Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I'm moving!

Going to view the place tomorrow, so will post sure dets on the place tomorrow. If we don't get it, we'll be moving in the general area. Guess what? My favourite thrift is minutes away! 7 days a week baby!

See the boxes being packed? We haven't even given our 60 days & the wife is already making me pack up my wares. Depressing. One thing's already damaged (by him), I had put it on the counter for safe keeping.. he seemed to think putting a cartoon with chicken grease on top of a vintage leather box was a good idea... One down, hope no more to go.

PS: That's the cat's hairbrush. If you look closer you can see her (Kleo Petra) all rolled up, cozy on the back pack. I was brushing her hair earlier. I'm not very good at putting things back.


  1. Good luck with the move! We moved ourselves a few weeks ago, and none of my Pyrex was damaged, that's all I care about!

  2. LOL, thanks!

    Glad to hear yours went well. My biggest concern is about my glassware. It's all so fragile, so scared it's going to break.

  3. Lucky you to be moving so close to a thrift shop! Good luck with your new place.
