Saturday, October 12, 2013



Check out this growth chart, groovy, isn't it? More than I should have paid, but I considered it a very unique item & welcome it warmly into my collection of things (if you're curious - $5.99). 

A few flocked Santas, you don't see blue everyday, so I really like that. The little soft Santa ornament with the tea light is my favourite Santa find, he's adorable. Also, a made in Japan tea light holder, another Santa item!

A pack of vintage candles with a tear on the top. Oh well. 

A few months ago, I go some unused made in Switzerland Kreier tea towels & pot holder (or something, I don't know what it's called). These place mats, I believe, unused. At the thrift store they had a sticker on them, but it's since disappeared. 

& some 1950's greeting cards... 
can't wait to see what you've found this week, link up below with Thriftasaurus!
Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating this weekend. I'll be celebrating at home with my boyfriend & Butterprint.  

i am linking up with:
 a living space.
 & does anybody know any good antique markets off the I-90 in PA? The only one I know about is the Interstate Antique Market. If you are a frequent reader of my blog, do you think I will like it?



  1. I've never come across a blue suited santa before. Saying hey from BC. Thanks for hosting.

  2. oooh I seriously can't wait for christmas! great santas!

  3. The placemats have a great pattern on them, wonder where they're from. I love the Angelabras, too, for METAL trees, he he. Take care - Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  4. Love that growth chart and those placemats too! Great finds!

  5. Now we get to see all the fun christmas stuff! It can be a pain at the thrift store, but when a good find comes your way it is all worth it! Love the growth chart, so cute!

  6. Drooling over the Christmas stuff...I can't wait for the holidays!

  7. It's only October and you've found all that Christmas!! Lucky!

  8. I know im hopeless....but how do i grab youre button? I hasten to add this is not a pervy request

  9. Love the growth chart...a bit full on though, imagine waking up and finding tht staring back at cha! Agh!

  10. Those Santa Claus' are wonderful I especial like the blue Santa.

  11. Love the growth chart and I have a weakness for vintage Santa's. Nice finds!

  12. thank you for hosting, it's beginning to look a lot like christmas here:)

  13. Super fun growth chart. Gaahh, I so need to get my christmas stuff listed!

  14. Oh those Santas bring back memories. my grandmother had tons of them when I was a kid. Our tree was half new Halmark orniments and vintage (before vintage was the thing) orniments from the 50's and 60's.
