Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Flea Market Finds

Another week has come to an end, check out some of my finds from the past 24 hours..

A set of 4 Royal Alma (bought 2 of the birds, one not pictured) mugs, Made in England from Value Village. Also from Value Village this cute set of vintage mushroom tins by J.L. Clark Manufacturing Co., Made in USA.

Another one of my storage problems coming to an end with this vintage Rubbermaid stacking kit from 1976. Spices, pills meet your new master!

I've now completely new PINK Pyrex nesting bowl set with the purchase of a #404, priced out of my usual range, but a bowl I have yet to see - in any condition - during my thrifting adventures. I paid $15 to complete my set. Item crossed off my kinda want list.

I can cross another item off a want list, but this is "I'LL DASH ACROSS THE STORE IF I SEE IT" want list. My sister had this Coke can growing up in her Coca-Cola collection, whether this Coca-Cola collection was actually wanted by her or just forced on by her, the world may never know, but this is one of the cans that I wish we had kept! I couldn't get a great photography of it & I really hope that TREND LAND doesn't mind the shout out & the image use. There are some other fun Coke cans there that my sister had too that I want to put in my collection. I do not collect Coke items, but I love these retro images. And oddly enough, I had just mentioned the can to my boyfriend hours before we found it...

Linking it up with Apron Thrift Girl for Thrift Share Monday.


  1. thx knitxcore.

    & beckyp, i guess they turned off hyperlinking shortly after i posted.. going to fix that right now.

  2. Lotsa thrifting goodness!

    Congrats :)

  3. I've never seen Coke cans like that - what year were they made?

  4. Jill - I'm not 100% sure, just know that they were produced in the 1980's & before 1986.

  5. So many great finds! I think the pink bowl was worth the $15 because it's gorgeous & completes a collection. It seems to be in really great condition, too, which is a plus.

    I've never seen those Coke cans, but they look great!

  6. LOVE the mugs and that coke can is fab!!!

  7. The Royal Alma mugs are wonderful.
    Is there any bette way to spend a Saturday night than nosing at other people's thrifted treasure.
    Glad I found your blog.
    Emma. X
