Welcome to Thriftasaurus! A big welcome to all the few new people who joined up last week.

I have a couple of these mugs already. I don't know when they were made, but there is a set of canisters that I had previously bought a few years ago that I also saw at a thrift recently that sat for awhile that had a newer style "MADE IN TAIWAN", so I guess they are quite recent? I now have a set of 6 mugs, a creamer & a sugar bowl.
The Great Canadian Tame Hole! Have you ever seen one of these? This is my second one. I found my first years ago, from the 1970's. I had been planning a post previously about The Great Canadian Tame Hole, but never got around to it. I won't go into great detail today, but it's basically as useless as a pet rock - just aesthetically pleasing.
I also got these vintage Made in Japan Christmas decorations. I was on the fence about them because they were $6 (with some others, that were damaged & tossed). I thought they were empty hand syndrome. Now, I absolutely adore the little drummer boys & I won't be able to celebrate Christmas without them! They are perfect & just look at their staches.
Anybody know anything about these? They were in the box as well. There was remnants of one of the tags & the stuff that could be read I took to Google, all I could find was the following stuff on a Japanese auction site. Not the same, just similar: info here. I don't read Japanese, but through Google translate.. I got somewhat what it says. They were in the box with the vintage Christmas decorations. Not sure if they are from the same era or ended up in there some other way.
I don't know what it is with the thrifts here, it seems some people in this city have some damn good luck. Thrift stores that used to be a Pyrex goldmine for me, are a Pyrex graveyard. Sometimes the vintage items that are in quality condition can be counted on one hand. Is it this late Spring? The influx of dealers in the city? Every collector seems to be a dealer. Lots of back door deals? All stores are still quite stocked, but lacking vintage, collectable items. I do get lucky when an item is damaged & can be cleaned up. I also get lucky when I am out of the city, but locally.. not anymore. I don't have any fleas around here, I have yet to attend any estate sales (they don't seem like they'd have much of what I'd enjoy from photographs online...). I don't know, I hope things change. I'm starting to think I should give up!