Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thriftasaurus: One Year Anniversary


It's been one year already, eh? Time definitely flies when you're having fun thrifting. I had planned on coordinating a giveaway with the one year anniversary, but it crept up on me & I had yet to find anything suitable to giveaway! I'll be going to a couple neat things these next few months, so I'm going to keep my eyes peeled & I can make the giveaway closer to the US Thanksgiving in case the winner is from the US & I can save on shipping. 

Thank you everybody who joins up every week for making it a success, love seeing your finds!

I got out a little more then I anticipated this week. Tonight, I feel like the bags under my eyes are down to my lips & I could fall asleep at any given second. I was going to force myself to go shopping tonight, but co-workers advised against it. I look like someone beat me up. 

I found this splash proof Fire King bowl. So, I was once reprimanded by someone before for calling a similar blue (not by Pyrex) Delphite, what does Fire King call this colour? They had said only Pyrex items can be called Delphite. Anyone? I have 2 other splash proofs from thrift stores: one tulip & one opal. This one was in a bit of rough shape, but cleaned up nice enough. I can't help but wonder if the whole set had been donated. Also some Butterprint. It's been a long time me & Butterprint.

I picked up these anthropomorphic salt & pepper shakers thinking they were a set. When I left the store I was like, "why did I buy them? they aren't really my style." When I got home, I found out that they are from 2 different sets & have each been separated from their mates. I've since come to grow fond enough of them. I do have a few anthropomorphic shakers in my collection, but only the silverware.

Gordon Fraser vintage wrapping paper, always fun. 

This was a buck. After buying it I hated myself for wasting the dollar. Now I can't live without it. I'm starting a new collection & this is going to be on display with it. I just need to find a very, very small plate holder. 

I bought two of these Red Deer Village shirts - vintage, 50/50, cute, don't look worn & $1 a piece. 
pretty tacky shot. sorry.

I'm posting early tomorrow because in the morning I am leaving to go to a cottage, wish the heatwave would be staying around. A cottage & I, I don't really see us mixing too well. No internet, no thrift stores (don't even get to stop anywhere in cottage country or on the way, bummer), I get to fish? I'm really much more of a concrete prince.

I am linking up with: 

The Thrifty Groove forThrifty Things Friday!
Vintage Thingie Thursday with Colorado Lady.


  1. Anchor Hocking called this color "Turquoise Blue", sometimes marked with gold foil labels. This is my post on the difference between the blues.

    Happy Thriftasaurus Anniversary. :-)

  2. Happy 1 year! I love that wrapping paper!

  3. Congrats on one year and all your cool finds!

  4. Congratulations on your 1 Year Anniversary. You do find the best stuff.
    Thanks for continuing Thriftasaurus.

  5. Congrats on your one-year anniversary. I love the Fire King bowl. I found a plate similar to yours in size and shape, 60s mod, with a funny monkeys pic and a saying about marriage. Its on my blog under Junkin Finds: Monkeys and a Beagle if you want to see. Wishing you continued success! -Dawn @ We Call It

    1. Thank you.

      I checked it out - it's great. There's not too many of these I buy, but I see them often.

  6. Happy Anniversary! Time to party :-)

    I have only ever seen the Fire King blue bowls called Delphite, so that is what I am going to continue to call them. It's not like I am going to go to Pyrex hell or anything, right?

    Enjoy your quiet time at the cottage. There has got to be something fun to do. If not, a little booze always helps my boredom.


    1. Pyrex Hell... where every bowl has been dishwashered & every other piece on the shelf is Glasbake with the green floral pattern.

  7. Well I loe the S&P shakers and will be happy to take them off your hands!

    1. I grew to like them as a set. If I ever change my mind, I know where to find you - :).

  8. Wow, has it really been a year? I remember when you started it and it doesn't seem that long ago to me. This is my favorite link up. I try really hard to visit everyone at least once a week.
    Those t-shirts are nice. I like that style of t-shirt. And yay for the Butterprint! It's been eluding me lately. Well, actually, it has always eluded me! Dangit...

    1. Thanks Melissa! <3.

      & it doesn't seem that long ago to me either, but I guess, time does fly.

      Butterprint is so easy to find here! I do think Pyrex had to be regional (at least some patterns)...

  9. Happy anniversary! I second guess myself on $1 purchases all the time too.

  10. Happy Anniversary! Love that wrapping paper!

  11. Happy anniversary, STaL! Thank you for hosting Thriftasaurus, too!

  12. Happy 1 year. Thanks for hosting.

  13. happy anniversary :-) I only just recently discovered your blog and it's great! you find such amazing things! and all the pyrex makes me ever so jealous! Love those random little salt and pepper shakers!

  14. Happy anniversary! Thanks for hosting the link up. Love that wrapping paper.

  15. Happy Anniversary from the UK ....hope im still bloggin in a year

  16. Happy Anniversary! Love the shirts. My Dad went to college in Red Deer, said all he did was curl & drink beer. Got me thinking what kind of trucker cap would go with it? John deer? Molson Canadian?

    1. John Deer! I think John Deer would definitely go perfect.

  17. One year of hosting, great stuff has been seen. Congratulations.

  18. That blue bowl is my favourite. Such a sweet colour. xx
