Saturday, August 18, 2012

What I Didn't Buy @ The Thrift Store.

I like everybody's "what I didn't buy at the thrift store" features, so I decided to do the occasional one of my own. 

Here's my first! 

These fashionable orange Federal mugs were a pass at $1.51 each. Would have been great for Halloween hot apple cider! 

A cute little Easter Bunny that looks like he might be trying to perform some sort of auto-fellatio. Not my type of holiday decoration, but to each their own. Now that I look at the photo, I really didn't capture the it very well. & I'm wondering what I missed just to the upper right.

This deeply scratched in many spots, but very shiny #34 (never knew there were 34's) yellow Pyrex bowl was a must leave, especially for $6.06 at Goodwill. 

I wish I had a killer cell phone camera that would have captured the awesomeness of this very retro yellow table for two! The table was very light, like it could have been blown away by the smallest of Torcan fans & if I gained another 10 pounds, I'd have snapped the chair in half... so the $15.01 set stayed behind (a chair was cut, the table wabbled..).  

 This damaged, but oh so cute tea towel!

What did you leave at the thrifts this week? Any regrets?


  1. Two regrets! First one was the deep cast iron frying pan in perfect condition ($10). I sat it down to look at another item and forgot about it!!

    The second item is just a tiny regret. I carried a little vintage metal tackle or possibly tool) box around the thrift store for at least an hour. It was only $2. I decided before I left that I already own way too many of these type of boxes...

    BUT! None of the ones I have were like this one! :)

    OMG, I cracked up at the bunny!

    1. Ouch Gina! I've done that once before, but luckily I went back & the item was still there. I was so pissed at myself.

  2. that tea towel! i would have figured out some way to fix it! so cute!

  3. The orange mugs were really cool and the bunny so funny! I just learned today that there is a 300 series in Pyrex! Who knew! I scored seven pieces (of pyrex) at the flea market this morning (a record), and am going to another flea tomorrow! Hope you found things that you DID KEEP!!
    Erica :)

    1. Always learning something new in this Pyrex collecting hobby. I love days like that. Can't wait to see what pieces you took home with you. &, took home very few items this past week. A bit disappointing I have to say.

  4. Left a dishwashered gooseberry black on yellow large bowl... $9 plus tax!

  5. That towel, bunny, and table set. All too cute- but I can see why you'd leave them behind. I'd be tempted by those orange mugs though. Me and my mug obsession....

  6. Wino teddy bear tea towel – heh
