Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dumpster Dived!

Take a peek at what I've been picking out of the trash...

A Bjork CD, a Charlie & the Chocolate Factory DVD, Weekly World News magazines, Rainbow Brite, Care Bears & Donald Duck Christmas record (among about 20 others), Working Girl on VHS, 4 great condition EGG magazines & 6 professionally framed Tom of Finland prints that had never been taken out of their original wrapping.

This isn't all. Not to long ago I picked about 200 cds out of the trash with my bestie & we kept what we wanted, sold 7 or so for about $25 (they gave us a quarter for Britney Spears) & another was sold on eBay for $30, the rest were donated to Goodwill. I've got a Boy George & Madonna poster, not pictured & a stack of books and other magazines. Funniest thing yet..? A garbage bag full of gay VHS porn. I guess it has to go somewhere, right? That stayed down there right next to the dumpster, but it was gone the next day. Another book in my "to read" pile is selling for $60 on Amazon - picked from the trash!

PS: this is only in the past few months... wonder what's to come? Will Sir Thrift-A-Lot have a monthly Dumpster Dived! post? Stay tuned!


  1. OMG, who in their right mind is throwing this all away? You rescued Rainbow Brite, aww!

    <3Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  2. Great *garbage* looking forward to your next dumpster dive post.

  3. Jackie - You don't even know the stuff I've seen down there. A wooden art easel, a Nintendo (already have two), office supplies... can't wait to see what's going to be thrown away next!

    Paulette - thanks!

  4. Yea, I agree: Great finds! A dumpster diving regular would be fabulous. I love those WW News covers(altho, that 8" tongue is slightly disturbing :)
