Saturday, June 8, 2013



This week I'm going to showcase just a few of my local recent finds as well as some of my finds from two weeks ago when I took a trip to Ohio!

My dog, Charlie, had his operation yesterday... all seems to have went well, even though his poor ear looks shredded. Today is the full day of two weeks of coneage... something I am dreading. Today has been draining enough, even had to slap down an extra $80 for some painkillers & sedatives (I think I'll need one of those sedatives, too). I think the only complication is going to be from his shaking it. I can't wait until these two weeks are OH-VER... but, on the 15th, my boyfriend is going back to Columbus, so it's me & the pup.. going insane together!

Here is some Pyrex. I bought the Butterprint in Springfield, OH. I couldn't remember if I had it already & as you can see, came to the conclusion I didn't. As soon as I got back to Columbus, I was like.. "uhhh, ya, of course I have this." I need a log. I bought the Homestead because it was a nice price. Homestead bowls is what I grew up with. Not something I really want to remember, but I always love refrigerator dishes.  I have other Pyrex finds from this trip.. for next week! Spring Blossom Green fridgie local find this week.

2 more Lipton Glasbake mugs to go for the complete collection. 

I really never noticed how much I enjoyed buying smalls... a bunch of pins, the smaller ones from Springfield, OH.. the larger ones, made in Japan, bought locally. I got two sets of the Urkel ones.. each set a buck! Some Cabbage Patch doll vending machine stickers, 20 pack, $2. Troll gift bags, rad, BF hates them.

These cards.. I was so psyched when I found them. Vintage, black Christmas cards - rock on! only $4? C'mon down. When I got into the car, pulled them out.. damn thing's were personalized... I guess I can use them, P-Touch mine & the BF's name on them? I feel like anybody who went to the Springfield Antique Mall who reads this is laughing at me.. & the seller is like "FINALLY! I sold those damn cards." LOL. 

I found these glasses locally about a month ago. I am dedicating them to FARM GIRL PINK ( They are all the colours you wat in a glass. Also found a Smurfette glass. She's classy. 

I was finally lucky enough to add a vintage Halloween decoration to my collection. These in Canada are very expensive. According to the antique mall owner, these were the decorations were the sellers mothers. Can't wait to find more affordable ones to add to my collection... 

& yet another addition to another collection... a toothpick holder, for an affordable $5. 

Linkup with your thrifty finds below with THRIFTASAURUS!
(i will be linking up with a nifty thrifty.)



  1. You always find something, I wonder where you keep it all. i just got rid of three boxes of dishes, including some Pyrex, I had too much!!

    1. I can't talk about where everything goes. I am someone who will possibly be on hoarders. I have the mentality & the stuff.

  2. Glad to hear Charlie (and you) make it through his surgery. I feel so bad for pets who have to wear the cone.

    I love those Christmas cards. Should be easy to cover up the other names. I know the feeling though, when you get home and see some glaring problem with a find you thought was so perfect!

  3. Love the cards - that's so mean selling them with their names on... totally you put yours over!
    Love the glasses. And the pins. (we call them badges over here) I collected those like a MAD boss when I was a teenager!! lol

    1. Yesss... badges! Growing up we called them badges! Now, just pins, I guess. (LOL).

  4. Well, Vernon and Esther sure knew how to pick out cute Christmas cards! You'll totally be able to cover that up! They are still a fabulous find. It all is! Love the lipton mugs! I think I might need to hunt some down.
    Sure hope Charlie feels better real soon!
    Erica :)

    1. That's for sure! I wonder what other vintage Christmas stuff Vernon & Esther had?

  5. Hi Sir and it's so nice to meet you! Oh, I've enjoyed seeing your finds and I love the Pyrex. My mother had lots when I was growing up and I had some many years ago and now I want it again! :) It's a little pricey around here now so I love to find a bargain. Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. Nice to meet you too, Shelia. :)

      Here's hoping that you find some cheap Pyrex! We only had the Homestead bowls growing up & the Spice of Life canisters.

  6. Hi Sir and it's so nice to meet you! Oh, I've enjoyed seeing your finds and I love the Pyrex. My mother had lots when I was growing up and I had some many years ago and now I want it again! :) It's a little pricey around here now so I love to find a bargain. Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. You totally need a log just for your Butterprint Pyrex. You ALWAYS seem to find it! I'm pretty sure that your BF and Hanna's husband would get along pretty well since he also HATES anything cool that Sister brings home.

    Glad to hear that Charlie is home. Good luck in the next couple of weeks.

    Hanna & I are off to our first ever auction this morning. This could get bad.....


    1. LOL WHY? Are you sick of seeing it on here?

      Don't spend too much at the auction... but here's hoping I get to see some amazing finds on your blog from this weekend!

  8. The log seems like a good idea, just remember to bring it with you ;) Love the glasses, they are so cool! Thanks for hosting.

    1. I always carry my bag, so it'll never leave my side!

  9. I love Glasbake mugs, especially turquoise. Cones and dogs recovering is a TOUGH job. Thanks for hosting.

    1. DAY TWO & I'm ready to throw in the towel LOL

      I am slowly going crazy 1,2,3,4,5,6 switch
      slowly am i going crazy..

  10. Those Cabbage Patch stickers take me back. I had some of those.

  11. Poor Charlie! I hope the little pooch feels better real soon!

    You totally need to send out those Christmas cards as-is; I mean, come on--one of the names is Esther Tester! You could always write in "and Jason & Doug" (or whatever) underneath.

    1. Thanks! & Esther Tester is a great name, I do have to give her that.

  12. It's great that everything went well with his procedure. Hopefully after two or three days the cone will become nothing more than a slight annoyance.
    I love the buttons you got! And those glasses are fabulous! Nice find!

  13. Gorgeous scores as always, I especially LOVE those grid cups. I hope your puppy is okay and recovers well!

  14. Hope you are getting through the day with 'cone' on the puppy. Thanks for hosting.

  15. love the Lipton Mugs, prefect cuppa soup size .now the important question: Chicken Noodle, or cream of mushroom?

  16. Awww... you know I love those glasses. And would have snatched them up and brought them home to add to the collection. :) I simply have no will power to walk away from good looking drinking glasses.

    1. LOL - I can tell.

      I have no will power when it comes to.. Pyrex, vintage cards, glasses... just a lot of things..

  17. Those glasses are awesome! I bought a couple of cool ones in the oppy today but trying not to collect them! I had a large collection years ago but sold them all in a garage sale and now they've started stalking me again!......

    1. Well it's always fun to buy! I'm not one to talk anybody out of buying anything, lol.

  18. Glad your pup is on the mend. I have a beagle,and so I know that ear stuff can be a challenge. I have been reading your blog for awhile now, this is my first time commenting. I really enjoy your posts, thanks!

  19. So many wonderful treasures! Glad to be linking up to Thriftasaurus. Love reading everyone's posts. Thanks for hosting!

    1. I'm here every Saturday - thank you for linking up!
