Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Monday, November 28, 2011


I'm speechless.

WTF Tuesday!

A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  2. Thrifts of Terror  3. Vonlipi's Favorites  

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lighters, Pyrex & Lids - Oh My!

A few more recent finds from the mean streets of Toronto...

Some funky retro '80s lighters from a nice vintage shop, $5 a pop, but I didn't want to leave the cassette one behind & the compact one made a great gift - :p. Don't you just love them?

I found a nice lid at Value Village for a a 470-C for $1.99 - the same Value Village I found a lid for 503 refrigerator dish & an hour later I found an aqua 503 refrigerator dish at Goodwill! Well, this time about an hour after finding the lid I found these two fabulous Town & Country (472, 471) pieces, it isn't the right lid, but I definitely hope this is a new trend. The lid will go greatly on my 470-C Spring Blossom that is in my display case.

My last item that I bring you is something I found many months ago, waaaay back in August on the way home from The Toronto Zoo - a cup stand. Not vintage, still displaying the tag on the bottom from Homesense, it is still stylin' & only displaying the set of Tulip Termocrisa mugs I got for a buck each for the picture. They are usually just sitting in my cupboard.

Joining CAP CREATIONS for WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THE THRIFT STORE (where I was featured this week - YAY!).
The Penny Worth Project.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Last week it was pickled bums, this week bums in lace panties that'll hold up your memos. This sexy magnetic memo board doesn't seem very practical - your memos would have to be very small, unless you only intend to hang them off the bottom.

WTF Tuesday!

A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

VintageThrift Scores!

Some more vintage items from the slim pickin's in the area. Value Village is having a 50% off sale tomorrow, November 21st, so I'll probably take much of the week off from thrifting in their stores - much too much of a headache them 50% off days.

A 442 Gooseberry for my collection. Just saw a Gooseberry last night while watching Super 8 - keep your eyes open if you're watching the movie! $3.99 at Talize. Two more & my collection of Gooseberry Cinderella bowls is set.

Two great vintage tea towels. I wish my cat were as hip as the cat who modeled for this tea towel, Value Village & destined for the etsy shop. I love "BOWLER CRYING" towels, this one won't sop up anybody's tears, but was made in Poland if that's any consolation, only 49cents at Talize.

Picked up bymy bestie, Aggie, in Cambridge these beautiful pieces from the Butterprint Serve & Store set - #'s 472 & 473. They need a good scrubbing & I'd put the boyfriend to work if he wasn't so afraid of what I would do if he broke them. $3.99 & $4.99 is my memory serves me correctly & from Value Village. You're the best Aggie!

Joining up with...

Eraser Collection

Retro/Vintage Eraser Collection

Not my collection, but I do like looking at eraser collections. One of my favs is the light bulbs! I had them growing up. You can buy it on eBay if you want, Vintage 80's ERASERS RUBBERS Lot.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pee Wee's Playhouse eBay Buy


A spur of the moment eBay buy.

Like Pee Wee says, "COOL"!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fun stuff for cheap!

Went to a West 49 pop up shop a couple cities over in Burlington, Ontario and took the time to visit two of their second hand stores. The West pop up shop was a bust for me, but the boy got two flannels & a Dakine bag. Value Village was also a bust, but I did find some other stuff at another shop I frequent when I am there.

Everything below (excluding the Holly Hollie cards) cost $1.25 in total.

2 NIP vintage wrapping paper, the boat one is very nice.
a "so many men, so little time" pin (sooo tacky!)
a sturdy retro pencil case
"The Unicorn" stationery pad by C.M. Paula Co, 1985

Nice price, eh?
"The Unicorn" pad is for sale.
The Holly Hobbie cards came from Value Village with a few other fun ones and a lot of filler.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pickled Bums [WTF TUESDAY]

"Pickled Bums"
So dumb..

WTF Tuesday!

A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Pickled Bums  2. Scary Shaker  3. Thrifts of Terror  

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Vintage Finds!

Even though the thrifting situation is dire, I have still managed to find a few vintage gems! Check them out below:

A trip to 2 different shops within hours of each other completed this aqua 503 Pyrex refrigerator dish. The lid came first, $1.99 at Value Village. With two chips on the underside & a bit of dirt * grim, I wasn't sure if I was going to pick it up, but finally decided that the rarity of finding a fridgie lid, I'd be kicking myself later, especially since I'll end up using it for display purposes. Next came the fridgie! Fridgie's are a rarity in Toronto, so is Aqua Pyrex, this fridgie shows some wear and has some grim, but in the end for just over $5 I got a complete 503 refrigerator dish - I'm psyched!

A fun vintage set of orange nesting snack bowls, $3.03 at Goodwill.

Same trip, $4.04 one of my first Christmas buys this year, a set of 12 vintage Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs for my non-existence Christmas tree (it's on the list!).

Another Pyrex find from awhile ago, Spring Blossom Green 043 casserole.. priced at $7.07 in pristine condition from Goodwill.

A great find is this gray 1950's Scottish dog flask with a rubbery outside, it reads "One scotch after another". Last week I visited this particular Value Village & it was in the glass case priced at $7.99. I had asked to see it & after seeing the price I thanked the woman & went on my way. Exactly a week later it was a on the shelf with the regular items priced at $5.99


Friday, November 11, 2011


I've got a few new, exciting things lurking around the house just waiting to be blogged about, but here's a quickie!

We picked up a new LACK bookshelf from Ikea last week and it just fits on this little piece of wall behind the bedroom door, right now it's pretty much empty & it's going to hold some of my exciting items soon! I just got to find the time & what box they lurk in. Can't wait to finish it!

Already got something snazzy for the shelf - these two vintage aqua metal bookends from Goodwill for $3.03/pair, made in Japan & by CARL they remind me much of the ones we had in our grade school library, except those were puke green.

+ calculator watch
- it's a knock off
- it's from Dollarama
+ it was cheaper at the thrift store

I've wanted a calculator watch for quite some time, finally have one, but not the one I want. Today at Value Village I spotted this Kenko calculator watch for 99cents, knowing it was a cheap knockoff when I bought it & knew it wasn't what I wanted & knew it was probably never see the light of day, I bought it anyways as it's probably the closest thing I'll get to a calculator watch anytime soon. Didn't expect it to be from Dollarama, but on the plus side, I got it at a cheaper price!

Later days.
- Sir Thrift-A-Lot


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

WTF? Tuesday! #10

There's room for one more...

WTF Tuesday!

A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  2. Thrifts of Terror  3. treasures in thriftingland  

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

All Porpoise Jar


I'd have been crazy not to.
$3.53 at Goodwill.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WTF Tuesday! #9

Thanks to everybody who participated last week, loved them all!
Daydreaming In Turquoise had a great find with a big foot head!

Here is my find this week! I haven't been thrifting much, so this one is just OK & seen it awhile ago at Value Village in Toronto on Bloor. This is something you'd find on your newly outted uncles mantle.

WTF Tuesday!

A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  3. Terrific Thrift of Terror  
2. store placement  4. Savvy Shopperette  

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