Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Midweek Thrift

Midweek thrift & a red item to going up with Rednesday

My red item is this set of 4 Holly Hobbie honeycomb Christmas decorations. I was actually thinking about these today, as I have a pack stashed away (still sealed, too) that I want to list on eBay. After finding the sealed stickers pictured further down in the post, made me think of these. Was so psyched to find some more!

$3.99 for this Barbed Wire Pyrex Divided Dish with lids.. I can't believe (well I can, but you know..) that this is a 1958 promotional! This is my second Barbed Wire, my first was also found with a lid, which was only $4.99. 

My last midweek finds were these stickers, which I am going to list on eBay... hopefully selling them successfully! The stickers are 21 years old & all sealed.. so hoping to make at least $20 profit.

See you all Sunday for Thriftasaurus (if not sooner!). 

Happy Thrifting!


  1. Good luck with your sales! Some weeks seem to be good, others not so much, I just had eight auctions end yesterday - sold nothing!

  2. I have NEVER seen that Pyrex pattern!!!!!!

  3. I love anything Holly Hobbie! I have seen a lot of it lately. The Pyrex is great! :)

  4. That barbed wire pattern is really cool; of course, I'd like to see it in red! ;)

  5. I love the honeycombs. What do they look like opened? The barbed wire dish is one of the very first pieces of Pyrex that Hanna thrifted. She was super excited. Speaking of Hanna, she said she won't got to Vegas unless you go:-) We are headed there in March!


  6. pyrex with the proper lids? great score! love the stars.

  7. Jealous of your barbed wire dish! I haven't been able to find one yet. Great items!

  8. Wow! I love that Pyrex pattern! Collecting vintage Christmas down here in southern Mississippi can be frustrating since there's not much to be found and what IS out there is stupid expensive. Guess I'd better starting trolling eBay again.

  9. Great Holly Hobbie find! love that Pyrex pattern and with a lid~sweet!
