Saturday, June 1, 2013



You know, I was all psyched to show all my finds from the past weekish, but I'm down in the dumps. My dog is prone to ear infections. He gets them all the time. At least once a month, but probably more. This afternoon, I came home from work & he was shaking his head all cray ear infection like. I told him, "oh Charlie, it never ends with you." For the week my BF & I were away, we brought him to the BF's bros house where he suffered great anxiety, opening up his hotspots so bad they were bleeding.. you can't even touch them without him yelping. He sat on the floor the whole time, whining & staring at the door. Anyways, so I get home, text my BF, "his ear is bothering him." He's been home all day, but stepped out for lunch... it wasn't bothering him when he left... my BF goes to investigate & his ear has balloon & it looked like a Bugle. We had been using this ear infection spray provided by the vet, I guess something happened in his ear.. they are going to pop it.. & if it works, he'll have cauliflower ear... if it doesn't, he'll need surgery... which we probably can't afford. Pills for the hotspots. I'm missing him, he's probably really upset we dropped him off somewhere AGAIN.. he gets PISSED off. He barely ate when he was away, dropped a few pounds. The vet said she's never seen a dog so attached. 

Can't wait for him to come home. 

Here are 2 of my fun finds, the rest are still packed away. 

The 444 Balloons in near mint condition for $2.99. 

I bought the Lefton Miss Dainty salt & pepper shakers in an antique market in the only way I can afford them - chipped!

linking up @: 
the nifty thrifty 

Link up below if you'd like to show off your fab thrift finds!
(i'd love to see them!)


  1. Awww! I feel so bad for your dog! Ear infections AND hot spots? Talk about a bad combo! What kind is he?
    My parent's cockerspaniel, Roxie, had such bad ear infections that finally her inner ear calcified (trapping a huge pocket of puss). So just yesterday she came home from the University of MN, from having a $2000.00 surgery that removed her inner ear! Crazy!
    I really hope it doesn't come down to major surgery for Charlie!
    So, I have something that I simply MUST send you! Will you email me at with your info?
    Erica :)

  2. Wow, I love those balloon bowls!!
    So sorry about your dog's ear problems. My cat had one of her lower fangs abcess and she had to have surgery to have it removed---to the tune of 600.00!!! Its not cheap to have pets :(

  3. Oh no sorry about your dog... ear infections are such horrible painful things. Kids and dogs always get them.. Poor things.

    Love the finds.

  4. So sad that your dog has such a bad ear infections. Hope that the medicine helps.

    Thank you for hosting Thriftasarus today.


  5. My dog Bailey is prone to them too but not nearly as bad as your baby. I'm so sorry. It's hard for me to even focus on your finds because I am so sad for you guys:-(

    Give him a pet from me and Sister when you see him and let him know we are hoping he feels better real soon,


    1. I don't know what I am going to do when we lose him. I am going to be absolutely devastated. He's my best friend. I spend more time with him, chilling, than I do with anybody else (including the BF). I don't think I'll be able to get out of bed.


      I know, dramatic.

  6. So sorry to hear about your pup. My husband & I had to cancel our weekend in Seattle because our crazy dog tore off all 4 pads. You will have to see the pic on our blog tomorrow but I will say it is a complete shit show around here. I feel your pain and am sending love your dog's way. The health things our poor pets manage, right!?! Good luck!

  7. So sorry to hear that your puppy is not feeling well. I adore dogs, and I think they are truly smart. Hope he gets better soon. Watch this to make your day a little better :)

  8. Very sorry to hear about your dog's suffering -- and the vet bills! One of my parents' dogs was similarly prone to ear infections -- which seemed to get worse when the weather was humid. Hope yours recovers quickly!

    The Balloons bowl is lovely. I've got the 444, too -- still hoping the 441 shows up.

    1. I'm now on the lookout too. Balloons wasn't really on my "obtainable in a thrift store" list, but you just never know..

  9. Ooo! I've never seen that balloon bowl before! Love it! ♥

  10. I'll have to wait until later to link up, because I'm too lazy to take photos right now. But, I had to say that the balloon bowl is amazing!!! Sorry to hear about your dog :(

  11. I'm sorry to hear about your pup, hopefully all is well soon! Awesome find with the Balloons!

  12. I hope your dog feels better soon! Poor guy :(
    I'm in shock that you found a mint condition Balloons bowl for $2.99!! We finally caved and just bought one for ourselves on Etsy for way too much... they are my absolute favorite!

    1. Thanks! There are a few pieces I've caved & paid higher for. Balloons wouldn't be a piece that I'd have bought before something else at a higher price - Shamrock is the one I want the most right now.

  13. I'm sorry to hear about Charlie. Is he an English Springer Spaniel? My dog has the same ear issues and separation anxiety. It's so bad with him that we have to take him with us everywhere when we travel.

    1. Nah, he's an American Staff. I'm sorry to hear your pup has the same issues. :(

  14. I have to say I'm pretty jealous that you found a Balloon Pyrex bowl for $2.99! That's my favorite pattern and I've never found it in a thrift store. And I hope your puppy gets better!

    -Melissa @ Scavenger Hunt

  15. So sorry about your pooch, it's rough when we see them hurting. Hope it gets all better soon. I can't get over your balloons bowl and the price! Wow! The Lefton is so pretty, too. You always find great stuff. Take Care.

  16. It's so terrible when the critters in our lives are sick. I hope he feels better soon!
    I can't believe the price on the ballons! I'm so jealous! I've never even seen one!

  17. Our boxer Pearl gets bad ear infections too. The vet taught us how to clean her ears and it's helped a little. Hope your baby gets well soon!

  18. i do love that balloon print. but i have never found one. just as well, the last thing i need is to start another collection.

    yeah, who am i kidding. it would be in my cart lickety split. ;)

  19. Our 12 year old lab gets chronic ear infections too. We've addressed diet, we medicate and medicate and it just keeps coming back. At this point I think it is environmental allergies. So sorry I know it's totally sucky for you and your dog.

  20. Those Salt and Pepper shakers are pretty cute. Our lab/collie is a bit peeved with us at the moment... We had a dog sitter in at the weekend. A cannon bone only briefly made up for the 2 days without a frisbee session.

  21. I hope Charlie's feeling better soon. Great Pyrex find. Thanks for hosting.

  22. Poor doggy! It sounds like he has a hematoma from shaking his head. One of our dogs had that one time, they drained it and it healed fine. No cauliflower ear-but he was a golden retriever, not sure if that makes a difference.

    Good luck to Charlie!

  23. so sorry about about your little dog
    when my pug had hot spots the vet game me a spray and it really helped besides pednizone tablets and a shot
    my cocker spaniel always had ear infections and it's a hassle to keep them clean fro sure
    hoping he gets better real quick

    Happy New Year
    oh and the pyrex bowl is a good find
