Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pop Culture Madness: Flea Market Finds!

Sir Thrift-A-Lot
@ Flea Market Finds

Recent days have provided some really neat finds! It's seems like after Christmas it's "out with the old, in with the new".

These very cool comic appetizer plates from CB2, still with their stickers for 99
¢ each from Goodwill. I had convinced myself there was a set of four, but further investigation online proved there was only 3 to the set, that they are no longer available & they originally only cost $1.95! From Talize I was stoked to come across this Saved By the Bell board game from 1992 by Pressman. Love owning the original 1992 & not the 2010 reissue! Kelly was always my favourite & the episode I always remember is the one where Jessie gets addicted to caffeine pills. It seems pretty popular. "I'M SO EXCITED! I'M SO EXCITEEEEED! I'M SO... SCARED..."

I had read that some other people were suffering from the same fate - a lack of owls. I was just about to leave the ghetto Salvation Army when I looked to my left & spotted the following: a vintage Otagiri made in Japan letter holder & tape dispenser, both $1.99. Unfortunately both have tiny chips & the tape dispenser is missing the tape holder, but still couldn't pass them up! And these two made in Japan napkin holders for $2.99 each! One has a chipped nose, but the other one is pristine. Chips are so unfortunate.

Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cake pan from 1989 by Wilton for $4.04 from Goodwill. I was lucky enough to score some discounted read & green decorative icing from Winners for $1.20 a tube, regular $3.99 at their discounted price! The Golf Gab notepad by Vagabond Creations from Value Village with such corny phrases as: "I'll be teed off if you don't write", "Thought I'd get on the ball & write", "You're my bag!", "Hope you're feeling up to par!". Love these little notepads, especially the ones from Paula Co! One of my favourite recent finds - a Dick Tracy corkboard made by Disney probably in 1990 or 1991! I had previously bought a corkboard to display my pins (badges), but never got around to it yet, was rather plan - this is killer! $2.99 from Value Village!

Some linen finds:
an almost mint condition vintage Strawberry Shortcake pillow case! 99cents from Goodwill.
a pretty decent yellow & mushroom table cloth, probably destined for my etsy shop!
a pretty rare Felix The Cat duvet cover!! I love the design. If I was crafty I would love to make some pillows out of it, but alas, I am not & probably never will. We'll see if this makes it in the shop!

Linking up with HER LIBRARY ADVENTURES for Flea Market Finds.
And Apron Thrift Girl for Thrift Share Monday.


  1. I love Strawberry Shortcake! And that Dick Tracey bulletin board is high on the cool factor.

  2. That's it! I'm sneaking in to your home in the wee morning hours and stealing all of your finds. Except maybe for the TMNT cake pan...I actually thrifted the same thing a while back =P

    <3Jackie@ Let's Go Thrifting!

  3. I'll have the cake tin once Jackie's discarded it on your lawn...

  4. I have an owl similiar to your Otagiri letter holder & tape dispenser but it is some sort of container. Maybe for toothpicks? its too small to hold pens. I have it listed here Maybe you can tell me what it is?

  5. beckyp, I can tell right off the bat that your owl is made by Enesco & I do believe you are right in it being a toothpick holder.

    Thanks knitxcore, I can't wait to serve up something fabulous on it.

  6. Jackie - HAHA. While you're over here, I'll be climbing through your window! That Rainbow Brite snow globe shall be mine!!

    Six - I know, I think the Dick Tracy board might be one of my favs at the end of the year...

  7. AMAZING. It's like my childhood in a post.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I was lucky enough to have that very Michaelangelo cake one year!  My mom used to get the Wilton catalog every year and let us pick out whatever cake we wanted for our birthdays and she'd order the pan and make it!  Michaelangelo was my favourite at the time.
