Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kleo & Her Pyrex.

I've introduced you to her before, Kleo Petra. She's taken a liken to my new Snowflake Pyrex. Picked it up today at a highly picked over Value Village - have yet to pick up a piece of Pyrex there & visit the place weekly, occasionally bi-weekly. $5.99.

This is was filthy, which is probably why it was still there. The last item I bought from this thrift was filthy as well, hope it's a pattern, filth turns your average person off. :p


  1. How cute is Kleo? SHe's adorable half awake with her Pyrex!

  2. I love the Kleo Petra spelling! We have a Cleopatra tortie kitty here in our house. But she prefers my 50s vintage club chair to any of my Pyrex. ;)

  3. Love your Kelo! Charlie has two water dishes, both Pyrex!

  4. That's my fave Pyrex shape, but so hard to find I noticed! I have to confess, I am getting a bit tired of all the oval divided dishes lately.

  5. Thanks everybody!

    And SixBalloons, I know! This is actually once of the first ones I've seen in real life.
