Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thriftasaurus #83

Thriftasaurus #83

Happy Easter Thrifters! This year, no day of celebrations for me. We usually go to my boyfriends moms & his sister cooks, but she is in the hospital (again), so I will be staying home, cleaning & packing up our apartment while my boyfriend is working. The doctors say she should be out on Monday. We'll all be going down to Ohio & going to his aunts for Easter celebrations next weekend. 

I wasn't going to go out this week, but I am pretty damn glad I did. Before anything else, I also want to say, I found a total of $15 this week! Psyyyyyched! I went out because I was stressed & needed time alone. I went out without any expectations aside from having some time alone. Maybe that's the mentality I should always have?

First up, some of my favourite shades of Pyrex! One of my favourite patterns is Butterprint. I love it in all colours & sizes, but my ultimate favourite colour & size is the 471 white on turquoise! I was so excited to find this in the thrift. I only have one & bought it at an antique market in Michigan for $12 without a lid. The thrift store one is near mint. Love it! When I got off the bus, even though I never find Pyrex at this particular thrift anymore & had no expectations, I just had a feeling like I was going to find a pink piece. & look what sat on the shelf? 

I saw this at a thrift before & passed because my BF was home & I can only sneak so much inside the house when he's home, so I left it. We later went into an antique market & it was in a booth & he commented on how cool it was. Really boo? It was $3 at the thrift store, now it's like $28 at the antique market.

Yup, rhinestone eyes get me every time. These S&P shakers, made in Japan. 

Don't you love this classic set of Jolly Juvenile Notes? The illustrations are a lot of fun. It's missing that beautiful candy cane pen, though. Too bad. 

I bought a lamp, too. I know, you're quoting me, "I thought you said you're not a lamp guy!?" I'll save the story & photos for next time because getting pictures of the lamp & to the lamp & stuff is too complicated right now. Hope the bunny was good to you... 

BTW, it was my anniversary today - we've been together for 7 years! No celebrations, we never even saw each other. We are working too hard.




  1. I think we all have been there, thrifting is some form of escapism. And every time I go we a mindset of 'I have enuf, I am just going to browse', thats the day that I hauled home a lot of stuffs. Congratulations on the anniversary!

  2. congrats on your anniversary! I found some pyrex and other funky things at the flea this weekend too :) check out my loot when you get a chance :) Happy Easter!

  3. That cocktail shaker is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I collect them and have never seen that one before.

    Happy Anniversary!


  4. I love everything you found! And I know what you mean about the little 471's. Makes you think about how versatile each pattern had to be to go from that small to how large and rounded-off on a big Cinderella bowl. Glad you found something good when you least expected it.

    Happy Anniversary & Happy Easter to you.

  5. Butterprint is also my fave! But I have never been so lucky to find any pink pyrex....If I ever do, that will become my new favorite! You lucky dog!

  6. Good one on your anniversary. Good one on finds too. Hope some sun is shining in your area.

  7. Happy Easter and Happy Anniversary!!!

    Well, you certainly did well with your turquoise and pink Pyrex--always a winner! I know that weakness for rhinestone eyes!!! Jolly Notes are sweet!


  8. Glad your time out turn into you finding some great finds. As usual some great things and I'm yet again jealous of your Pyrex finds. I never find much pink Pyrex in my area.
    Have a great week.

  9. Great finds, love those colors, too. The illustrations on the note paper is super sweet! Happy Anniversary to y'all.

  10. Cool finds, and congratulations on your anniversary!

  11. Happy 7 year anniversary. Pink Pyrex is my favorite, lucky you.

  12. Happy Anniversary. You found some cool stuff.

  13. Those notes are just too cute, too bad the pen is missing!!! I remember those pens....

  14. LOVE that clown. Happy Anniversary, too :)

  15. Yeah! I hope your alone time and bitchin' score helped your brain to feel better. And I too am a sucker for rhinestone eyes. Great find!
    Happy Late Anniversary to you guys! Hopefully you will get a chance to celebrate soon.

  16. always nice to see your Pyrex finds, so neat! i love the notepapers too!
