Tuesday, May 20, 2014

From Arkansas: A Newsy Letter

Here's A Newsy Letter For You
From The Wonder State: Arkansas

I bought a lot of vintage ephemera off eBay. Vintage paper crap is one of my favourite things. The lot was a little of a let down, it was more damaged than I thought it was. Actually, I didn't even think it was damaged, so I don't know what I am talking about. I had no clue what these were in the photos, but I think they are just fantastic! I've got just a mini handful of them, but now I want to collect every single state! They are from the 1950's, so not at all politically correct.

These are already complied letters meant to send to your friends, family, whomever while you're on vaca. Since they include some history of the state as well as being vintage, when I saw them I thought they would be perfect to include at Dawn's http://www.wecallitjunkin.com/history-and-home-34/">History And Home Link Party
at We Call It Junkin


This particular letter, is copyright 1953 - Newsy Letter Co., Chicago 5, Ill.


  1. That is really cool! I love the graphic of the man going in the healing bath house then chasing the woman out - hilarious! What a great find, very cool indeed. Thank you for joining History & Home at We Call It Junkin! ~Dawn

  2. I am from Arkansas, & remember seeing people gathered around to drink that Hot Springs water. There were fountains in the park where you could get it. I had a taste as a girl - it was awful and smelled like eggs. Shortly after that someone had it tested and it was deemed unsafe.
