Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Holidays: Vintage Photos of Aluminum Trees

Happy Holidays!

My shopping is done, I'm going to get in some last minute thrifting before I go home for the holidays in between extra shifts I took at work to make up for the time I'll be losing.

 Here are some vintage photos of aluminum Christmas trees.

Who is celebrating this year aluminum style? Anybody doing the real thing?
I live in an apartment where real trees are not allowed, but I love the aluminum trees anyways. I'm not really satisfied with my 4 foot, so next year I've got to go bigger!



  1. I have never heard an apartment building telling you not to have a real tree??? Why not? I am sorry you can't have a real tree because that is the best one!! I have a real one 3 years in a row.
    As a kid I only had fake trees but now I am only sticking to the real ones, but the aluminum aren't bad, they are actually pretty...where do you get them?

    1. I've never lived in an apartment building that allowed real trees - they have always said that they are a fire hazard, but maybe that's probably just a cop-out because they see them as a nuisance. The needles as they come in, the dryer needles & tinsel as they come out, the many trees that would be left over that the building would have to pay to dump.

      I only had fake tree as a kid, but my grandmother always had a real tree & she has a knack for decorating & it was always beautiful. I got mine on eBay, was hoping to score one in the thrifts, but it never happened. Hopefully a pink one will surface one day soon!

  2. I can't remember anyone ever having an aluminum tree when I was growing up!

    Merry Christmas, Sir!

    1. Besides my other grandmother, me neither. I had thought she had a blue one, but my sister says NAY. My sister also claims that when we were little she saw a fish jump out of my grandmothers decanter that looks like this (it was missing the lid):


      I remember the day that happened, too.

  3. We had a aluminum tree too! Great pictures :)

  4. I have been on the lookout for a real one for a long time now. They are so cool!!!

  5. great pictures but I was hoping to see your's decorated. I have 3 trees up at the moment: my 6 foot aluminum, my 3 foot aluminum and a fake green tree.

    1. I'm not finished! haha. I wasn't even going to put mine up, mine is super simple. Aluminum with red bulbs.

  6. I love the pictures, esp 2, 4 and 5. I love that that little girl in photo 5 is hugging a blowmold santa!

  7. I have the best of both worlds, a 4' aluminum beauty and an 11' real tree!

    Merry Christmas!


  8. We put up my husband's grandmother's 5 foot aluminum "Princess Pine" and a small 2 1/2 foot Elf tree which is real...I have a 9 month old who's crawling everywhere so it's tree alert 24/7!!!
    Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. LOL! I remember tree alert. It was on when my mom had my little brother.

  9. I sold two Pom-Pom aluminum Christmas trees on eBay and made a nice piece of change. Gonna blog about it soon. Love those pictures-wish I had every one of those tree to sell now-I'd be rich....HA!

    Dude @ http://www.moneyinthegarage.com/

  10. I know what you mean, I thought my 4ft Aluminum tree would suffice... but i've been pining for a 6ft always! Merry Christmas!

  11. Hi

    I know you signed up for THE SEALED POT CHALLENGE-Just wondering how it was going. We all get together on my blog for SEALED POT SUNDAY-to share news and spur each other on.

    Would be lovely if you could join us sometime.

    Sft x
