Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thriftasaurus Linkup!


The first Thriftasaurus of November, with an amazing haul from me this week! My boyfriend took me on a trip - we went all over & 2 two antique malls. One antique mall, gorgeous selection of items, the best I've ever seen in an antique mall, stuff I've never seen in my [real] life, just on the net, but for outrageous prices. I have only been to this antique mall once before & left with a Butterprint bowl from a booth that was having a 50% off sale. I had high hopes of finding an amazing Pyrex piece there that I was going to spoil myself with (they have a black dot Fire King bowl that I really want, but $75!). We were on the lookout for fridgies & pink! Slim pickings. I picked up this Daisy Divided for more than I would care to admit, but that's OK! 

I'm thinking these might have been the thrift store find of the day, the set was $3.99. 

Other Pyrex finds include the 503 from the Primary set, I had previously purchased the lid from Goodwill the week before last, a $2.99 fridgie that someone dumped at the checkout at Value Village (Verde?) & a Butterfly Gold. 

Vintage cake toppers & vintage elf Christmas decorations - 'tis the season. 

I can never say no to a 1990's troll item (besides the trolls themselves.. or maybe a bookbag or something), so 49cents for this pin, sure. 
DC Comics, 1977 pillow cases for 99cents. I would like to sell, but they aren't in great selling condition unfortunately
Annnnd... I'd really like to know if the decanter in the bottom photo is vintage or not (just curious, doesn't matter). I see the decanters often, without lids or shot glasses. This is the first time I have ever seen it with the lid, in mint condition & with all the multi-coloured shot glasses (assuming that there is 4 to the set) & the price is right for eventual booth.
Can anyone confirm it is vintage?

My absolute splurge & favourite find was the Santa in this photo. I have wanted one for years & just recently discovered antique markets (I know, right?), so when I saw it, I picked him up. The Colonel Sanders bank was from Value Village.. I have been eyeing them at the markets, but they were too pricey for me. The price was right at Value Village, so now it's mine. I don't know why I bought that elf. It looks like it has been pissed on, too. Market regret, haha. 

I have found mugs of this pattern before, had no clue that they made anything else, but stumbled upon these canisters at Value Village (so damned mad that one is missing a lid!). I believe they are made by Otagiri. 

One last thing, this 1960's unused Charlie Brown scrapbook from the thrift. Love it!

I wanted to share this item with you..
Most expensive Value Village item ever?
($229.99 - just under $260 with taxes)
Lady next to her on the left, $179.99)

OK, that was a lot of stuff & a lot of photos. Can't wait to see everything that you've found this past week!




  1. Awesome finds!!! For me, the red and white canister set is THE BOMB! That would be perfect in my red and white kitchen!!!! Great price for it too. I am waiting to find this for myself in the thrift, hopefully soon!

    1. Thanks Pyrex Junkie! Hope you find one that matches your kitchen perfectly soon.

  2. I can't even handle the canister set. You are way too lucky. I don't know anything about the decanter set except that it is awesome. I wouldn't care if it was old or not. Looks perfect for vodka to me! Thanks for hosting the link party.


    1. Thanks Erica, haha.. & yea, definitely perfect for vodka!

  3. Wow! You had a great week!! Love the canister set and what a steal. I had to laugh because many of your finds are things I've thrifted in the past 15+ years. I got my Colonel Sanders piggy bank when I was in University for 50 cents ~ I love him dearly. I also have a very similar decanter shot glass set that I bought 20 years ago but mine has 6 glasses ~ I would say it's vintage. I also just recently picked the same santa at VVs for $2.99~ can't wait to put him out for Xmas!

    1. You know what they say... great minds think alike!

      You're lucky to find that Santa at Value Village!

  4. wow! you really racked up! i like that santa, ive been on the lookout for one like that. that canister set is a pretty amazing find as well!

  5. I love the Colonel Sanders bank (it's most definitely a rule living here in Louisville, KY-his old stomping grounds-to love the Colonel)! And the canisters are fabulous!

    What a great thrift-score week you had!

    1. Ooh, my BF would be so jealous, lol.. he is a KFC lover.

      Thanks Gina!

  6. That's a lot of really neat stuff!

    I have the troll items, they belonged to my grandmother, they were always on the tree so that's where I put them too!

    Thanks for hosting once again!!

    1. No probs! I'll be here every Sunday from now on.

      Rock on with the troll items, Jill! I do break out trolls once in a while - one from the '80s dressed in Christmas clothes (one of those more collectible ones, the name I forget right now) & '90s ones for Bingo!

  7. Im afraid to say that i really love that pissed on elf! I remember buying a mr potato head for my boy from a carboot sale and when we got it home it reeked of wee and it just wouldnt wash off so it all had to be binned, gross!
    I also absolutely love your otagiri stuff,
    Aqeela xx

    1. Awe, that sucks! The elf doesn't smell like pee, so I'm not actually sure if it's pee, lol.

      Otagiri stuff is always a great addition to any vintage collection, especially mine, lol.

  8. Oh, I love that Santa!!! Sorry about the pee'd on elf. Makes you wonder what he did to piss someone off :)

    1. haha.

      Not sure if it's actually pee, but it looks like it could be...

  9. You always find the BEST stuff, or maybe its the way you display your kills for photos?! What a STEAL on the red canister set, and im digging the "Justice Leauge" bed sheets (Batman and Robin are my FAVORITE!) haha

    1. Thanks, Mick! We had a friend over the night we went shopping & he actually grew up with the sheets.. his mother had bought them for him, lol, back in '78! I'm still in awe over the canister set. I paid $8 for a lone tea canister set from an antique market in red a couple weeks back.

  10. What a fantastic haul! I NEED that scrapbook in my life, I will begin seeking one out as soon as our move is finished & life settles down.

    1. Good luck on finding one! This is the absolute BEST unused vintage scrapbook I've seen to date.

      Good luck with the move, Poppy!

  11. Wow, just wow. How do you store all of it?

    1. Honestly, it's becoming a problem. I cannot stop myself & I almost thisclose to seeking out Doctor Robin Zasio from Hoarders (seriously).

  12. Holy crap! What a haul! Loving the Charlie Brown scrapbook, so cute!

  13. Absolutely amazing haul! Love it all! Seriously, each item. Batman Sheets!

  14. That is a big haul! Great finds all around

  15. That canister set is fantastic, and so is the Santa. Still waiting to find one of those at MY price! And that decanter set has got to be vintage. They just don't make things that cute anymore!
