Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What I Didn't Buy At The Thrift Store

What I Didn't Buy At The Thrift Store

Is this a thrift store gone to far? or do you think lose bagged tampons are cool?
A lot of people I go with laugh at Depends, butt, I don't think selling them in the thrifts is that bad - those things are expensive (not from experience, lol). If you can get past the reason they are most likely there: an elderly person died & their family thoughtfully donated them. They are still packaged, they are used externally, & unlike tampons & we all know what is going to end up in them. 

This person had good taste in what they were making, but just didn't progress as far as I would have liked to have added it to my collection. 

I took these especially for Erica over @ Pyrex Thrifter Sisters, just to show some stocked up Pyrex shelves at Value Village. In the second photo, it was a full set of mint Butterfly Gold & a full set of Blue Horizon (I bought 2 & had already taken 'em off the shelf).

These are naked women golf tee's... IDK if you can make 'em out. 

Remember my dogs ear? I never posted a picture of how bad it was (before surgery). It's now fully healed, no scaring really. It looks really good. It was hell & I guess at one point my BF (it's his dog) had a discussion about putting him down because it wasn't healing (I found out)... but that's when the ultimate healer stepped in & fed the pup with a syringe, wiped the cone down 6x a day, monitored the pills to a T. HEALED. Anyways, just a picture before. The doc & vet assistant both said they never seen so much come out of one dogs ear. I felt so bad. 

Doesn't that look so painful?? It would fill up within hours of getting drained & an you believe the one girl wanted us to wait 2.5 weeks for the surgery!?


  1. I agree, the "adult briefs" are a good thing to donate. They are pricey and many people who need them are on a fixed income. The tampons on the other hand...that's just strange. Thats the first time I've ever seen anything like that before!
    I'm so glad you were able to get your doggie back to good health. That sounded terrible for all of you.
    Hope the job search is going well!

    1. It's going to be a slow process for me (this job search), but it's going!

  2. You do spot the weirdest things!

    That is surely a stocked up VV, in the kitchen section anyway, I was down your way on the weekend and went to a few VV's - nome looked like that!!

    1. The top one isn't in Toronto, farther away, but you can but your butt, they always have at least 10 pieces of Pyrex. I used to always go there & find something nice.

      BF: "You always find Pyrex at this Value Village!"
      ME: "I know, right?"

  3. What I see at the thrift stores a lot are those "pee-pee" pads for people and animals. They are GREAT for packing breakables... so I always buy them! Haha.

    Also, why am I the only person who NEVER sees this much Pyrex goodness at a thrift store? I would've bought it all (ya know, as long as it was reasonably priced!)

    1. That is a great idea! I just packed a few away we had laying around the house & they totally would be great for packing.

  4. The fact that you took so much time to carefully help that baby heal makes me love you even more! Hanna & I have a major soft spot for animal lovers like us.

    I can't believe the amount of Pyrex on the shelves at your Value Village. I have never seen that much on any thrift shelf at one time! The Horizon Blue is one of my favorite patterns and although I already have that set, I would have bought it anyways! Crazy.


    1. I wouldn't lose my best friend on the planet. No way. Not over something as small as a damn ear operation.

  5. Oh, I'm so envious of the Pyrex at thrifts where you are. Almost never see any here in South Carolina, USA. I guess people just didn't buy it as much down here. I did SCORE two awesome pieces last week though, will be blogging them soon. So glad your doggie is better. Mine had a bad eye injury years ago and it was infected four months. Vet didn't give up on her though, I was ready to have her eye removed, but he got her healed. We love our pooches. Take care - Dawn

    1. That's a long infection - so glad that healed up & she's got her eye.

      Can't wait to see what your scores are.

  6. EWWWWWW to the tampons.

    But Oh my word look at all the Pyrex. Send some my way over to CA. I have competition here and I need my Pyrex fix!

    1. I see the luck your having. A Starburst? I can only dream, really.

      Competition is frickin' fierce up here. There are copious amount of bloggers from this city collecting Pyrex among the other shoppers, resellers & hipsters!

  7. I wish I would have seen this sooner about your dog, my cat had the same thing. It is called hemotoma, it is an allergy (not sure from what). The surgery is not necessary! I took my cat to the vet and he gave him 2 cortozone shots in 2 different visits. It healed and went away, he said that the surgery is not necessary at all and can be avoided. Hope your dog is doing good!

    1. I'm gonna have to look that up, incase it ever happens again. Thanks!

  8. I have never seen that much Pyrex at V V wow! And I'm whith you, tampons at a thrift, sick. Hope your dog is well!
