Sir Thrift-A-Lot ♥

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Reason I Go to Goodwill Everyday...

I can cross one of the items off my want list:
set of Pyrex Butterprint Cinderella bowls 441-444

Found them at Goodwill on Thursday of last week. The set cost me $19.19 altogether, with the largest costing $7.07. The bowls were spread out down the aisle layered on all 3 shelves & people watched me as I strolled down picked them up. I couldn't for the life of me find the 441, but knew it had to be there.. finally, tucked away in a corner (someone was hiding it?) there it was in all it's glory. I'm so happy to finally have this set! I think I have 4 443's now, but that's OK!

I picked up this snail container thing too last week for 99cents. I find it quite intriguing; also from Goodwill.

From Double Take I picked up this cool Schoolhouse Rock! postcards from TM American Broadcasting Companies, INC - 1996.

I remember watching Schoolhouse Rock! when it played during the commercials on Saturday morning cartoons while I was growing up, here are two of my favs:


(kudos to my friend Joyce who sent me these along with some other goodies, which I will save for another post!)
So glad Halloween thrifting season is over! One of the main streets near my house is closed off for the Halloween festivities, the only street in the city, so we went out to look at all the costumes. So many items that probably came from the thrift stores! Even people dressed up as vintage lamps! I thought up a few costumes while we were out, even being a set of Pyrex bowls!

Joining up with Apron Thrift Girl for THRIFT SHARE MONDAY
Her Library Adventures for FLEA MARKET FINDS.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

WTF? TUESDAY! #8 Halloween Edition


This guy is suitable for Halloween. Seen him at my favourite Goodwill last week!
Can't wait until next week & Halloween is over. The droves of people looking to score the greatest Halloween costume on earth & the droves of people looking to score cheap made in China crap from Value Village will be gone & I can resume my regular thrifting schedule.

Can't wait until Christmas. Creepy Santas anyone?

WTF Tuesday!

A party to celebrate the nasty, the silly, the stupid & the creepy items you find at your local thrift shops.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  3. Bigfoot Head  5. Thrift of Terror  
2. Vonlipi's Favorites 'Srooms  4. creepy clown  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Thrift Share Monday!

Sir Thrift-A-Lot

Windsor was a bust. Montreal was a HUUUUUUGE bust (will get to that another day), but here are a few finds from Mississauga the day before we left for Montreal & the day after we came back - had to drop off & pick up the dog & the boyfriends moms house.

Nice funky vintage tea towel or whatever, 99cents. I'm going to use it as a backdrop, needs to get an iron to it. A Butterprint Pyrex bowl from Talize, not the greatest condition, but I need this bowl for my set & I just couldn't say no. A vintage anniversary card that came along with a collection of cards I bought awhile ago, but was found by Aggie in the great car clean up of Oct '11. It also looks as if someone donated there '80s key chain collection to Talize, picked up these key chains, 99cents for the Smurfs key chain tonight, 49cents each for all the others picked up the other day. My fav is the Pac Man. The Chiclets one I think I actually had while growing up & I actually quite dig owning. Whenever we used to go see my grandmother one my fathers side she would always give us Chiclets when we were leaving & slip us a Loonie at the same time. Everything here found at Talize in Mississauga.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thrift Sharing!

I'm sooo late to the party, but joining up with APRON THRIFT GIRL for her THRIFT SHARE MONDAY!

This past weekend I had went to Windsor for my cousins wedding, it was a nice fall themed wedding & it was great to see some of my family again. The rest of of the weekend was pretty crappy! Actually, really crappy. I won't go into to much detail, but one of the crappy things is I missed out on the curiosity shop! They are now not open on Sundays!

Below I got the neat little retro cat lanterns for a $1.99 each. The second last time I went to Windsor I had gotten a similar style owl lantern. I'm liking the cat ones better. Also down below is this beautiful vintage, made in Japan tray. Isn't awesome? This is something that will end up in the Sir Thrift-A-Lot Etsy Shop which will have it's grand opening soon! I got my new credit card yesterday.

It's a bit hard to score Fire King mugs in the shops up here, but I scored this one yesterday at Goodwill for 99cents. Also pictured is a Pyrex Sunflower Divided Casserole dish, very cheery! $5.99 at Value Village in Windsor, such great condition! The same trip as the owl, this is the piece I missed out on for $12 because the Curiosity Shop closed at 5PM on Sunday & I arrived slightly before 5 or something.

& these little vintage elves/pixies hanging off mushrooms, $1.51 each from Goodwill. These guys were made right here in Toronto.

Don't forget to check out
right here on Sir Thrift-A-Lot!

Hot Pair of Salt & Pepper Shakers

Found this picture while cleaning up the old laptop & just wanted to say I want a set of these shakers. I'm not sure where the photo originated from (sorry!), if you know, please post in the comments.

Monday, October 17, 2011

WTF? TUESDAY! #7 WTF Were They Thinking?


Would you be caught dead buying yesterdays recyclables for $1.99 at Value Village?

WTF? Tuesday!

I've decided to create a party, a weekly party. I really hope it catches on & others take part! I love to see the items in the aisles that make you shudder, the ones you have nightmares about, the ones you think, "who in the hell bought that in the first place & why do they think someone would by it again?" or better yet, "who in the hell bought this in the first place & why the hell am I buying it again?" Your horrors. Your messes. Thrift store shame. The things nightmares are made of.

So let's begin...

1. Please include a link back, hopefully including a button.
2. No adverts for your store please! Shall be deleted.
3. Do not include thirft store shoppers (EX: this is not a "People of Wal-Mart" party).
4. If it's not "work safe", please include the the abbreviation "NWS" in your title when adding to the party.
5. I am not responsible for nightmares.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  2. Thrift of Terror  3. treasures in thriftinglan  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pyrex, Pyrex, Pyrex & More!!

Lots of Pyrex lately - that's great news!
Check it all out...

This 1 Qt Pyrex Verde was $4.04 with the lid in near mint condition from Goodwill in Etobicoke. This one is for trade! 1960's according to Pyrex Love.

Got this one today from Goodwill near my home. The one I visit daily. They have been marking up their prices on Pyrex, probably because they know I'm always in there buying them, $6.06. Pretty good condition. This is the first of Daisy Orange Yellow Sunflower Whatever... what is the official pattern name? 444 this one is, very good condition.

Early American, #474-B, mint $1.99. This one was sooooo dirty. The whole thing was yellowish brown, greasy, no wonder it was priced so low. They had another one, the one size bigger, worn out priced at $5.99, both lidless. This one was such a steal! Value Village, Victoria Park.

Crash Test Dummies sheets - two of them, don't even think they were used, for just a couple bucks! Too fun! From Talize in Mississauga. If you are too young to remember, or too old & forget, aside from a popular music group with no connection, the Crash Test Dummies were two dummies who were created as a Public Service Announcement to remind people in a creative, unforgettable way to wear your seat belt, with a great slogan to go along - YOU COULD LEARN A LOT FROM A DUMMY. BUCKLE YOUR SAFELY BELT. Does anyone know if one of the dummy voices was Garfield? Sounds awfully like him if it's not...

This mug, love it. Talize in Missisauga.

This Cabbage Patch Doll Stamper from 1990 in the package. Package is in horrible condition, but the stamper rocks. I think I'm gonna take it out of the package & put it to use. 99cents at Goodwill today! Don't find much there anymore besides Pyrex.

Thrifting in Windsor, Ontario tomorrow... hope it yields some amazing treasures!!


Monday, October 10, 2011

WTF? TUESDAY! #6 Two Cats In ♥

Thanks for coming buy this week! I can't wait to see what you've seen!

Here ya go! A statue for the real cat lover in your life. I'm am really hoping that the original owner found this statue cute instead of erotic, but unfortunately, it's looking more on the soft core porn side than the cute & cuddly to me.

WTF? Tuesday!

I've decided to create a party, a weekly party. I really hope it catches on & others take part! I love to see the items in the aisles that make you shudder, the ones you have nightmares about, the ones you think, "who in the hell bought that in the first place & why do they think someone would by it again?" or better yet, "who in the hell bought this in the first place & why the hell am I buying it again?" Your horrors. Your messes. Thrift store shame. The things nightmares are made of.

So let's begin...

1. Please include a link back, hopefully including a button.
2. No adverts for your store please! Shall be deleted.
3. Do not include thirft store shoppers (EX: this is not a "People of Wal-Mart" party).
4. If it's not "work safe", please include the the abbreviation "NWS" in your title when adding to the party.
5. I am not responsible for nightmares.

1. Two Cats In Love  4. Thrift of Terror: Sharp Vase  7. Scary Planter  
2. Creepy Pixie/Elf/Demon  5. Body Part ID  
3. sequin squirrel  6. Big Hat Lamp  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Major, Killer Thrift Score!

The pictures tell it all...

Took the bus with the bestie to Woodstock to visit the One of a King Antique Market & found some great bowls! I got the Gooseberry #444 (which is for trade), my first piece of aqua, it's labeled as a 411... & a beautiful polka dot Federal bowl for a mere $2 - $2 for a bowl at an antique market - this place rocks!

Also, this killer vintage metal Torcan fans are from there! I paid $20 & $25 each. They are nice & I'm proud to be their new owner.

On the way home a quick stop at the Cambridge Value Village had my heart skipping 3 beats when I spotted the full set of pink Pyrex bowls! Less than $12 for the set & great condition! Also these two killer mugs from Anchor, I swear that I have this same pattern from a different brand.

This hanging set of lemon salt & pepper shakers, chipped in a section & possibly missing something from it. Cute decor piece for $1.99.

These canisters. Oh my these canisters. I wanted a turquoise set sooo bad. This wasn't the set I was eying online, this one is even better - love the black lettering on the turquoise with the nice shiny lid. It's obviously missing one tin, but they still look amazing on my counter!!

Also from the One of a Kind Antique Market are these vintage Happy Birthday cards, they are really unique & I didn't mind paying $1 a piece for them.

And finally, this Pyrex Meadow promotional casserole #043. I've never seen it before yesterday, picked up at a new Value Village that opened 2 days previous in Mississauga - it's a big one (THE STORE!). Definitely love the colours, but not my favourite pattern. This baby is up for trade! Casserole itself is in EXCELLENT condition, with the lid. There is a 3cm issue (cracking?) with the lid. Contact me! Email in my profile!! (i trade: butterprint, pink, gooseberry, aqua & fridgies)


Monday, October 3, 2011

WTF? Tuesday! #5: You decide.

Homemade buttplug or very awkward garden decoration?
You decide!

Can't wait to see what you've seen..

WTF? Tuesday!

I've decided to create a party, a weekly party. I really hope it catches on & others take part! I love to see the items in the aisles that make you shudder, the ones you have nightmares about, the ones you think, "who in the hell bought that in the first place & why do they think someone would by it again?" or better yet, "who in the hell bought this in the first place & why the hell am I buying it again?" Your horrors. Your messes. Thrift store shame. The things nightmares are made of.

So let's begin...

1. Please include a link back, hopefully including a button.
2. No adverts for your store please! Shall be deleted.
3. Do not include thirft store shoppers (EX: this is not a "People of Wal-Mart" party).
4. If it's not "work safe", please include the the abbreviation "NWS" in your title when adding to the party.
5. I am not responsible for nightmares.

1. Sir Thrift-A-Lot  4. pottery fail  7. Flower Flower Hippo  
2. Weepy the Wee Wee  5. Banana Spliff  
3. Thrifts of Terror  6. Vonlipi's Favorites  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Windsor Haul.

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Thrift Share Monday!

Sir Thrift A Lot in Thrift Share Monday!

Above little vintage owl is a lone salt & pepper shaker, made in Japan. I searched the shelves of Goodwill - high & low for his pair, but turned up nothing. Still bought him because he'll look killer on display & couldn't go wrong for 99cents!

My thrifting has been at a minimum lately, but it's about to pick up. Enjoy this cool retro pick from August - a golf bag & golf clubs 8 set of vintage/retro/whatevs swizzle sticks!

Also enjoy this retro eBay buy! Pac-Man wallpaper! I'm doing my bathroom in full out Pac-Man - stay tuned for updates! You're gonna love it! Sold some items I had around the house to buy it on eBay to afford it. I'm sooo excited for this project! It's going to take some time & some skill, but when it's done I'm just know I'm going to feel great about it!


Upcoming thrift schedule...
Tomorrow - thrifting around Toronto!
Friday - Mississauga?
Saturday - One of a Kind Antique Market in Woodstock!
October 14th - Windsor
October 21st - 23rd - Montreal

CHECK BACK LATER TONIGHT FOR "WTF TUESDAYS!" As always, I post on Monday nights!