Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wanted Wednesdays: Vintage Peek-A-Boo Glasses

Wanted Wednesdays
Vintage Peek-A-Boo glasses

Another item that's outta my price range, but that's too good not to buy when I win the lotto... & FYI - I've got tickets for tonight's $30,000,000 649 Jackpot (for you Americans, that's quite large for that particular Canadian lotto) or finding at a second hand shop!

Pretty sexy, huh?

(vintage peek-a-boo glasses, tumblers)


  1. LOVE THOSE! Would love to find some like that one day...

  2. Super cheesy glasses! I remember when those were considered risqué!

    I had a pen similar to that...

  3. I remember the pens!

    Maybe I'll venture into some of the really old sex shops in Toronto & see if they have some old stock like this!
