Saturday, May 11, 2013



Like last week, I didn't do much shopping. I'm still saving up for my trip in a couple weeks. I did make my boyfriend drive me to one of my favourite antique markets, where they had a black 503 fridgie last time. It was $40 & a discount of 25% off last time. I had considered buying it. I was going to reassess the fridgie.. spoil myself. I deserve it. In the market, they were having a 20% off sale - what luck! & they fridgie was still there, whoa! I check the price.. the seller changed it from $40 to $50, despite the storewide discount, I couldn't do it after they marked it up since last time I was there. 

& one funny thing, yesterday when we were getting out of the car at a thrift store, I told my boyfriend "I feel like I'm going to find some money soon.. but I feel like it's only going to be $5." Well, today walking home from work, at University & Dundas, $5 folded up on the ground. Cool, eh? 

This cookie jar is by Otagiri. You know, everyone says it's from the 1960's, it is Made In Japan, but I know that other Otagiri owl stuff is from the very early 1980's (according to a date piece of owl Otagiri I have). What do you think? 

Anyways, got this at a thrift & the thrift haul photo above, the turquoise snowflake ($2.99), both without lids. The Bake Serve & Store already has a lid. Give me awhile & so with the divided. 

Another motel keychain. Need more. 

I also got a Jello recipe book, just like one I've been looking for with original nasty recipes from the Jello mould boom. Although, it seems to have disappeared! And a set of mint condition Homestead cinderella bowls for under $7. IDK, future booth? Craigslist? Gift? We'll see.. 

Hoping you'll link up this week, so I can see what treasures you've found this week. 



  1. I would love to see a picture of your Pyrex collection! I'm always amazed at the amount you manage to find.

    1. I feel I just have quantity, not too much quality.. but that'll change. Soon.

      Hopefully, LOL.

  2. Owls are always such happy finds. Thanks for hosting, appreciate joining in.

  3. Thanks for hosting. I 'visited' an antiques reseller but only looked. Have a great week.

  4. Hmm Jello! Reb, from The Life Nostalgic recently did a post on recipes from a jello cookbook.
    Would love to see a pic of the book you picked up :)

    1. I can't find it! I am thinking it might have gotten thrown out somehow. It's the only thing that makes sense. I will check out the link. Thanks.

  5. I love that cookie jar! It's a keeper!

  6. The owl jar is awesome! And I've been looking for motel keys lately too, though I'm not sure why... Good score on the Homestead set. It's not my favorite pattern, but it is always a good seller in the booth. Non-collectors like it a lot I think.

    1. I'm not sure why we love them. The nostalgic value? Much more fun getting this than a boring credit card key. They are making remakes of these keychains for movies & stuff. How much do you price your Homestead sets in your booth? Do you find Old Orchard sells?

  7. Owl cookie jars are great! How do you display your collections? I would like a peek into your house!

    1. I've got 2 display cases, one from Ikea (only thing I could afford) & one small generic 2 shelf vintage one. Stuff is also on top of the fridge, pantry & cupboards. Waiting for more shelving. My house is not that exciting, most of it is stuffed in boxes awaiting our new, bigger home (once we get one) where it can be displayed prominently.

  8. It makes me sooo mad when they mark up the prices when a sale is going on like that. Grrr!

  9. Sucks about the fridgie. I wish there were somewhere we could post our Pyrex wish lists and then everyone would keep their eyes peeled for each other. Think of the amount of ground we could cover!

    1. Too many similar lists! & there are so many people who resell :(. I belong(ed) to a forum where people posted their thrifting wish list.. but just that one special thing & everyone was supposed to keep a lookout. I do wish there was something like that!

    2. But then maybe I'll know who I can pawn off Colonial Mist too & can buy it when I see it, lol

  10. The cookie jar is awesome! What is the name of the antique market?

    That's cool about the $5. My massage therapist once told me about a book that she thought would be good for me. I told her I was going to a library used book sale on the weekend. She told me to believe I would find the book...and I did! For $1. Haven't read it yet though. ;)

  11. My bet is that you will find the fridgie somewhere else for less! Thanks for hosting.

  12. Next time I want you to say "I think I'm going to find some cheap Pink Pyrex soon"! If you find it, I am making sure you get your own tv show:-)


  13. This is my first week posting on Thriftasaurus. I learned about it from Thrift Core, and I've been lurking for some time. Love the site, and I look forward to learning from all of you.


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