Saturday, March 29, 2014



Welcome to Thriftasaurus! A big welcome to all the few new people who joined up last week.

I have a couple of these mugs already. I don't know when they were made, but there is a set of canisters that I had previously bought a few years ago that I also saw at a thrift recently that sat for awhile that had a newer style "MADE IN TAIWAN", so I guess they are quite recent? I now have a set of 6 mugs, a creamer & a sugar bowl.

The Great Canadian Tame Hole! Have you ever seen one of these? This is my second one. I found my first years ago, from the 1970's. I had been planning a post previously about The Great Canadian Tame Hole, but never got around to it. I won't go into great detail today, but it's basically as useless as a pet rock - just aesthetically pleasing. 

I also got these vintage Made in Japan Christmas decorations. I was on the fence about them because they were $6 (with some others, that were damaged & tossed). I thought they were empty hand syndrome. Now, I absolutely adore the little drummer boys & I won't be able to celebrate Christmas without them! They are perfect & just look at their staches. 

Anybody know anything about these? They were in the box as well. There was remnants of one of the tags & the stuff that could be read I took to Google, all I could find was the following stuff on a Japanese auction site. Not the same, just similar: info here. I don't read Japanese, but through Google translate.. I got somewhat what it says. They were in the box with the vintage Christmas decorations. Not sure if they are from the same era or ended up in there some other way. 

Here is a sticker from the one in the auction above
I don't know what it is with the thrifts here, it seems some people in this city have some damn good luck. Thrift stores that used to be a Pyrex goldmine for me, are a Pyrex graveyard. Sometimes the vintage items that are in quality condition can be counted on one hand. Is it this late Spring? The influx of dealers in the city? Every collector seems to be a dealer. Lots of back door deals? All stores are still quite stocked, but lacking vintage, collectable items. I do get lucky when an item is damaged & can be cleaned up. I also get lucky when I am out of the city, but locally.. not anymore. I don't have any fleas around here, I have yet to attend any estate sales (they don't seem like they'd have much of what I'd enjoy from photographs online...). I don't know, I hope things change. I'm starting to think I should give up!



  1. Yea, I feel your pain about the pyrex! Seriously,WTF?

  2. from what you found this week I wouldn't give up! those chrissy decorations are to die for! and the wooden things are cute too!

  3. Sorry about the "no Pyrex" luck. I'll bet you're right: someone or several dealers may have backdoor deals.
    I do love the mugs. And they'd coordinate well with the vintage Halloween stuff you occasionally find. (I'm sure you've thought of that already.)
    And you always find the best Christmas littles!

  4. You should try the estate sales, you never know what you will find there. I have found lots of things for under a dollar that are amazing. Most of the time they take pictures of the big stuff and not all the small stuff.

  5. Don't give up! I know you are hesitant about estate sales but you really should give them a try. I have found my best things at them! I've also taken to traveling outside of my immediate area to thrift and go to antique malls. I know you do that from time to time too. I know it can be frustrating, but you always seem to find such great stuff that we never see here in the states!


  6. Like others have said, you have to try an estate sale!!! The stuff you like is not normally what they take photos of. Almost every estate sale I go to has big boxes of stuff that they don't want to bother pulling out and pricing individually or taking photos of. And the people that are dying now or going into nursing homes all had kids that grew up in the 60's and 70's. Seriously, find one online that shows a bit of mid century furniture and they're sure to have Pyrex, knee huggers and fun glassware. You would have loved the one I went to on Friday! I only bought one piece of pyrex, but they had at least 20 pieces for sale (all under $5).

  7. I believe your wooden figures are from Russia. They look like some I bought at a tourist shop in Moscow in the mid 1980's.

  8. I've been thinking the weather has been a factor. Once it gets reliably nice out, I think folks will start Spring Cleaning & better donations will start rolling in. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself...

    ~Sending good Pyrex vibes your way~

  9. Thrifted frames this week. Fixed them up a bit. March Thrifted will be added tomorrow. Pyrex ouches.

  10. I always thought that people would be cleaning out during this long winter, just for the sake of something to do, but if they were cleaning, it wasn't anything vintage - I know just how you feel, because it's the same around here. I love to hunt for this stuff, but it can be discouraging, I know!!!

  11. I haven't forgotten about your email... Life has just been crazy lately. I'm lucky to have even had time to fit in thrifting/keeping up my booth.

    And never give up! I keep going to the same thrifts and coming out empty-handed more often than not... but it's worth it!!

  12. I never use to go to estate sales and garage sales but the fiancé got me into it and it can be worth it I found some amazing things. Hope things pick up for you.
    Have a great week.

  13. I like estate sales because you never know what you'll find. Our local sales are 1/2 price on the 2nd day. I always hope for vintage Christmas or other holidays, but don't have much luck with that where I am. Love yours, but can't tell you anything about them.

  14. There has been a definite increase in dealers or at the very least an awareness that resellers are in the midst... which is marked by a drastic increase in thrift store prices. I guess we gotta keep on truckin' Love those owls in the trees, by the way !
    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

  15. No! Don't give up! It'll get better.
    Love all the Christmas decorations! And the Tame Hole is cool. I'm going to have to look it up.

  16. Hi there,I have in my possession one of these Great Canadian Tame Hole's that you've mentioned in a post. I'm looking for information in regards to it, such as how rare they are? Are they valuable? Or any important information in regards to it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
