Saturday, December 15, 2012



As predicted, I did minimal thrifting this week, the shelves were still pretty baron, but as always, there were some diamonds in the rough. 

Basically, it was a 1980's explosion. 

Some vintage Pac-Man fabric... it has a bizarre stain on it, I have no idea what it could be. I was so excited to find it, too. I'll have to see if it can wash out. Is there yards & yards of it, though. The stain happened from the fabric being folded & it leaves a film on your hands after touching it... You can see it in the photo, right about the word Pac-Man. Kinda depressing.

This stand up Care Bears cake pan set is AWESOME. A friend is coming up for his birthday in the new year & I'll be baking this cake for his birthday. All In The Family board game, 1972.. not the '80s, but whatever. 

Pyrex. A Butterfly Gold 503. Would love to trade, if anybody is interested, but please note, there is a chip on the inside of the lid.   

I'm just going to say this is from the 1980's... always wanted one of these tiny shopping hand baskets.  

Some very retro 1980's Christmas stockings - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I've been on a wild search for 2 years actually for 2 nice vintage white stockings, but surprisingly, they've been impossible to find! These will be just perfect! 

I listed my vintage Strawberry Shortcake stationery on eBay & guess what? All had winning bids from the same bidder with 0 feedback. Ended yesterday, today eBay cancelled them all as they are no longer a registered user. I don't get why the hell they bid... they even waited until the end of the auction to snipe the items

Linking up with A Living Space for The Nifty Thrift.

Thriftasaurus Thrift Haul Linkup #13!
  • Submit your blog link of your latest thrifting finds.
  • Please don't submit old posts or non-relevant material - thanks in advance!
  • Thanks bunches for joining in!
  • Please link back to my blog - Sir Thrift-A-Lot so others can join in!
 Linky Tools seems to be experiencing some problems, so if you wanna link up, come back... Sorry! Can't wait to see what you've found this week, though.


  1. LOVE the TMNT stockings, and the Care Bear cake pan! I'm sorry that happened to you with your SSC. So many times people that have bought from me have zero feedback. I cross my fingers every time that they will follow through, and so far I have lucked out.
    Great Finds!
    Erica :)

    1. Thanks!

      This was the first time a ZERO feedback bidder never came through. So many eBay headaches lately.

  2. I had that Care Bear cake for my 1st Birthday, here's a photo that my fiance scanned while we were looking back through some old photo albums.

    If you aren't interested in vintage TMNT stuff you should be able to sell it to someone for $30+. I've seen them before online and they looked pretty popular.

    1. Awe, cute!
      This cake pan is actually different, this one stands up (3D, I guess?). I've yet to add the one you had to my cake pan collection.

    2. Oh haha you're right, why didn't I realize that?! I was getting mixed up with another photo of me and a birthday cake of a 3D Garfield.

    3. Oh & I'm gonna keep the stockings for now. I'm totally into them.

    4. You're lucky to have had fun cakes when you were little! My family got ones for $6 from Price Club.

  3. Those Pacman sheets are awesome! For really yucky stains I use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, blue dawn dish soap and baking soda then let the item sit. It hasn't let me down yet.

    1. It's like this gigantic piece of fabric that's kinda rough like canvas (or maybe just really, really rough cotton - ha). I'll give it a shot - thanks!

  4. I'd like to link up but I don't see it in this post.

    1. Linky Tools seems to be having problems. The linkup is embedded on my blog, so when Linky Tools is back up & running properly, the linkup will be there!

      It seems to keep appearing & disappearing.

  5. I am in loooove with that wire basket! So adorable!

    1. Thanks! I think it had been there for a long time, the tag was extremely dirty. It's really cool.

  6. I agree that the wire basket is fantastic. Thank you for hosting.

  7. Thanks for hosting this link party, this is the first time I have linked up. You always find the best thrift items.

  8. do you still have them? and how much will you sell each?
