Sunday, August 19, 2012

Spring Blossom Green Pyrex Bowls + Mug

Spring Blossom Green Bowls

I'd like to share my present to myself on my birthday, which was August 7th. I had hoped to post some more birthday Pyrex, a surprise gift from the BF, but at least Goodwill presented me with these 3 bowls. 3 441 Spring Blossom Green Pyrex bowls for $3.03 each.

When I picked them up, I just had to wonder. What happened to the rest of the sets? Did they already put them out & someone purchased them & didn't like or need the #441s? Did they miss them on the shelf (because I almost did)? Did the original owner donate them some time before? Did all the other bowls break? Were they given away? Did they keep them? 

Whenever I pick something up at the thrifts, I like to wonder: why did the original owner decide they no longer wanted this? How long did it go unused before they donated it? Why did they donate it? And sometimes, there is the question of, did the owner pass away? I'll never get the answers, but it's always fun to wonder. Does anybody else have any similar thoughts? 

One more item I'd like to share that I bought quite some time ago is this occupational mug. If you are a reseller, occupational mugs (coffee mugs or shaving cups) are excellent items to resell. Like all good resellers, do your research (ie: search the completed eBay listings) to get an idea of what occupational mugs have a decent return. Of course we are talking vintage occupational mugs, some can even fetch into the $100's.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!
    I too, often wonder why things were donated and who owned them. I bet there are some pretty good stories about some items.

    1. Definitely!

      & thanks for the birthday wish Paulette!

  2. what a cute little "set" of bowls!

  3. Happy belated birthday to ya. I'd have had no idea that the occupational mugs could fetch so much money on eBay. The dentist one you have pictured here is GORGEOUS.

    And to answer your question, I think of stories for thrifted finds all the time.

    1. Thanks Van!

      I had no idea what an occupational mug was until I stumbled upon this one. Would love to find more, especially one that would sell for a lot of $$.

  4. I always wonder about items, especially when a collection has been donated. It's one thing if the person has outgrown the collection, but often, I think someone has passed away. It makes me a little sad, but if they collected something I like, then I figure they would be happy that their pieces are going to someone who will appreciate them, but it is something that I do think of.

    1. Ooh, I always wonder about collections too. When I see them, I always think about the original owner passing away..

  5. Your thrift score finds are fabulous!! I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog! I have a thrift score link party starting soon. Hope you can join!!
    xo sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra! I'll be checking out your link party.

  6. I always think about how things that are valuable now to collectors were bought as kitschy collectibles or were giveaways or free with purchase.

  7. OMG Noida
