Back in June I did my first salt & pepper shaker wish list. You can check it out here. I was lucky enough to score one set off that list (pictured above) - The Lefton Bluebirds, chipped, but only $5. Here are a few more sets I'd love to own!
These vintage turquoise shakers with roosters would look absolutely stunning with a set of Butterprint Cinderella bowls.
These deer are pink & very simple, but still cute! I've got an orphan shaker, but am hunting for it's match. I guess you can say I'm 'deer hunting'? heh.
Super simple, but I still want to add these Ball Mason Jar shakers to my collection.
This set has got to be one of the funkiest ones I've ever seen. I'm dying to put this set in my showcase (although, not going to pay eBay pricing + shipping!). Hope it turns up in a thrift or antique market soon. I love their monocles. This set is from Japan.
Last but not least, these retro coffee pot ones. The retro kitchen appliance ones I have quite an adoration for.
Hope I can report back with some good s & p news for my news!
Joining up forRednesdayon this Thursday evening with It's A Very Cherry World!
A couple weeks ago I picked up these vintage, mint condition Holly Hobbie Christmas Coca-Cola drinking glasses from Goodwill for 99cents a piece. Included is the whole "limited edition" set of 4 from 1977 & missing #3 from the "limited edition" 1978 set of 4. They had the glass there, but seems to have gotten chipped somewhere during it's adventure, so I had to leave it behind. Can't wait to bust these out with my 1960's aluminum sparkler tree & the Santa Claus Coca Cola bottles they usually come out with annually...
Is anybody else looking forward to decorating with their vintage Christmas decorations? The weather is getting colder here in Toronto & I'm getting the itch..
Thanks everybody for joining up last week, here is the 3rd installment of Thriftosaurus. Can't wait to see what everybody has found!
This past weekend I went home to Windsor, flew. Thrifted right after we got there, good thing too, since the pieces of Pyrex below were found at a Value Village that another Pyrex collector was picking around when I stopped by with my niece a few hours after they opened the next day! Odds are she would have grabbed these pieces up. Just in time for Christmas (kinda, haha)! They'll be spectacular with my silver aluminum sparkler tree. I have 3 other Black Snowflake pieces. (with lid - $3.99, without - $2.99!)
You can never go wrong wrapping in style with vintage wrapping paper for 39cents from Salvation Army.
I was totally pumped for a flea market my sister had told me about. I haven't been to an actual flea market in... ages. Only the type of flea that sells cheap garbage, car parts & like 20 booths with iPhone cases. I made my sister get up at 7:30am, we scarfed down bacon, got in the car & drove 40 minutes. I paid the cover. wasn't very good. I brought over $100 with me & only ending up spending $6! The fridgie was lidless (had an extra at home) for $4 & each glass was $1. Very disappointed!
I can cross another item off my wanted list! I love doing this. My dad knew I am collecting salt & pepper shakers & frequents fleas for beer items & picked up these Squirt salt & pepper shakers.. in the box for my birthday. I'm shocked, because they were a set I wanted too & had a hard time finding intact (always missing a lid).. & I've got the box! Thanks dad!
I made my first trip to Goodwill this week today & it was pretty good. I don't recall buying anything there last week, but went 4 times. Bought all this stuff today & was approached by a guy who was buying vintage Star Wars sheets that looked like they were in good condition (I woulda bought those). Dude wanted to know if I saw the other pillow case. I told him no, but if I saw it I would come find him. Snotty guy gave me a dirty look & just turned the other way. After that, if I found it I would have bought it. I passed on 2 Ninja Turtles pillow shams, the lady rang them in they were $2.99 each.. I was sliding my card in to pay & I said cancel them. That's a ridiculous price for those pillow shams. They weren't even pretty. The curtains were $3.99. The guy behind me made a smart ass comment about me because I asked to cancel the shams. All I could think was what was with all the douchebags in Goodwill today? Tea towels, cute. Red fridgie.. so shiny! They are using a 502 blue for storage at the counter. Want it!
Join up this week for my thrift haul link! Can't wait to see what treasures you have found.
Submit your blog link of your latest thrifting finds.
Please don't submit old posts or non-relevant material - thanks in advance!
Currently visiting family & did some thrifting, here are a few finds. Have a couple more, but I'll post them when I get home. Just a couple deer. Each $2.99.
Passed on a Fire King bowl for $30, a set of D-handle of (6) Fire King mugs for $150 & a beautiful set of owl glasses for $40. This was at the Holland Antiques & Collectibles shop. I don't really like it there.
I ran into a fellow Pyrex collector. I didn't know her, I just knew because she was picking through the Pyrex when I got there & was telling her husband.. "I'm just gonna get this one (she was settling for a 401 Old Orchard, ew!). I already have a Spring Blossom Green bowl set at home." There was a Spring Blossom Green bowl, 444 for $7.99, near mint. I had passed up on it the night before when I brought home 3 of my Pyrex finds from that location. I said to my niece, "luckily we came here yesterday & cleaned the place out for all the good pieces of Pyrex!"
Have you ever run into fellow Pyrex collectors at the thrifts? Missed out on a good piece?
Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup #2 & Classic Sir Thrift-A-Lot haul.
Autumn Harvest Bake Serve & Store set, perfect condition
priced on a sliding scale at an antique mall - $5, $4, $3.
And not taxable! Later saw them in a thrift shop - more expensive & without lids!
I'd like to invite anybody who'd like to co-host Thriftosaurus with me to contact me via email (in my profile) or in the comments below! It'll be a weekly linkup.
This past Thursday I did a little thrifting trip while looking for work pants (still none) & now some work shoes at the West 49 outlet, lucky for me, near 2 thrift stores & not to far from one of my favourite Value Villages in the city. Never leave empty handed... much to my fiances dismay... especially because I came home with 19 packages of unopened Double Dragon & The Hulk napkins from 1993. But really? Who wouldn't want to use these?
Also at the same Value Village, I picked up some owl stuff, which I haven't seen much of lately. These salt & pepper shakers to add to my growing salt & pepper collection & another one of these owl mugs. I've never seen a more perfect picture on a mug - I just love it! I already have 2 of these, just one more & I've got a set!
I can't believe I found this! A sealed WWF 1991 stationery set, wish I was in school! I have honestly been on the lookout for a sealed stationery set (vintage), I don't know why, but whatever, not the point. So CHECK. Off the list.
Last, but not least, these two Fire King mugs - 49¢ each.
This Thursday I'll be taking a mini-vacation to see my sister & visit some family in my hometown. Some thrifting, some fun & we're going to see the Titanic exhibit in Detroit, unless there is some unforeseen circumstance.
My new linkup, since I miss the linkups so much. ♥
Anyways, I started last week, but gonna call it Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup. Fun?
Well, today I went on a search for work pants. I'll never break & pay full price for a pair of work pants. I don't know why. Maybe because I can spend that difference on some well deserved antique mall goods? Well, I just can't do it. Currently, my fly won't stay up at work. It'll be up & 5 minutes later, I'll feel a breeze & it will have fallen down. Like 5 months ago, the zipper broke off. So, yea, time to search out pants. Which we tried to do today. I was vomiting in Goodwill bags, my boyfriends stomach was killing him... we were quite the pair today. Like 5 or 6 stores, I find a perfect pair... Goodwill (actually, gonna go with what I read some other blogger call it) Gougewill was charging $26.06 for this pair of used, donated pants! COME ON. My jaw literally dropped to the floor. Craziness. Especially since you can buy a nice pair of pants for $29.99 at Winners/Marshall's. Just... wow. I guess they aren't so bad with their housewares. I don't venture in the clothing department much.
I did some some great stuff, though!
This 1964 Mattel Barbie, Ken & Midge binder. You'd think with back to school, vintage enthusiasts this would have been long gone, lucky for me it was only $2.02. You don't find stuff like this too often around here.
Some Pyrex, of course. Homestead, not a favourite of mine, but I did grow up with the Cinderella bowls. However, this is one piece I won't be afraid to use/break. Unlike this vintage 1961 promotional Pyrex Gourmet Cinderella Round Casserole.
I picked up this set of cute vintage bowls. Don't know a maker or anything about them. Just thought they were a cute set & would make a wonderful addition to a future booth/shop. Do you like?
Also a lil' Pyrex container. 99cents.
Your closet disco queen,
Sir Thrift-A-Lot
Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup! Just
linkup with you thrift finds, link back here... comment. Whatever, just
have fun & share your thrift store finds! Thrift on!
I'd like to dedicate the above to Jackie from Let's Go Thrifting. Down below you have the lovely camera work of my fiance. A 1980's metal Popples lunchbox (with thermos!)... $18 (which isn't bad), but just isn't right for my collection at this time.
My first view of a clear, flea bit ridden refrigerator dish. Were the clear dishes marked Pyrex, does anybody know? This one wasn't & I can't remember what it was marked. Cute vintage glass that I have a few of in pink, turquoise & white... this was dishwashered to death. And one more piece of Pyrex. This isn't the large hostess dish, nor one of the tiny ramekins, it's midsize. I've never seen it before. Dishwashered, chipped.. all the things to make me leave it behind.
You can forgive for the bad photo here, the girl who runs the antique market was a bit of a twat & was watching us.
"Big cats are dangerous, but a little pussy won't hurt anyone."
A fun found photo that I could only snap a pic of.. which I could have brought it home, couldn't really capture the essence of it. Nice Christmas photo.
I'm a 27 year old male thrifting enthusiast living in the large city of Toronto, Ontario!
I'm a collector of Pyrex, vintage stationery, salt & pepper shakers, 1980's & early 1990's pop culture memorabilia & anything else exciting I come across along the way.
I'm also in the process of "shedding for the wedding" - goal is to lose 40 pounds.