Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Joining Rednesday

Since I haven't been thrifting this week (yet, if I'm going to go at all), I've been shopping on eBay in my downtime. I'm linking up with It's A Very Cherry World for Rednesday with some of my favourite red finds of the week. 

buy it for me here.

 A beautiful set of vintage valentines (being all DUNCE is my fav) that I probably won't be able to afford.

buy it for me here.

Classic Valentines Day sticker. 

buy it for me here.


  1. I want some vintage Valentines too!!

  2. Those valentines are awesome! I hope someone buys them for you. I've found myself eBay shopping a lot lately too. I love that the app on my phone allows me to quickly see all my "watched" items. I haven't bought anything yet, but have been super tempted.

    1. I'm glad I don't have internet on my phone. I'd have eBay notifications on for everything (incase of BIN) & every spare second (bus, break) checking Kijiji or Craigslist for new vintage listings.

      Not a good idea.

  3. OMG, grody. I totally forgot about that word even though I used it in abundance back in the day. You need to find yourself some valentines. Have you given a big enough hint to your boyfriend? Maybe that is his plan for V-Day.


    1. LOL. It isn't. Trust me. He's clueless.

      I'll never forget grody. There was a girl in school & her last name was Rhody. She was grody. Grody Rhody. This was in the late '90s.

  4. This makes me wish I had some fun v-day swag to list, but I suppose I can do a red-theme! Hmmm.... :)

    1. I wish I had an abundance, so I could make a pretty penny this V-Day & finally take the plunge.
