Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Sunday Goal Link Up

Sunday Goal Link Up
over @ Thrift Core!

1. Goal is to lose 2 lbs this week. How? Fresh fruit in the morning, dreadful as it is - taking the stairs both up & down from my apartment on the 9th floor, 50 jumping jacks before work every morning & adding in more exercises when I can handle it.
2. Add collectibles, uniqueness & personal touches to my new green Ikea Billy Bookcase (Ikea stock photo above).
3. Scan vintage photos for eBay. Cross fingers, toes that they will sell.
4. Spring is near! Start preparations for balcony planting. Any suggestions? I am highly leaning towards strawberries & cucumbers...
5. Gym 4x this week. Participate in step class this Monday.

my latest eBay purchase
99cents + shipping
Wendy's Where's The Beef? puffy stickers from 1984

Last time I participated, one of my goals was to find a family doctor. I am proud to say: I have an appointment on April 9th. The nurse was like, "oooohh, I don't have an opening until April 9th." I'm all like, "it's okay, I haven't had a family doctor in about 10 years, I don't think another month would hurt!"

Good luck with your goals this week!


  1. These could easily be mine. Quick weight loss - stomach flu. 7 lbs, lol. Yes on the stairs! My friends and I found a spot outside with a great set to run, totally kicks your butt and makes you sweat like crazy.

    Those green shelves are extremely cool! Enjoy them.

  2. Congrats on the weight loss... even if it's from the stomach flu! Maybe I'll go lick a subway pole tomorrow...

    I'm loving the stairs & thanks! Just taking a break from putting stuff in them right now (only put one bowl in it, LOL).

  3. If you write it out does it make you want to achieve your goals? If that is the case I have a whole list I need to work on. maybe I should link up. I say my list in my head but never do it. Let us know if you make your goal, I'm cheering for you.

  4. Paulette - If I were to write the goals out on a piece of paper, I'd probably just toss them aside & forget about them. I do find this helps me a bit more. There is a small circle of support from other people who are posting their goals as well & seeing them accomplish some of theirs is encouragement as well. Give it a try next week, see if it helps!

    Good luck...
