I've found some of my favourite items in those thrifts. On the way there we speed past a rummage sale sign for a church, all I could make out was "rummage sale" "friday" "12" "8". I had planned to make it for 12, when it opened. When I was walking there, I saw people carrying boxes & bags down the street.. all I could think was "god, they opened it early!" As we speed by, I read the sign wrong & they opened at 12 on Sunday, 10 on Friday. 2 things I forgot about church rummage sales: what savages/how rude people are (even though they are in a church) & how dirt cheap items are! My first walk around, I was like "crap, I just wasted my time." No, Pyrex, which is mainly what I went for, but as I got picking, I found a few things... & it was all less than $10! I asked the girl at the housewares table if they had any Pyrex, she didn't know what it was, so I picked up a small, boring Fire-King bowl, said, "like this.. but with patterns" & she said, "oh yea, had just one or two, but that's all." I was relived, glad she didn't say they had a ton of it. Also she told me there was a huge line.. had forgot about that, too. I haven't been to a church rummage sale since my only other long term relationship - 6 years ago. 

Well, now that that's all out of the way, here's what you came for - the finds. 
From the thrifts: Butterprint, owl creamer, Smurfs - everything else from the church sale. 

It's been so long since I found Butterprint to come home with me!
$4.99 for the 401 & $5.99 for the 443. Really good prices for this store. They were charging $12.99 for a Shenandoah all scuffed up. $1.51 for the cute owl creamer. Already have the S&P set & the spoon rest - had 2 but one broke a couple weeks ago.

Same shop, I found these Smurfs. I've been wanted to add some of these to my collection of things for awhile. I've been dreaming of finding a big bag of them altogether, but I am still satisfied. One is broken, though. 

Rummage sale items.
I had to warn my boyfriend via text before I came home that "it's not as much as it looks". I came home with 5 separate bags. They packaged everything in separate bags at each table, taping them up to avoid thieves (sad). There was still a look of shock on his face, though. It as hell getting all this stuff back on the subway. 

$5 vintage suitcase travel bar, complete with keys, unused baggage tag, book to hide your liquor in & I believe everything else is in there, unless there is supposed to be highballs or something else next to the book. There is no shaker, as my boyfriend pointed out, but it seems some did not come with them. Keys, tag, book increases the value. The woman who sold it to me told me that she had a nice leather one she kept meaning to get rid of. Maybe it'll be at the April sale! 

I've been wanting to pick up these jars for awhile. See them at the thrifts, but the cork is usually destroyed or have a unique smell to them. For 25cents, couldn't resist. 

25cents each, too, for these tins. Picked all over for the other two, no luck!

Wrapping paper & a sweet vintage Valentines Day card - 25cents. 

$2.00 for this cute deer planter & these Swedish Akta Dala Hemslojd Horses. I didn't really know what these were, thought that I might have seen them on someones blog once & when I saw that they were from Sweden, I decided I would take the 50cent chance to buy & resell them. Will be putting them on eBay. 

Other things I bought this week
a 503 Pyrex lid, 4 pretty full photo albums of photos for $1 at the rummage sale (nothing to exciting, but a few nice ones I will post) & a chain to chain my puppy when we take him camping.

Linking up with A Living Space for The Nifty Thrift.

Oops, originally posted without the THRIFTaSAURUS linkup!  

Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup #6!

  • Submit your blog link of your latest thrifting finds.
  • Please don't submit old posts or non-relevant material - thanks in advance!
  • Thanks bunches for joining in!
  • Please link back to my blog - Sir Thrift-A-Lot so others can join in!
1. Rae  5. Linda @OP SHOP MAMA  9. the creekhouse  
2. SixBalloons Rare Picasso Book  6. Amy & Angie Vintage  10. Jill  
3. a living space  7. Erica  11. Atomic Moxie  
4. this wks thrifty finds @MMAH  8. Fab and Thrifty Something  12. Idle Needle  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

These Vintage Items Have Me Drooling...

With the internet we sometimes get overwhelmed with the amount of vintage & a puddle can't help but collect on our keyboards. And other times sellers are assholes & don't ship to Canada!

Here are some items I am currently drooling over!
All on my want list, Christmas is coming, BTW... 

Georges Briard Name Your Poison glasses & ice bucket. I have 6 of these glasses, but in Spanish & there are 2 sets of 3. I paid 99cents each. This set below sold on eBay for $434.00. view auction.

 Orgy Organizer pin just for the fun factor! etsy link. 

Vintage Star Wars (featuring R2 D2) hand towel (& want the face cloth, too). 

Yup, totally want one of these. Need to win that lottery. pic from here. 

Don't want these to hide anything illegal, just for the decor. I adore these old apothecary jars with labels such as cocaine, heroin, opium. The first set sold for $66 & I have seen style of the heroin jar below (which also includes Opium & Cocaine) for $50-$200+ on eBay. 

And this vinyl, my god, I would kill for this vinyl. 

Favourite song from Live Through This by Hole: 


What are you currently drooling over? 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pink & Black Hazel Atlas Glasses

Only find so far this week - these two beautiful Hazel Atlas (I believe) black and pink diamonds glass tumblers. I paid 99cents each. A set of 15 just sold on this website for $120. There is also a pitcher. This is a pattern I wouldn't mind seeing more of in the thrifts. 1950's?

Goes great with Gooseberry & Black Snowflake Pyrex (obviously). 

With the way I am feeling this week, these may be my only finds of the week. I may have to dig into the bowels of my closet to find some stuff I haven't blogged about yet for my Thriftosaurus linkup

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What I Didn't Buy At The Thrift Store

What I Didn't Buy At The Thrift Store

This is probably one of the most ugliest, mind baffling figures I have ever seen... just, why? I can see why it was dumped at the thrifts, but why was it ever made? 


This Verde divided dish, that I already have, was in mint condition & priced at $12.99. Passed up another one that same day in mint condition at another VV for $9.99. I already have 3, didn't pay near that price for them! I think the Verde divided dish was one of, if not the, first piece of Pyrex I ever bought! 

Photos can be deceiving. These vintage Butterprint bowls may look like they are in good condition, but no... chipped, utensiled & dish washered. The middle one I held in my hand for awhile, it wasn't too faded & was $2.99, but then I noticed the huge chip

I DESPISE these Glasbake dishes. I see them everywhere. Sometimes 5-10 in one store. Were they made with lids? Have probably seen over 150+ in my time, never with a lid. HATE these dishes.  Is anybody with me, or could y'all care less?

THE BEST vintage bowling trophy I've seen yet! I love how the "unidentified creeping object" (as the tag reads) is so much larger than the bowler.    

The old me, when I first starting out blogging, probably would have been all over this vintage 1980's plastic Care Bears lunchbox. My tastes have expanded & grown so much since I started this blog. I also found a Wuzzles edible cake topper at the same store for $2.99. Deeply considered it, lol, but it was broken. 

What have you left behind lately?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thriftosaurus & Large Haul!

Starting Thriftosaurus early this week because I'm so excited to show off my finds this week.

A sidebar ad on my Facebook told me my favourite shop in Kesington Market - 
Funky Junky - was closing up shop, everything in the store was 50% off & at the end of the month, everything left is going to be auctioned off. The next day, I made my boyfriend meet me after work. We stopped for churos, went to the shop & got our usual Kensignton indulgence - Big Fat Burrito.
Immediately after buying these, I had thrifters regret. The lettering is faded, they need to be cleaned & I feel like I might have bought them just because I felt I needed to buy them as one last hurrah. One canister has a different lid. They were $20. I'm still on the fence about them.

This shot glass set couldn't be any more perfect. My friend & I call ourselves Betty & Veronica... $1.99 with a regular price tag of $20. She's blonde, so she's Betty. I'm happy to be Veronica. 

This little vintage exercise book is just darling & at 69cents from Value Village, I couldn't say no. 

The only Pyrex of the week, a Butterfly Gold lid for $1.99 & a 402 Tan Stripe Pyrex bowl... pretty marked up with utensil marks, took it as a challenge. We'll see how it turns out. 

CB'er Anchor Hocking mug for less than a buck & a unopened package of the Masked Rider napkins, along with that Butterfly Gold lid. 

I was absolutely giddy when I spotted these in the store in a bag for $2.99... sad that they were shoved in a bag with a bunch of junk, which took a couple flea bites out of the toothpick holder, but the salt & pepper shakers made it out in mint condition. Are they Norcrest? And 5 Kimberly Fire King mugs.

A collection of things, 
a Star Wars Darth Vader glass from 1980 for 69cents.
a Crown jar, with original glass lid for $1.99.
a decanter (listed as crystal on eBay) for $2.49.
(all from Value Village).
I had seen a Crown jar my last visit home in Windsor, had wanted to buy it, but it didn't have a lid. Happy to have this one! 

Last finds of the week - New Kids on the Block 1990 Magic Summer tour cup from McDonalds with lid for 99cents (the one on the left). I bought the one on the right previously for a dime. 
And last item, a badge/pin/whateveryouwannacallit, that may one strike nostalgia with Canadians... Bi-Way! For those not in the know, Bi-Way was a chain of stores, now defunct, that carried discount basic apparel and general merch. 

Hope to see your thrifted finds!
Link up this week with THRIFTOSAURUS!    

Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup #6!

  • Submit your blog link of your latest thrifting finds.
  • Please don't submit old posts or non-relevant material - thanks in advance!
  • Thanks bunches for joining in!
  • Please link back to my blog - Sir Thrift-A-Lot so others can join in!
1. This Vintage Grove  6. Aqeela  11. Vintage Linen Haul  
2. Tinker  7. Utility China, Pyrex and Life  12. A Few More Treasures  
3. a living space  8. Dishes and Scarves  13. Vintage Pumpkin Advertising  
4. Lisa @ Happi Girl collectibles  9. Thrifty Halloween  
5. Andromeda Vintage  10. Unicorns  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)