Saturday, June 21, 2014

Thriftasaurus #92

Thriftasaurus #92

Hello thrifters! This weekend is the beginning of World Pride here in Toronto, anyone visiting & wanna thrift or have some coffee? Anyone local want to thrift and/& meet up for drinks? I need it.

My thrifting front has been a little sad, but I guess it's to be expected when there is a dealer attacking the bins in every store. With gas prices the way they are right now, I can't talk my boyfriend into driving anywhere outside the city. I had planned to go to my first auction today, however, we had to take my dog to the vet on Thursday (he lost 20 pounds since his last visit, moans constantly all night... he is 13)... $600 for blood, x-rays & consultation. So, I didn't have any money to pay to get out to the auction & wouldn't have had any extra money to buy anything. Although the auction looked great from the pictures. I still need some money for tomorrow as a seller has stored some wares away for me.

Vernonware. I had never heard of it. Made in California, 1950s. I thought it would be great to serve up some tiny salad or something? I'm not really sure. They had a relish dish, but it was chipped. Had I known they had some pretty cool designed dishes, I would have checked the dish stacks. I don't normally look those over. This pattern is called, "TICKLED PINK". 

Why isn't Vernonware more popular? It seems to have all the right things that people enjoy...

You'll be tickled pink to find that ad here.

Next up, 
a 1989 Batman glass! I have 8 of these in different patterns (although this one is a duplicate) & a Vera scarf (that I hope isn't a duplicate) for Jill over at A Little Bit of Everything. She is THE VERA QUEEN!

If anyone local (Toronto, GTA) is interested in a NIB Tupperware play set or anyone in the blogsphere would like to purchase or trade, comment or contact me. Here's what it looks like!


UPDATE: on my dog
We got the blood results back for our dog. The news isn't good. My boyfriend didn't describe it properly because he wasn't supposed to be on the phone at work, but basically there is a problem with my dogs white/red blood cells & it is probably cancer. They still want to do like an ultrasound (we still have to pay for the X-Rays.. they will do them on Thursday), to see if it's in the marrow. I feel like I am being extra ("dramatic"), but if we have to put him down, I just don't know how I will drag myself out of bed in the morning. This guy is literally my best friend in the world. I have never been so close to anyone or anything ever in my life. My boyfriend knows I like the dog more than him. He is 13. This has problem been an issue for awhile since he has been losing/gaining weight back for 6 or so months. I feel horrible for not recognizing it sooner. We thought it was a number of different things & when we changed what we thought it was, he would eat it again. Then he started moaning at night time... horrible noises & we finally decided he must be in a lot of pain & took him to the vet. We don't have the money for all these tests. I don't know what I am going to do. I want to get a fast food job because that is a job that is widely available and easy for me to get, train, make the money to pay for the tests & then just quit. For now, a friend of ours is going to loan us the money so we can get pain meds & meds to keep his protein up. Aside from the things the seller has put aside for me tomorrow, I don't know how my thrifting will be, but I will keep up Thriftasaurus. I want to get a lot of time in with my dog. I'm honestly so distraught.

If you read that, thanks. 

On that note, here is Thriftasaurus #92. 



  1. It is such a tough time when a beloved family member becomes so very ill. I know you will and are doing everything you can for your dog. It is heartbreaking. Sounds like you have kind friends to give you support. Make sure you remember to drink water yourself and eat and sleep, you have to keep strong. Hugs.

  2. Oh no I am so sorry to hear that. If you are able to borrow the money maybe it will be best to work it off later. Your dog sounds like he needs you right now.

  3. Sorry to hear about your doggie.

  4. Oh I know how hard it is when your best furry friend is sick. My last dog lived to almost 16 years and was definitely my best friend. I spent more on his vet bills then on my own healthcare. Sending positive thoughts and good karma your way on this.

    Thanks for hosting Thriftasaurus. That Vernonware is collectible and very mid-century. I love it and recently found some vernonware myself, but not near as cool as yours.

    I shouldn't be buying as just had to replace computer, but hit an estate sale with cheap prices, so joining in today.

  5. I know how you feel, we are going through the same thing with our beagle. Will be keeping you in my thoughts.

  6. So sorry to hear about your bestfriend. I understand what you meant, my husband thinks I love my cats more than him. You and and your dog are in my prayers. Stay strong.

    J. of adimpleate blog

  7. So sorry to hear about your dog. i put my dog down just last week (she was 15 1/2) and it was HARD. But I know she isn't in pain anymore which makes me feel better. My thoughts and hugs are going out to you. Hang in there.

  8. I am sorry to learn about your dog being sick. It is so hard to think of loosing a faithful friend, but know that you will always cherish the time you had together. I hope your dog gets better if possible, it is hard to let go, I know.
    Best wishes for you.

  9. sorry to hear about your dog. I hope everything works out

  10. I'm so sorry for your poor dog *hug*

  11. That is such a sad story about your dog!!! So sorry!!!

    And in the midst of that, you are thinking about me and my scarves, that is so kind of you and no, I don't have it!

  12. I am so sorry to hear about your dog. A similar thing happened with our Dad's Lhasa right after our father died and it was a really rough experience. I am sending lots of love and positive energy both yours and your pooch's way. Hang in there

  13. I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Hugs! The Vernonware is great! Hang in there and thanks for the party!

  14. So sorry about your puppy. Hopefully the docs get it worked out. I had a few small tumors removed from my dog that turned out to be cancerous... and that was almost 2 years ago... she is still alive! She'll be 13 in December. So, I hope something like this happens for your pup too!

  15. So sad to hear about your baby. My dogs mean the world to me and I can't imagine what you are going through. Hang in there and give him lots of love. You are his world as much as he is yours.


  16. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog :-(

  17. Sorry to hear about your fur-child. I hope it all works out, it's so painful when an animal we love is suffering.

  18. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. Our family has gone through this, and I know how hard it is.

  19. I am so sorry to hear about your best friend. I, too had a four legged best friend, her name was Kelly. The first time I walked into the house after she was gone my heart felt like it was in my throat. Do you have pics of your "baby"? I still look at Kelly's pictures and it has been 32 years.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Thinking about you and your little guy, nothing more worrisome than when our babies are sick.

    I collected a bunch of those Vernonware chowder bowls from Tickled Pink, Anytime and Heavenly Days to augment my other pottery dish collections of Grant Crest Tempo and Franciscan Oasis. Some of the other solid colored serving pieces to those patterns have unusual shapes as well!

  22. Our pets are family. Any animal owner/lover understands how you feel. Hope all goes well...
