Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Thrift Scores!

Sir Thrift-A-Lot
in Flea Market Finds
with Her Library Adventures

Thrifty Love with CAP CREATIONS

It didn't take very long for me to complete my Spring Blossom Green Pyrex casserole set, just finding the first two pieces last week & finding the last piece just the other day. Little did I know, while moving dishes around in my cupboards I had another 475 tucked away in the cupboard on top of my fridge - can always use anther one. :)
Pictured with a vase I once passed up at Goodwill, picked it up at a Value Village. A similar vase - in blue & green - was up for sale at an antique market for $65.

These little jars were a buck each at Goodwill, very thick & Made in Japan. Don't know what they were original used for, but would love to fill them with vintage glitter or something. They stand just about 3 inches tall. 

Vintage chrome West Bend penquin ice bucket for $7.99 from a very decent Value Village. This was picked up on my last trip to Windsor. 

A gift for a friend when I eventually see her - she loves Hello Kitty (& pretty sure she no longer reads my blog, HAH). It was too good to pass up. The shot glass/tea light holders (whatever they are) & glass have Hello Kitty on them, just couldn't face them in the packaging - $2.99, Value Village. 

It's been awhile since a new vinyl has entered my collection, got two this week from two separate Goodwill's. Tracey Chapman & Rob Base & DJ E Z Rock. "It Takes Two" being one of my favourite '80s/'90s rap songs. I remember going into a record store looking for a cassette single for Seduction's song "It Takes Two" & they had never heard of it & tried to hand me this cassette.. I turned my head in disgust telling them I hated the song & years later I can't get enough. 


  1. Love it all! The orange vase looks great with your Pyrex too. Haaa! Rob Base!!! Thank you!
    Erica :)

  2. That West Bend ice buckey is very stylish. Love the look.

  3. Oooh that vase is so cute!

    Good score on the pyrex; it's true we can alway suse another one :)

    OMG that Hello Kitty set was the best deal! Let me know if you don't see your friend, I'll buy it from you.

    1. Awwe. Wish I knew, Vonlipi. They had another one & I never got it!

  4. ohhhh! i love early hip hop and that vase is just perfect! good stuff!

  5. Love Love that orange vase! Very bright and cheerful. Found you via a blog hop and am now a new follower.

  6. the big orange jar is very neat! My mom has that ice bucket too. I was wondering, do you have an online shop where you sell your vintage things? I'd love to check it out if so. Thanks for sharing at cap creations.

  7. Cap - I don't sell very much online for two reasons: shipping prices are quite high for larger items & most buyers are in the USA & can get the item shipped to them for half the price by someone in the USA, so it isn't worth the resale. & I am saving a lot of items for merch for an eventual consignment shop that I have in mind or opening a booth.

    I do eBay an item once in awhile,

    Nothing right now though.

  8. I love that vase! And of course, I love the Pyrex. :)
