Friday, February 28, 2014

Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy
Sometimes when the thrifts come up empty I hit up the retail shops for a little retail therapy. Not very often does this therapy help, but you never know... 
shoes: $150 (paid $25)
tees: $25 (paid $5)
bag: $50 (paid $12.50)
pants: $55 (paid $10)
shorts: $50 (paid $10)
 & the stuff retails for over $400 without tax!

I just had to share. This isn't all for me, though. Everything was 50% off the lowest ticketed price.. I just bought the backpack in December in a different colour, the boots aren't for me (didn't have my size), but I have wanted them for 2 years! Considered buying them an hour before at their non outlet store on clearance for $75! But I saw a table & set of chairs this week for $300ish that I am dying to have. I don't have that kind of money though & it's going to have to go directly into storage, but I don't reckon I will ever seen anything like these again in person. How does everybody keep their cats from destroying their vintage furniture? These are vinyl chairs, so I bet the claws would go right in as soon as they came into the house! 


  1. Yeah, I only buy clothes on sale, could never bring myself to pay full price. No such thing as retail therapy for me, I hate to shop unless it's treasure hunting at the thrifts.

    I inherited 3 cats with my house. They were used to going outside, so they didn't tear up the house. After they were gone, I just stuck to a dog. We always get the dogs as pups and stay on top of them to not develop any bad habits. My friend has 3 indoor cats, they are a handful. I always feel like I've got it easy with my pup.

  2. My cat just lays on my bed or rolls around on the floor so she doesn't do much damage! But she sheds so I have to buy the economy size boxes of lint rollers at Costco.

    Awesome scores at the outlet! That reminds me, Maddie and I are passing a huge outlet mall on the way to the show in Portland this morning. Wonder if we will have time to stop?

    Have an awesome weekend!

