Thursday, January 26, 2012

Butterprint & Bingo in Vintage Thingie Thursdays

Today I am joining up with COLORADO LADY for
Vintage Thingie Thursdays.

This week I found two more Pyrex Butterprint bowls at Value Village, 441 & 442 - $3.99 & $5.99. I've completed now my second set of Butterprint Cinderella bowls & have additional, working on a third. It's my favourite pattern. I cannot wait to own it in pink & orange!

Below is another addition to my drinking glass collection! The one on the left I had bought in Windsor, Ontario awhile ago & the bestie picked up the one on the right in Cambridge not to long ago, never thought I would find a similar one, but one thing thrifting has taught me.. you never know what you are going to come across. There are some notable differences in the glasses making me think the one on the left is older. It does not have the card # in the top, the maker "Bazaar & Novelty Co." in the lower right. The left one also has the "FREE" spot marked as well as the number ranges per letter just under the letter. I've made the conclusion that the one on the left is older than the one on the right. These are definitely neat glasses!


  1. The BINGO glasses are fantastic, I'll keep an eye out for them in my area. Wouldn't it be grand to have a set of 6 or 8!

    1. I'm lucky found a set of six. All different colors. Trying to find history or manufacturer

  2. Love the Bingo glasses - I've never seen them before. Cute finds, makes me want to get out and find a garage sale/estate sale/thift store something and just walk around a bit.

  3. Yes, the glasses are definitely something I would like. I enjoy playing bingo with other seniors. Never saw glasses like this tho. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Paulette - it definitely would! Love having larger sets.

    c. Joy - can't wait until spring to hit up yard sales.

    LV - Love bingo! Haven't been in awhile but making plans to go soon.

    Have a good weekend everybody. Thrift on!

  5. Those bingo glasses are adorable!!! Great finds for sure!!

  6. I like your Butterprint bowls. I have some that my Mom had when I was a kid. I pick up a few once in a while at thrift shops.
