Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekly Thrift Haul: Totally Bowled Over

This week very light thrifting, but as per usual, gems were unearthed. Up above is an amazing vintage bowling cocktail glass obvs by Bennett - only 99cents at Goodwill. The graphics are this one are absolutely amazing making it a steal. 

At the same Goodwill, I picked up these two white swirl Fire King bowls for $2.52. One needs a bit of a deep clean, but I have high hopes for it. These are for potential resale in an eventual booth/shop. 
You know, this particular Goodwill is either a hit or miss. You'll either find a handful of stuff or you'll find nothing. I come out empty handed more times than with my handsful, but quality stuff does shoot out of it. 

Some Pyrex: 
Butterfly Gold & Snowflake Blue 473 Cinderella Bowls, both for under $5.
& another black Gooseberry, a pattern I absolutely adore for cheap!

 It's Toronto Pride this weekend, so Happy Pride, & maybe I'll post some interesting pictures later on this weekend. It's also Canada Day weekend, so no thrifting for me! Happy Canada Day too everybody!


  1. Oh man you found some great Pyrex for cheap! Good job! Happy Pride and Happy Canada Day to you! :)

  2. Happy Pride and Canada Day to you as well!!

    I also adore Gooseberry. Love the glass!

  3. You must have a Pyrex finding gene, you find the best Pyres. I love, love, love the black flower design!

    1. I totally must!

      And black Gooseberry is to die for.
