Sunday, June 8, 2014

Thriftasaurus #90

Thriftasaurus #90!

Hey all! No thrifting for me at all this week! Too much drama, work & boxes to unpack! Here is one of 2 Pyrex treasures I found while packing....

When I bought my last piece of Orange Butterprint, I thought it was a duplicate & even offered it for trade (luckily no takers). Little did I know & too lazy to check, it was actually the 3rd piece to my Cinderella set! I think the next 441 on eBay might be mine. I really want this beautiful set completed! 

Hopefully I get some thrifting in this week!
Thrift on...



  1. I love that set!!! I'll keep my eyes open for you!

  2. Wow, I've never seen orange butterprint anywhere in real life. Good for you! Hope the move doesn't wear you out too much. Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  3. You are so lucky to have those ones!!

    Hope you get settled soon - moving is no fun!!

  4. A great stack of orange butterprint! Thank you for hosting. I hope you found your stolen ID and money.

  5. Hope it was just, "oh for God's sake," kinda drama versus like really bad hard to get over kinda drama. Wait Donna up above says you had your ID stolen? Dude! I just lost my license but I think it was stolen in a concert. Freakin blows, doesn't it. I feel your pain.

  6. Nice set of Pyrex! Thanks for hosting. I hope they find your ID and stuff.

  7. One of my favorite sets for sure. Hope you complete it soon!


  8. Love your butterprint. I don't think I've seen it in person in the orange. Lucky save you didn't trade it by mistake, whew!

  9. I did not even know that orange butterprint EXISTED!

  10. Love this set, but it's one of the ones my husband won't use for fear of breaking it. And my set is missing the same smallest bowl. Good luck finding it!

  11. Ugh!--Sorry about your stuff being stolen, what a pain!

    I found the 444 in a thrift and almost fainted. It may be the only orange butterprint I ever own, but I'm going to be thankful for it!

    Thanks for the party with everything else you've go going on!


  12. oh these pyrex bowls are so nice. the other day we were rewatching some seinfeld episodes, and one of the characters was eating popcorn out of a pyrex bowl like these :) love spotting vintage pyrex on tv and in films. i hope you could recover the box that was taken during your move.

  13. Did you get any advice on identity theft and what you can do to protect your identity? That is major scary.

    Thank you for Thriftasaurus today, moving is one of life's really tough jobs. Nice refind on your Butterprint, never ever seen it in orange.

