Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup!

My new linkup, since I miss the linkups so much.

Anyways, I started last week, but gonna call it Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup. Fun? 

Well, today I went on a search for work pants. I'll never break & pay full price for a pair of work pants. I don't know why. Maybe because I can spend that difference on some well deserved antique mall goods? Well, I just can't do it. Currently, my fly won't stay up at work. It'll be up & 5 minutes later, I'll feel a breeze & it will have fallen down. Like 5 months ago, the zipper broke off. So, yea, time to search out pants. Which we tried to do today. I was vomiting in Goodwill bags, my boyfriends stomach was killing him... we were quite the pair today. Like 5 or 6 stores, I find a perfect pair... Goodwill (actually, gonna go with what I read some other blogger call it) Gougewill was charging $26.06 for this pair of used, donated pants! COME ON. My jaw literally dropped to the floor. Craziness. Especially since you can buy a nice pair of pants for $29.99 at Winners/Marshall's. Just... wow. I guess they aren't so bad with their housewares. I don't venture in the clothing department much.

I did some some great stuff, though!

This 1964 Mattel Barbie, Ken & Midge binder. You'd think with back to school, vintage enthusiasts this would have been long gone, lucky for me it was only $2.02. You don't find stuff like this too often around here. 

Some Pyrex, of course. Homestead, not a favourite of mine, but I did grow up with the Cinderella bowls. However, this is one piece I won't be afraid to use/break. Unlike this vintage 1961 promotional Pyrex Gourmet Cinderella Round Casserole. 

I picked up this set of cute vintage bowls. Don't know a maker or anything about them. Just thought they were a cute set & would make a wonderful addition to a future booth/shop. Do you like? 

Also a lil' Pyrex container. 99cents. 

Your closet disco queen,

Sir Thrift-A-Lot

Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul Linkup! 

Just linkup with you thrift finds, link back here... comment. Whatever, just have fun & share your thrift store finds! Thrift on!


  1. Oh. I never found work pants. The search continues!

  2. I love the Pyrex Store n See. Would you believe that I saw one for sale at an antique mall today for $7? I couldn't believe my eyes...especially cos a booth right down the aisle only ("only") wanted $3 for the same one.

    1. I don't understand antique mall prices sometimes, but what you gonna do. Some of those people are crazy!

  3. That binder is just so cute - just like the Barbie cases.

    What luck to find the promotional - it makes you giddy when you come home with something like that - totally unexpected - I felt that way with my pink fridgies!!!

    1. Just like the Barbie case indeed, but worth a bunch more - $115.99, one with the exact same graphic sold on eBay. Only Barbie binder on eBay (vintage).

      I'd rather have the pink fridgies. Wanna trade? LOL.

  4. That binder is amazing!!! And, thank you for the link-up! I miss them, too!

  5. Gaah, that binder is amazing! I'd happily pinch those bowls off you too ;) xo.

  6. $26 for used pants!? That's insane. How did they get that figure? The Goodwills near me are fairly priced, especially on clothing. Most clothes, unless they're new from a retail donation or designer are a flat rate. $3.50 for a shirt $4 for pants, etc. I don't get that $26 price tag at all... it's like a bizarro-thrift...where everything is backwards.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  7. Man, Goodwill pisses me off! Half the time mine don't have anything good, and when they do it costs a bagillion dollars! I have much better luck at the ARC, even though they have been getting a little nutty with the prices lately too. Good lucky on your quest for britches!

  8. Is it sad as I read the text in the last picture I heard the token "Dun, Dun" from the SVU?! haha I know GW has raised prices on clothing... My Girlfriend has been on the war bath since dressed went from $4 to $12! Oh well such is life...

  9. That is the coolest binder ever!!! Lucky you:)
    Atomic Moxie
