Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vintage Postcards

Vintage Postcards

Sharing some vintage postcards to join up with Dawn's History & Home Link Party @ We Call It Junkin.

You all know I'm a vintage card hoarder, but postcards aren't something I am usually into, but I picked these ones up in when I went to Antique World the other weekend. I'll tell you about that soon. I only really looked through them to find vintage pitbull ones, but to no prevail. If you ever find any, let me know!!

These were both send in the early 1900's, back when it only cost ya a cent to mail a card & all you needed was a name, city/town & state! 

"Wishing the Children A Merry Christmas"
The Pink of Perfection, The Fairman Co, Cin, & NY.
This one is postmarked December 1913. 

"Wish They'd Bring My Milk" 
The Rhotograph Co. NY City, 1906
This one is postmarked August 15th, 1908. 
* yes, Rhotograph, not photograph

I bought the dog one to sell, but don't mind keeping it if it doesn't.  We think we know what kind of dog is it, but not sure. Do you know? I heard real photograph postcards can do really well depending... & this seemed it had potential. I heard there were some great bidding wars on them.


  1. I love old post cards. They're a great seller for me in my antique booth. The dog looks like a spaniel of some type (to me).

  2. I enjoy old post cards and love to read the message and address...just fun to look at!

  3. I love old postcards and I love to read them, cause I'm nosy. Although, for the most part, they are not easy to read, Lots of tight small cursive.....

  4. Old postcards are just the best value. I love decorating with them and reading them too!

  5. Love your postcards--I have a ton of them. Is that an English Spring Spaniel puppy? Whatever it is, it's darling.

  6. Make that "Springer". Need to proofread before I hit that Publish button!

  7. Aw the dog is adorable! I'd want to keep it, too :)
    Featuring on the History & Home Link Party Pinterest Board. Thanks for sharing - Dawn @ We Call It
