Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Friday, December 30, 2011

Last Thrift of the Year! Goodbye 2011!

Today marks my last thrifting trip of 2011. Here are my finds.

Thrifty Things Friday!

From Value Village, this 1981 Smurfs keychain - 99cents!

Also 99cents, this New Kids on the Block pillow sham from 1990, Big Step Productions INC. Goodwill.

From another Goodwill I picked up these two albums. One titled "A Photo A Day: Your Year In Photos". I believe it has 365 slots (next year is a leap year, isn't it?) with spaces next to it to write the date & little tidbits of information. I am planning this as a project for the year 2012. I get one grace day. This album was $2.52. This particular Goodwill has enacted a "NO PRICE, NO SALE" rule, luckily, they sold me this without a price. The next album is a "Takeout Menu Organizer", very handy if I ordered out more often, but too neat to leave behind for $1.51. Never used & from 2007 from Knock, Knock. You can check it out on Amazon right here, but looks like it's no longer available. It's pretty cool! Might come in handy this winter.

Got two records, Soul Asylum - Hang Time & 10,000 Maniacs - In My Tribe. $1.51 each. Goodwill. Jeez, went to 3 Goodwills today!

When was your last thrift of 2011? What did you find?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thrift Scores!

Thrift Scores!

A couple finds from recent times, all fun! Down below is my new Popples sheet for my vintage & retro flat sheet collection. It's Popples "We'd rather be leaping than sleeping!" 1985 flat sheet by Those Characters from Cleveland INC. First time I've seen anything Popples in the thrifts! Goodwill, $3.99.

A Spring Blossom bowl that was picked up over a month ago by my friend Agnes for me in Cambridge, a #402 Spring Blossom mixing bowl in fantastic condition. Thanks yet again Agnes! Value Village, $4.99.

I love this stationery. I'll never use it though, so it's off to the Etsy shop. It's by Hallmark & just so uplifting. I'd love to be sent a letter via snail main on this stationery. Goodwill.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Thrifting & 2nd Birthday!

Up above is the beautiful planter I bought from Goodwill last week for $2.52. Neat, huh?

December 22nd, 2011 marked the second birthday of Sir Thrift-A-Lot & I baked a cake with a little help from my bestie, Agnes to celebrate! This is the first cake in about 12 years that I made myself, so take it easy with any criticism.

An Etsy buy, this sheet of retro/vintage Nintendo stickers featuring Mario & Luigi. From 1989 made by Nintendo of American, INC. $3 shipped with some E.T. stickers I've yet to feature here.

Yet another beautiful bowl bought for me by my bestie in Cambridge, Ontario, which seems to be bountiful for many rarer pieces of Pyrex! A little over priced at $9.99, but great condition, this #444 Butterprint Cinderella bowl is a wonderful addition to my growing second set. THANKS AGNES!

Linking up to:
- APRON THRIFT GIRL's thrift share monday

Last week, my nice 2/3 of a set of Blue Horizon serve & store was featured on Cap Creations, check it out at the link above!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

WTF Tuesday #15!

Thanks to everybody who participated last week!
I probably won't be doing much thrifting over the holidays, so I will most likely be taking next Tuesday off - HAPPY HOLIDAYS - see you in 2012 for WTF TUESDAYS!

A plastic flamingo in a homemade tuxedo. A lonely womans/mans toy? Or someone who couldn't afford one of those damn ducks in the '90s that people used to have on their porch that they dressed up & bought clothes by the wicker basket fulls at craft shows?

These aren't supposed to fit into the WTF category, just wanted to post & say, so let me know if you think they are WTF fitting!
A new pair of kicks from Winners - $39.99, compared at (according to Winners) $90 - the eco-friendly, hemp, vegan "Grasshopper" antique white IPath shoe. What do you think? I've kept the receipt, just in case. I'm still not sure. I found a coupon for free Crest Pro-Health toothpaste while I was there too. Minty Fresh.


A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  3. Amy @ Coupon Tipster  
2. Let's Go Thrifting!  4. Thrift of Terror  

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Flea Market Finds

I love joining in with Her Library Adventures.. for FLEA MARKET FINDS! I'm joining up again this week bringing some of my wicked finds to the party. (Above: Americana shaker $1.99 at Value Village).

Two pretty Store & Serve Blue Horizon Pyrex dishes (473, 472) in such pristine condition for $3.99 from Salvation Army - the same Salvation Army the Vagisil & vintage Strawberry Shortcake stationery (that I sold on eBay for $49.99!) came from!. Lids are very chipped, but better chipped than lidless.

I really love this pitcher! I couldn't find much information about the company - AVIR, but I learned that they are from Italy (hoping that is correct), this pitcher is totally awesome & I'm so surprised it came with it's original stir stick! I'm not sure if you can make it out or not, but right down the middle there is a plastic container (the pitcher itself is glass) that is meant for ice, so it doesn't water your drink down & it keeps your drink cooler for longer. Because of the pattern, I'm dating this at the early 1980s? Although I could be wrong - $3.99 at Value Village. Can't wait to use this for Sangria at Pride! Wish I could have photographed it better.

Love all this retro wrapping paper. Okay.. okay, I don't know if the Lifesaver wrapping paper is retro, but still totally cool. Treasure Troll, uhh.. Beauty & the Beast (just came in the package) & wrapping paper with disc mans, roller blades..


Saturday, December 17, 2011

12 of 2012

I guess inspired by oh, hello friend's twelve by 2012, I'm doing a 12 of 2012.

12 of 2012 is my list of goals, not my resolutions, that I intend to finish by the end of next year or at least December 21st.

12 of 2012:

1. Lose at least 35 pounds by June - Toronto Pride 2012. Half of the world seems to make weight, get in shape resolutions and goals at the new year, however, I have been working on this for the good part of two months - going to the gym almost regularly, cutting down on thrifting; I just have to get the eating healthy thing down right & give up pop. I intend to get married soon, not having a muffin top in my wedding photos.

2. Visit Grayling, Michigan with my family. My family owns land seconds away from Kneff Lake. It's beautiful & fun. Thrift there, of course. I haven't been in over 10 years & a miss it. A lot. I used to go up every summer with my father.

3. Get Etsy shop up & running. My previous goal was set for the end of September, I think, but with my credit card being compromised & my lack of interest after that, it has been delayed. Goal is to have it up & running by the end of winter.

4. Visit Northern Ontario. Hike. Canoe. Have fun. I've always wanted to visit Northern Ontario.

5. Find a family doctor. It's been about 3 years. It's about time.

6. Take Sir Thrift-A-Lot in a new direction. I am not sure what that direction may be, but hopefully will include sponsored giveaways & some new fun topics, but will continue with the awesome, funky thrift finds!

7. See my neurologist regularly. This won't happen until after I get my family doctor, as I'm too embarrassed to go back to her without one. I haven't had a grand mal (tonic clonic) seizure in over a year & this is huge milestone, but I continue with absence, petite mal & rarely myocolonic jerks.

8. Get back into sweepstaking. Entering sweepstakes had always made me happy. It's a hobby, it's fun, you can do it while you watch TV & you get something out of it. A hobby you have to be persistent with to get results, but results do pay off. A few of the items I have won in the past: $2,500 in Via Rail gift cards, HP Pavilion laptop (typing on that now), $200 from Smartwater, Xbox360, skiing trip for 4 to Blue Mountain, movie tickets... it's endless!

9. Save more money. Do more things. No more random snack wraps & $2 cans of pop.

10. Visit Cedar Point.

11. Unpack boxes. We have lived in our new apartment since July 1st & I still have unpacked boxes.

12. Organize. I'm a big believer that piles of junk hold bad vibes. I have piles of junk all over my house & looking at the piles makes me sick, not only that, it gets depressing & absolutely tiring to look at. Goal is to organize drawers, cupboards, closets.. basically everywhere!

"If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?"
- Rupaul

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WT-fluttery-F? Tuesday!

Everything you see in the "photo" within in the frame is pieces of butterflies. Sad isn't it? Maybe they died of natural causes & were found on the ground, but I doubt it. This "photo" ended up disappearing from the racks after a few days, I really hope someone bought it so if the butterflies didn't die of natural causes that they didn't die in vain just to be thrown in the dump.

Hope some people partake this week!


A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  3. Let's Go Thrifting!  5. Thrift of Terror  
2. treasuresinthriftingland  4. Lime Kiln  

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vintage Owl Desk Set!

Totally loving this vintage owl desk set!
(not enough to buy it though)

view the eBay auction here

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This thrift store is branching out into very personal hygiene products at great prices!


WTF Tuesday!

A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  2. Let's Go Thrifting!  3. Daydreaming in Turquoise  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thrift Scores!

It's been a major week of thrift stores and neat scores here & there. Countless trips to various Goodwills & countless trips to countless Value Villages & a trip to Talize & a Salvation Army yielded some interesting treasures & one of the grossest items I've seen for sale in a thrift in a while, but this will be saved for WTF? Tuesday - so stay tuned!

Check out this 13" still in the box robot named SATURN by Kamco - only $3.99 at Value Village. I have yet to try him out since the only set of double d's is the one on my bestie, but I'm almost positive he's in working order! He's got all his parts & wa
s stored very nicely in his box.

I found this the other day, a very retro/vintage desk organizer - 60's? $1.99 at a Value Village. Now I just need a desk to put it on! I think it's going to find it's way onto my Lack Ikea shelf for the time being. Still working on that project.

At Talize I found this very awesome #403 yellow bowl in awesome condition. I've got a couple refrigerator dishes in this colour & I totally love it. It's a more mustard yellow that the colour of the usual 400 series or the large bowl from the primary.

New Kids on the Block & Vanilla Ice pins... Value Village.

I bought this Strawberry Shortcake stationery set at Salvation Army & I've listed it for a pretty penny on eBay, getting my price from the recently completed auctions for the Strawberry Shortcake stationery. I had 3 watchers in less than 2 hours. Let's see how this works out. click here if you want to view the auction.

Rainbow Brite pillow case - excellent condition, was on my want list, 99cents at Talize!

Lastly, I had found these cards about mid-November & was supposed to put them to good use this year as my Christmas cards, very retro, but we never got our pic taken for them & I don't really have that many people to send them to anyways. A boy can dream. They are great eh? You still the pic in the front. Classic.

OK, so like always, joining up with...
CAP CREATIONS - What I Love About The Thrift Store.