Monday, September 17, 2012

Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup & Classic Haul.

Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup #2 & Classic Sir Thrift-A-Lot haul. 

Autumn Harvest Bake Serve & Store set, perfect condition
priced on a sliding scale at an antique mall - $5, $4, $3.
And not taxable! Later saw them in a thrift shop - more expensive & without lids!
I'd like to invite anybody who'd like to co-host Thriftosaurus with me to contact me via email (in my profile) or in the comments below! It'll be a weekly linkup. 

This past Thursday I did a little thrifting trip while looking for work pants (still none) & now some work shoes at the West 49 outlet, lucky for me, near 2 thrift stores & not to far from one of my favourite Value Villages in the city. Never leave empty handed... much to my fiances dismay... especially because I came home with 19 packages of unopened Double Dragon & The Hulk napkins from 1993. But really? Who wouldn't want to use these?

Also at the same Value Village, I picked up some owl stuff, which I haven't seen much of lately. These salt & pepper shakers to add to my growing salt & pepper collection & another one of these owl mugs. I've never seen a more perfect picture on a mug - I just love it! I already have 2 of these, just one more & I've got a set! 

I can't believe I found this! A sealed WWF 1991 stationery set, wish I was in school! I have honestly been on the lookout for a sealed stationery set (vintage), I don't know why, but whatever, not the point. So CHECK. Off the list. 

Last, but not least, these two Fire King mugs - 49¢ each. 

This Thursday I'll be taking a mini-vacation to see my sister & visit some family in my hometown. Some thrifting, some fun & we're going to see the Titanic exhibit in Detroit, unless there is some unforeseen circumstance. 

Linking up with Apron Thrift Girl for Thrift Share Monday

Please join up with Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup! Just link up your recent thrift haul finds.


  1. OMG. A&E should do a show on thrift-bloggers. Our process, our finds, maybe blogger meet-ups, our wacky stories. Its would be great.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

    1. It would def be great. I'd love to be on it, they'd pay you, what? $10,000 at least? Could go on an antique mall shopping spree. :)

    2. And that would make for another episode!

  2. Love the Fire King mugs. I have never seen that pattern before. What is your plan for all the napkins? Big party?:-)


    1. Ummm... nothing yet. Was considering a 1990's inspired Pride party in July! This year it was Pink Friday - Nicki Minaj inspired.

  3. Hulk love napkins! (you have to say it in the Hulk voice otherwise I just look like a dork.) Great finds!

  4. Thanks for setting up this thrift share! I've been reading your blog for a while and LOVE your pyrex! You pyrex-o-maniac you! 8-)

    1. Oh, definitely I am.

      And I've wanted a successful thrift share, so maybe I'll keep this going..

      Thanks so much for reading!

  5. I bet those napkins will sell.....

  6. you are a thrifter after my own heart. I probably would have picked up everything you did. especially that mug. and seeing that pyrex gave me a flashback! my mom had a set of the mixing bowls in that pattern! i wonder if she still does.

    1. Awwwe, thanks Rae. ❤

      I've got that set. That's one of the sets I allow my boyfriend to use.

  7. Love the Pyrex, mugs, owls and Hulk! What awesome finds! :)
