Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thriftasaurus #113!

Thriftasaurus #113 !

Thanks all who linked up last week & hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving last week had a good one! 

I scored a kneehugger from a thrift this week. This happens once a year. This is basically what I expect to find every time I sift through those bags of junk! Last year I found a gold one & the year before, a really small, ugly red one. But yeah, a knee hugger at the thrift is a BIG event for me!

I picked up these NIP Gremlins ornaments. I love them. The plastic packaging really shows its age, so I am contemplating taking them out. Inside the same grab bag, these candles. My question, not that it matters, is - are these Gurley candles? Thanks.

Also in the grab bag with the kneehugger were these deer. That's the first thing that caught my attention.  I almost put them back, but decided to carry them around just incase I decided I wanted them & upon inspection again when I was leaving, I discovered the kneehugger! My thrift high for the week.

I also got some Chippendale cards from 1986! I cannot believe that this was sexy back then. We have come a long, long way ladies & gents! 

& this stocking didn't even get to settle after the person who was looking at it previously decided to pass. The look on their face after I snatched it off the shelf - priceless. As they were still standing there looking ahead.

This Lefton Bluebird wall pocket planter or whatever.

Anyways, that's it this week! I had a little find that brightened up my morning - great start to a crappy day! Hope some vintage Christmas entered your lives, too!

    An InLinkz Link-up

Saturday, November 29, 2014

What I Didn't Buy At The Thrift Store

What I Didn't Buy At The Thrift Store

This monstrosity of a craft project:

That's it! I guess I've been more into listening to Azelia Banks than snapping photos on my phone! M

Monday, November 24, 2014



Hello again! This past weekend I went away for my sisters birthday to Windsor. My friend & I went to Livonia & went to an estate sale, Value World as well as Town Peddlar Antique & Craft Market. Like every other thrift store I have been to in America, Value World sucked. It was day 2 of the estate sale, so it kinda blew. We were going to attend some others, but... we kinda didn't have time, she had to work... so maybe next time! 

We needed some plates & I wanted something beautiful, funky, fantastic. I found some Salem Northstar plates for $5 each, so 4 came home with me from the market. We threw some out when we moved because we didn't want to pack them. I truly want some Franciscan Starburst, but well, you know. I ain't got no money.

I had to rescue this kneehugger... his face is slowly turning black, a chemical reaction? A friend of mine explained this to me before, but I forget. Also a Valentines Day kneehugger! This is something that was on my want list, so scratch that off. Also got these made in Japan treat stockings, adorbs, right? 

A toothpick holder? My favourite part is the stars. 

I can't believe I got some vintage ET wrapping paper! So psyched about this. & some adorable wrapping paper to boot! 

You know, I looked this over like three times in the thrift store... I guess I must have chipped it. :/ Still cute, though. 

& I can't forget this tablecloth. The woman who rode up on the linens not 30 seconds after me gave me the nastiest look when she saw me looking it over. That's when I knew I had to get it. I could always return it. 

Well that's it for me! I can't wait to see what you've found this week. Link up below with some of your wonderful second hand finds!



Monday, November 17, 2014

Thriftasaurus #111

Thriftasaurus CXI

How are you all? How is everything in secondhand shopping land? It's still alright around here... 

I bought this hand keychain. It was 49cents. I also bought that lovely orange retro treasure box. I posed it with my retro scrapbook... my favourite scrapbook I own, I think! 

I got 2 & a half pairs of these vintage Rosti utensils, which were made in Denmark. Don't the orange ones match my new Catherineholm pot perfectly (lol, I don't know if I will ever get tired of showing this pot off...). Anyways, these were pretty cheap ($1.49) & not all chopped up with dents & stuff like a lot of plastic items I come across. 

Put these together. I really don't know how many sets of salt & pepper shakers I've got, especially since I have so much stuff packed away. These need a good cleaning.

The very tiny bit of thrift store vintage Christmas (don't think I'll find very much this year). 

Kneehuggers! I bought these when I was in the states last week. & isn't the one in the shoe adorbs? Antique market buys... cheap.. the larger one chimes.

These I bought for my instagram or eBay sales. .. however... not including until I get used to USPS. 

& lastly, from an antique market, this 1959 Holt Howard candlestick holder... only $3 because of a teeny chip on the backside. 

Lastly, some Vernors cups! Wanted to pay homage to Windsor/Detroit area & well couldn't afford what they wanted for their Boblo merch... so these were the right price!

I am cleaning out my Pyrex collection, just really need duplicates, not like 8 or 10. I think my hoard might start to cause problems in my relationship (I think it already is). It's a bit hard to sell locally on Craigslist, people who check it already have all the common crap!

Welcome to Thriftasaurus!!
Thriftasaurus is a linkup dedicated to thrifting adventures with finds from estate sales, garage sales, Craigslist, antique markets & everything second hand inbetween!
● Please link back to my blog so everyone can check out the fab thrift finds!
● No link ups to Etsy/Intsa/eBay shops please!
● Nice craft projects, but this ain't the place for them. Lots of linkups for crafts around the web!
● Keep the material fresh, fun: don't linkup old posts!
Thanks so much for reading & linking up every week, I love doing Thriftasaurus. Link up below, can't wait to see what you've uncovered.
❤ Sir Thrift-A-Lot

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

    An InLinkz Link-up

Monday, November 10, 2014

Thriftasaurus #110

Thriftasaurus #110

Greetings everyone! I'm back from my trip home to the Windsor-Detroit Area. I thrifted down the 401 & visited an antique market in Michigan. The large Pyrex booth was no longer there, such disappointment, but booths charging $25 for a 502 Primary & a set of Cinderella Butterprint bowls for $135 were. Needless to say, no Pyrex came home with me! There was lots of vintage Christmas, 'tis the season. So that did come home with me! 

All that Christmas is still packed away, so enjoy the kneehuggers I bought on eBay! These were BIN for $14.99, free shipping. 

These were a promotional item & were once given away if you paid shipping only, at that time I got a set new in the box. I think it was 4 per family. At the time they were selling for $100 NIB on eBay. You can still sell them for like $65 NIB on eBay, so when we saw these at the antique market, we bought them. Don't know if these will sell used, but we'll try! We have a buyer if they don't sell that will buy for just a few dollars over cost that we know, so at least we'll make a couple bucks. 

If you are on my instagram, you already know about my find that was I was super psyched about. My Catherineholm pot for $4.99 at Value Village.

I also found another pack of unopened vintage Halloween treat bags at the thrift!

Weird to walk into a thrift store late, late in the evening & find a piece of Pyrex that isn't Old Orchard or Forest Fancies or that hasn't been dishwashered to death, plus, I don't think I have this... but I cannot be sure. 

I also rescued this Santa for $4. I need him for my Santa collection. I can't wait to bring out the Christmas, but I am still trying to get stuff organized from when I moved into our place in June or May or whenever, LOL. 

Hope you had some fabulous stuff to share! I've got more to share (of course), but it's all waiting to be unpacked...

thrift on! 


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Thriftasaurus #109

Thriftasaurus #109

It's November, can I start decorating for Christmas? I'm not much for a Halloweener, so I'm kinda glad that's over, however, I think I may decorate more for it next year. I didn't take out anything from storage this year, even though I have a few vintage decorations. 

I'm still bringing a lot home from the thrifts. Usually they're bone dry around Halloween for me with all the extra people in the stores shopping for their Halloween costumes. 

I love these vintage notepads. I was so excited about them that I didn't even notice that there was something in the else in the bag that I could possibly resell until I got into the car. The thing can be sold for approximately $30 on eBay. These vintage pads are for the Enterprise Railway Equipment Company which was located at 59 East Van Buren Street, Chicago.

This owl canister has a crack down the middle & is pretty nasty, but I just bought it for the lid. I've got a full set, but the smallest one is missing the lid. 

I always love finding vintage cards, even if there is just a couple in a bag, I'll buy it. Makes me happy! 

Friendship lids! I don't find lids too often anymore & I rarely, if ever, remember finding decorated lids on their own. I found a set of 3 each at 99cents. I have yet to remove the tags (dirty dishes haven't left our sink. Yes, we're pigs.), pretty good condition. Why did they put the prices right on the pattern? Not that it's going to matter because it's not going to take the pattern off when I remove them, but.. yeah. Another customer infront of me, "you know there's bowls that go with those." "Wow, thanks. I know. I have them at home." Cashier thought they were some sort of saucer. I could see that. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this turquoise Federal Mod Flowers bowl. However, if you don't - here it is. Have you seen it before? Nobody on Instagram had when I asked.
Look at this vintage, made in Japan ornament. It was in the bag with the Santa & Mrs. Clause I bought last week. Keeping or selling, trade not sure. A bottle brush diorama ornament!

This is such a crazy, unique tea towel. Love it. 

Who has heard of this game? This one had been opened, but never been used (all pieces are still in tact). They supposedly started producing it again, so you can buy it again, but nothing like the original, eh?  

"Where the dealers are always one step ahead of the narc!" 

Well, that's it for me. I obviously have more stocked away. The place is a mess!! Gotta get it cleaned up or I'm not allowed to make any stops on our upcoming trip. How awful is that? He's never laid down the law before, haha. 

linking up with:
Thrifty Things Friday with Melissa's Antiques. 

Thanks everyone for linking up last week, can't wait to see what everyone has found this week, too. Link up below for the party! 
 Next week, I should see you possibly on Sunday or Monday night as I'll be away visiting family, until then - thrift on!