Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Vintage Advertisements



Back in October or November or something, I ordered some vintage Christmas Better Homes & Gardens magazines with gigantic hopes of AMAZING Christmas adverts inside of them, I was pretty disappointed. I will admit. I really enjoy the Shiny Brite one though. I thought Pyrex might have advertised. Who wouldn't have wanted Pyrex for Christmas? 

This is the ugliest bedspread I have ever seen. It looks like a rug. 

I'll take the side table, her dress & a I guess a can of Lysol while I was at it. 

What a great chillout room!

I'd love to find one of these at the thrifts! Although something tells me that they may have not sold as much as they might have anticipated...
I thought maybe someone would like this one.

This was me trying out the CamScan ap. My boyfriend told me about it. I still have some learning to do.. so it seems, LOL. There will be more to come! I ordered some more vintage magazines. 

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  1. Love leafing through old magazines! Thanks for sharing those! I ran into a bunch of Saturday Evening Post magazines, I bought maybe 20. There are a lot of ads for flooring, appliances, Christmas gifts (I purposely picked a lot of mags that had holiday ads). In the classifieds there are many calls for engineers to come move west. I'm going to have to browse through them again!!! Maybe I'll even scan some--I've meant to do that and I think that was about 2 years ago :0(

  2. I actually love the bedspread I guess because of the ethnic touch. I wish we had thrift stores in portugal to score those cool old magazines, everytime I go to usa I bring so many and also national geograpic mags for only 25 cents, you guys rule =)

  3. I've been lucky with Christmas ads in my old magazines but I never found one Valentines ad!! I was disappointed too!

  4. Those polka dot chairs!!! That Lysol ad is hilarious---all those people furiously smoking. Lysol won't get that smell out! I agree, the side table is great. The clown, though, is scary :0

  5. I love the side table too, I need something small like that for beverages. The chill out room is cute but I couldn't relax with that many colors and patterns!

  6. I'm thinking that clown night light may have induced nightmares! I love magazines with Christmas ads!



  7. Did you put that Franciscan ad in there just for me? Awesome! Love it! I love the ceiling lamps in that red room, very cool. But, um, yeah, that clown, not so much. ;)
    Great article, I love old ads. Thank you for sharing this at my History & Home link party this week, take care - Dawn @ We Call It

  8. oooh all those shiny brites are just too lovely! it almost hate looking at old adverts because I start coveting everything :-P
