Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Little Late For the Sunday Goal Link Up!

The procrastinater inside of me has been putting off linking up to Van's Sunday Goal link up
over at Thrift Core, but my intentions were pure & true every since I first read the post.

Check out the link up for more info, and just read my weekly goals below. If you're interested in further reading, you can check out the 12 goals I have made and wish to accomplish by the end of 2012, the link is right here.

Goals for the week ending January 7th, 2012:

1. Clean up that mess at the bottom of the credenza.
2. Start a new book.
3. Take 7 photos for my "A Photo A Day: Your Year In Photos" book.
4. Gym - at least 4 days this week, 5 would be lovely.
5. Make a header for my etsy shop.

Goals are all well on their way as I am way late to the link up!


  1. Ugh, my goal is also to work hard on my Etsy shop. This comment is proof of my "break" (procrastination) from listing new items...

  2. Lovely list of goals, it's good to start small. I was too ambitious, now I'll be working on my goals all weekend! ;)

    Thanks for participating!

  3. Hope you get them finished Van!

    & Chelsea, don't worry... my shop was supposed to have a header about 6 months ago. I don't want to list anything until that header is in there. Baby steps. LOL.
