Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mid-Week Thrift

Mid-Week Thrift

Looks quite RED, dunnit? 
Going to link up with BROWN GINGHAM CREATIONS
who now does

I picked up these Santa decorations not knowing they had holes in their feet, but yeah, you can stick these flocking Santas in a bowl & nobody'll ever know (except for us... shhhh!)! The one Santa that's not all flocked up, is still kinda flocked up, more flocked up than I could have expected. So, I flocked up on my purchases of this Santas, but they will do.

Also got two sets of mugs. The other ones you can make out in the top picture & are Anchor Hocking & this set is Termocrisa. Why is Termocrisa sooooooo000oo0o0oooo0  unappealing to people? There are patterns similar (if not identical) to other highly collectible names, but Termocrisa gets tossed aside like trash. I guess it's really all in the name, huh?

oh, maybe next time I'll pick up that Cookin' With Coolio cookbook. I guess he has to have been doing something with himself since Gangsta's Paradise.


  1. I found the cutest set of Termocrisa snowflake dishes at Goodwill the other day and thought they would be perfect for the holidays. BUT, damn Goodwill wanted $2.99 per plate. Uh, no. Don't need them that much.


  2. Oh yah, and I love how those Santa's look in the Jadeite bowl. Not flocked up at all.


  3. Great finds! And also you're not the only one who buys Thermocrista... I do! They have some great patterns.

  4. They are so flocking cute. Great finds!

  5. You didn't flock up at all with the Santa's! Who cares about holes in the feet when they look that cute in a bowl? I laughed so hard at your last post. A Coolio Cookbook?? LOL
    Erica :)

  6. Hello Sir!
    I am so happy you have joined us at Rednesday.
    Love the post. Those Santas are not flocked up....they are just missing their plastic sticks....those are Florist Santa picks...not old, but fun. I've been a floral designer for 40 years 8)
    Hope to see you next weekend..oh and I'm your newest Friend.

  7. I was so flocking confused for a second there! Hahahaha, you crack me up! Great finds!
